Childcare options in Lyttelton

Lyttelton has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Lyttelton

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Busy C's Preschool Lyttelton

Lyttelton - Lyttelton

Busy C's Preschool Lyttelton


Busy C’s is an Enviro-preschool where we encourage a connection to and respect of the environment through sustainable practices. Our philosophy is based on whanaungatanga-positive and collaborative relationships between tamariki (children), whānau (families), kaiako (teachers), and the wider community.

We value manaakitanga by providing a welcoming, caring, nurturing environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity. We respect tikanga and are committed to the future of te reo Māori as a living language of Aotearoa NZ. We encourage enquiring minds through child led, play based learning, extended and supported by 100% qualified kaiako. We acknowledge all tamariki are capable, confident and competent learners.



Our kaiako in the Under Two area are experienced and qualified to care for and support tamariki from 3 months to two years of age. This smaller space provides a nurturing and safe environment for your little ones to explore and grow.

With a higher kaiako/tamaiti (teacher/child) ratio we can meet the specific needs of your tamaiti and accommodate individual sleeping and eating requirements.


(Free govt funded hours available for 3 & 4 year olds)

Our Over Two area provides the next step in ngā tamariki learning journey. This area accommodates tamariki from age 2 through to 6. Again our kaiako are all qualified and experienced to support and inspire learning and development through a child-led, play-based philosophy, based on the Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whāriki .

The larger spaces allow your child the freedom to grow and develop, while achieving the learning outcomes that will set them up for life.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Kidsfirst Kindergartens Lyttelton

Lyttelton - Lyttelton

Kidsfirst Kindergartens Lyttelton

Nestled in the scenic town of Lyttelton, Kidsfirst Lyttelton provides a vibrant and sustainable learning experience for children aged 2-5 years and their families. As an active participant in the Enviroschools programme, the kindergarten emphasizes environmental education and instills a sense of responsibility for the world we live in. The expansive outdoor area, situated on a hill, offers various levels for play and learning, blending cultivated and wild spaces to cater to different age groups and skill levels. Through engaging in physical challenges, children develop confidence and a positive self-image. They also take an active role in caring for the environment, participating in gardening activities, feeding birds during winter, and utilizing rainwater for the sandpit. Every aspect of the outdoor environment serves as a valuable teaching and learning tool, with an abundance of natural resources available for children to explore and incorporate into their play. The kindergarten places a strong emphasis on minimizing plastic use, reusing resources whenever possible, and maintaining a safe and clean environment through daily checks conducted by the children themselves.

Licensed for

30 children

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