Childcare options in Mangonui

Mangonui has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Mangonui

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Busy Bees Coopers Beach

Mangonui - Mangonui

Busy Bees Coopers Beach

At Busy Bees, we value every child and see them as unique and a special taonga. We understand that your child’s education and care is a priority and that choosing the right centre can be a big decision. We would be delighted to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to call or visit anytime.

We are open 8:00am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Our Environment

We are a small centre located near the beach in a tight-knit community. We believe that as an early learning centre, we have an important part to play in our local community and a very special opportunity to positively impact the lives of our young tamariki in their early stages of development. Tamariki, whānauand our kaiako are welcomed into an inclusive, warm, fun, respectful and supportive environment that views children as capable, confident learners.

Our environment is made up of 2 separate areas within our premises; Te Ruma Pipi [The Pipi Room] 0-2 years, a small shell settling into its new environment and beginning to learn and grow. When it comes time for our Pipi tamariki to flourish and grow into a bigger ‘shell’ they will then become a Paua and join Te Ruma Paua [The Paua Room] 2-5 years. Our outdoor areas are ruma, are tailored to each age and stage of learning and development, they offer a range of equipment and resources which promote active exploration, thinking and reasoning along with turn-taking, experimentation, challenges and fun as they learn what their bodies are capable of.

Our indoor environment offers areas to enjoy music and movement, paint like van Gogh, create, imagine & discover with collage & loose parts, construct towers, bake with friends, role play in the family corner, do a puzzle or read a book in our quiet nook. A place for fun, laughter, questions, curiosity, imagination, challenge, involvement, companionship, and love.

We aim to work alongside our tamariki and whānau using the surrounding environment as the third teacher. We value open communication and teamwork to foster whakawhanaungatanga, mana whānau - belonging, whakamana - empowerment and kotahitanga - holistic development.

Van & Excursions

We proudly operate our own Busy Bees centre van, allowing us to help support our centre whānau who require assistance with transport to and from the centre. We also utilise this awesome resource for excursions out and about in our local community, which are always fantastic learning opportunities!

Licensed for

56 children

Childcare for every family

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