Childcare options in Hikurangi

Hikurangi has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Hikurangi

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Hikurangi Educare

Hikurangi - Hikurangi

Hikurangi Educare

Educare Hikurangi is located directly across from the Hikurangi Rugby Club and is the previous site of the local Kōhanga Reo with a spacious outdoor exploration area for the tamariki.

Sitting under Hikurangi maunga, our centre reflects and supports our rural community and the special culture of Hikurangi.

We are situated right next to our local tennis court and across the road from the Hikurangi rugby club, which provides us with plenty of opportunities to get out and about in our local area and enjoy lots of physical exploration.

Our centre boasts a very spacious and beautiful outdoor area, which is centred around nature and supporting our tamariki to explore their interests freely.

The needs and interests of our tamariki are at the heart of our programme planning and we work in partnership with our centre whānau to provide the best care and education for each individual tamaiti.

We work in partnership with local schools in a successful transition to school programme.

Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Hikurangi Kindergarten

Hikurangi - Hikurangi

Hikurangi Kindergarten

We are a semi-rural kindergarten that offers a full day model for 30 children.

This Kindergarten has three qualified and registered teachers with current First Aid Certificates and an Office Administrator who works 9am-2pm Mon, Thurs and Friday. We have a lunch cover teacher who works between 11.45 and 1.45pm each day.

We have been operating an All Year Model since 2020, where we will be open through the majority of the school holidays, closing for one week in April for maintenance.

Our Kindergarten operates an open door policy, so drop in next time you are in the neighbourhood and meet the team.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Three Little Birds - Hikurangi

Hikurangi - Hikurangi

Three Little Birds - Hikurangi

Three Little Birds - Hikurangi is a childcare centre in Hikurangi. We are licensed for 25 children.

Licensed for

25 children

Childcare for every family

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Popular features for Hikurangi childcare centres