Childcare options in Netherby

Netherby has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Netherby

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Stepping Stones @ Braebrook

Netherby - Ashburton

Stepping Stones @ Braebrook

Our team from Stepping Stones @ Braebrook work within our purpose built environment to guide your child to be curious, to learn and discover amongst their peers and to build strong meaningful relationships with their teachers.  Building social confidence within the setting of Stepping Stones @ Braebrook enables children to go to school more prepared and with more confidence. Our purpose built facility is an inviting and spacious environment where children are encouraged to seek new knowledge and skills every day. A great atmosphere indoors and out allows for both structured and free play during your child’s session. We want to guide your child to become a confident and competent learner.

Rhythms & Rituals

We believe in the importance of rhythm through out the day rather than the traditional use of routines. The rhythms and rituals of the day include special care moments shared with key teachers. Rhythms and rituals give children a sense of security and wellbeing. Our day is predictable yet flows, it’s not set in stone or inflexible but is able to be moulded for the needs of the children and their families.


Children are given the opportunity to explore different textures and create their own working theories. These working theories will help children to make sense of the world around them. Sensory exploration allows children to naturally use scientific processes while they play, create and explore. Children are curious and are given the opportunity to ask questions and explore their environment.

Physical Development

Children develop physically, refining their motor skills, developing agility and reaching developmental milestones. Children develop control of their bodies and gain confidence within themselves to take risks and actively explore their environment. Developing spatial awareness through their physical development allows children to understand personal space and how to navigate through their surroundings.

Licensed for

70 children

Childcare for every family

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