Childcare options in Culverden

Culverden has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Culverden

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Culverden Playcentre

Culverden - Culverden

Culverden Playcentre

Nau mai, haere mai and welcome to Culverden Playcentre

Playcentre is unlike any other early childhood education organisation. At Playcentre, both children and their parents / caregivers attend.

At Playcentre children get the opportunity to learn and explore in a fun and safe environment.

The curiosity and creativity of our tamariki is nurtured in a way that allows them to learn about themselves and their world.

Your child will be given a chance to explore, create, climb, read, sing, experiment, play music, wear costumes, have their face painted (or do it themselves!), garden, do carpentry with real tools, bake and cook, build sandcastles, swing, slide, dance, spend time in nature and get messy.

The activities change every day. Playcentre parents all bring different skills, interests, and cultural backgrounds to add to the rich learning environment.

We welcome families with children aged 0 – 6 years. Mixed age play allows your children to engage with others older and younger than themselves. Pre-schoolers learn how to communicate, share and negotiate with empathy for their younger peers.

At Playcentre, families come together and lifelong friendships are formed.

We welcome you to visit any time during the year. You are entitled to three free visits so come and check out what we do – we would love to meet you and your family!

Licensed for

25 children

A picture of Polkadots Preschool

Culverden - Culverden

Polkadots Preschool


A place for children to find joy in active discovery every day. A place where authentic learning occurs through play, and children develop a true sense of belonging within community, whānau and whakapapa.


Polkadots Preschool embraces a play based philosophy where learning is fun.

Our philosophy respects our founding document ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ (The treaty of Waitangi) and is underpinned by the vision of ‘Te Whariki’ (our curriculum).

Children are nurtured, respected and acknowledged as individuals, and we recognise the mana and diversity each child brings to our learning environment.

Learning experiences are based on children’s interests, and all aspects of a child’s growth and development are considered.

Teachers engage in authentic interactions and empower children to be confident and curious learners, and communicators.

We believe active and meaningful exploration in an environment rich in opportunities to: converse, socialise, work, play and negotiate with others, is a high quality learning environment.

We promote strong, meaningful, reciprocal relationships with our families/whanau, local schools and our rural community, enabling smooth transition within Polkadots and to schools.

Our Nursery Offers

  • A fun nurturing programme, with opportunities for inquisitive infants and toddlers to explore and play alongside their and interact with their peers.
  • Empathetic and caring teachers who support the learning and emotional needs of each child.
  • A transition to Preschool programme providing a supportive and smooth movement between rooms, allowing children to bond with their new key teacher.

Our Preschool Offers

  • A stimulating environment inspiring children to develop knowledge and skills based on their interests and abilities.
  • opportunities for each child to develop their imagination and sense of creativity, within our spacious indoor and outdoor areas.
  • An educational based programme with group times and daily routines for children to become immersed in learning with and alongside friends.

Our Prep Room Offers

  • A focused learning space for four and a half year old children, to support their transition into formal learning at primary school.
  • A structured programme where essential literacy and numeracy knowledge are extended and built upon through written exercises, puzzles, games, information sharing, art, research, dance and music.
  • Children are empowered to take responsibility and become more independent and confident throughout all daily experiences.

Licensed for

55 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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