Childcare options in Glenbervie

Glenbervie has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Glenbervie

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Kingdom Kidz

Glenbervie - Glenbervie

Kingdom Kidz

Kingdom Kidz is an Early Childhood Centre based in Whangarei. We specialise in the quality care and education of your most precious children aged 3 months to 6 years. We invite you to take a look around our website, check out our breathtaking facilities, and leading education program, so you too can see why people rave about Kingdom Kidz. 

Delivering a quality environment & program to stimulate and encourage children to reach their full potential.

Kingdom Kidz Mission Statement

Kingdom Kidz will be a safe, accepting and fun learning environment, that will care for and nurture your child, equipping them with the skills they need for their exciting future.

Our Centre Philosophy contains the following values:

Core Values

We believe that children’s learning should be based on a foundation of core values. Our vision for teaching and learning is based on Christian Values incorporating opportunities to promote healthy self-images, exhibiting respect, kindness and a consideration of others.

Empowerment and Potential

We want the children to believe their thinking and learning has no limits. To heighten the children’s enthusiasm about learning, much of our program will be child initiated, incorporating the Reggio Emila principals of an Emergent Curriculum (one that builds upon the interest of the children), Project work (an in-depth study of concepts, ideas and interests), and assessment of learning (to evaluate and document children’s learning and to improve on the quality of program and curriculum offered) which works in partnership with parents and whanau. Kingdom Kidz will be an inclusive environment, where children’s sense of identity and feelings of belonging are fostered, where family are involved and where all voices are heard.


We believe that play is important and valuable learning. We believe our energy and positive attitudes as educators can influence, inspire and empower children in their individual and unique learning journey. We wish to promote an environment where children are immersed in a learning process that explores and challenges ideas, promotes investigative thinking, and embraces child initiated learning.

Licensed for

50 children

Childcare for every family

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