Childcare options in Clinton

Clinton has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Clinton

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Poupoutunoa Kindergarten

Clinton - Clinton

Poupoutunoa Kindergarten

Poupoutunoa Kindergarten is a community based Kindergarten located in the heart of Clinton. We are a rural based Kindergarten, with families attending from a wide surrounding area.
We are a new Kindergarten opened Monday 12th October, 2020. We offer quality education for children aged 6 months-6 years and we are open 50 weeks a year.

At Poupoutunoa Kindergarten we believe in fostering a strong sense of whanaungatanga, between, kaiako, parents/whanau, children and the wider community. Developing strong relationships supports children to settle into Kindergarten with ease and have the confidence to grow and learn. We view all children as learners, who all have a unique identity. Through intentional teaching we can support children in achieving the learning outcomes on their own individual learning journey and fostering a passion for learning.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Clinton Playcentre

Clinton - Clinton

Clinton Playcentre

Playcentre is unlike any other early childhood education organisation. At Playcentre, both children and their parents / caregivers attend.  

At Playcentre children get the opportunity to learn and explore in a fun and safe environment.  

The curiosity and creativity of our tamariki is nurtured in a way that allows them to learn about themselves and their world.  

Your child will be given a chance to explore, create, climb, read, sing, experiment, play music, wear costumes, have their face painted (or do it themselves!), garden, do carpentry with real tools, bake and cook, build sandcastles, swing, slide, dance, spend time in nature and get messy.  The activities change every day. 

Playcentre parents all bring different skills, interests, and cultural backgrounds to add to the rich learning environment.

Licensed for

25 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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