Childcare options in Rongotea

Rongotea has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Rongotea

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Te Kawau Playcentre

Rongotea - Rongotea

Te Kawau Playcentre

At Te Kawau Playcentre we run mixed aged sessions from Monday to Thursday where anyone can attend from ages birth to six. Friday’s are our special ‘lunchbox club’ sessions run for our 4 – 6 year olds. These sessions are more structured in order to prepare the Tamariki for the classroom environment and they all bring along lunch to eat together at this session.

Te Kawau Playcentre aims to provide something for everyone. We base our play around 16 key areas; family play, science, art/collage, outside play, music, carpentry, clay, play dough, paint, blocks, cooking, sand, water and books/library. We love to extend the interests of the Tamariki and venture on many outings ranging from a simple bike ride or walk or stroll with the doll prams around the block, walks to the local sale yards, visits to the local school pet days and productions as well as adventures further afield like the beach, bush walks at Mt Lee’s or the Manawatu gorge walk and visits to Te Manawa, to name a few.

Te Kawau Playcentre recognises parents as the best first teachers and our philosophy is strongly focused around children learning through their own initiated play. We have trained ECE educators on session as well as a parent help roster system to ensure a fun and safe environment for our Tamariki. We are government funded and operate under ECE licensing and we also follow the early Childhood curriculum of Te Whariki.

You are entitled to 3 free no obligation visits and we encourage you to come along on different days to see what works for you and your family.

Licensed for

30 children

Childcare for every family

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