Childcare options in Te Anau

Te Anau has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Te Anau

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Fiordland Kindergarten

Te Anau - Te Anau

Fiordland Kindergarten

Fiordland Kindergarten is an integral part of the Te Anau community. We provide a friendly, relaxed and welcoming meeting place for families to establish relationships, have a voice and be involved. 

Our aim is to develop happy, social, enquiring, empathetic children who are motivated to learn. 

Our indoor and outdoor environments are places for exploration and learning, incorporating natural materials reflective of where we live. 

We teach children to value and respect To Matou Wahi Ahi Kaa/Our Special Place including its people, its history and the natural environment. Through this they develop a sense of pride and belonging. 

We use the wider community to help implement this learning, inviting members of the community to visit us and getting out into the community to interact and explore outside the classroom. 

We encourage children to express the knowledge they have gained through dramatic play and artwork. 

Technology is integrated within our programmes, and used to link children with their families and the wider world through blogging, skyping and emails. 

Our kindergarten operates a full year model and only closes for three weeks over the Christmas/New Year period. To find out more and arrange a time to meet our friendly team, please contact us.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Blue Duck Early Learning Centre - Te Anau

Te Anau - Te Anau

Blue Duck Early Learning Centre - Te Anau

Why Choose Us

Individualised learning programme

At Blue Duck, each child has an individual development plan created which is based on their specific needs, their interests and dispositions. They are also involved in group project work which is based on the age groups collective interests. The plans are updated every few months to meet the changing needs and level that your child is at.

Purpose-built, new centre

Our centre has beautiful indoor spaces and outdoor play areas that meet the developmental needs of the children. Three separate rooms focus on providing quality infant care, toddler transitioning and a preschool programme. Our Indoor and Outdoor space well exceeds the Ministry of Education’s requirement of space per child.

Flexible and affordable options for parents

Our fees are affordable and give you choice, we have a flexible holiday and sickness policy and we are open on school holidays and through to 6 pm, We also offer a true and transparent 20 Hours free for 3 and 4 years.

Exciting outdoor programme

Our programme is devised so it stimulates the children’s imagination and their sense of fun and adventure, while also developing emerging critical skills like navigating obstacles and problem-solving. We want them to be able to engage with their curiosity, make connections and learn.

Fabulous home cooked meals

Meals are prepared fresh each day by our wonderful cook. We follow a nutritious menu that includes all food types with each day introducing different tastes and textures for our youngsters. Each day our children are provided with lots of fresh fruit and a range of vegetarian and meat-based lunches. If your child has special eating needs, come and talk to us and we can create a menu to suit.

Licensed for

65 children

A picture of The Key Playcentre

Te Anau - Te Anau

The Key Playcentre

Come and join us at our friendly, rural Playcentre.  

Our centre has fantastic resources and is placed right in the heart of the farming community, next door to Mararoa School.  Inside we have a wide collection of puzzles, games, paints, books, arts and crafts.  We enjoy lots of dress ups, music and baking.  

Outside we have a garage full of play equipment, big sandpit and carpentry table.  Our children enjoy lots of messy play.  We have an edible/sensory garden area with a dry riverbed and lots of fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetable plants. 

We have regular excursions around the Te Anau basin and sometimes further afield.  

We are located on the main highway 20 minutes from Te Anau, come for a visit, we would love to see you!

Licensed for

22 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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