Childcare options in Clendon

Clendon has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Clendon

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Kauri Kids Clendon


4.89 (3)

Clendon - Auckland

Kauri Kids Clendon

This centre is CLOSED

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Barnardos Early Learning Centre Clendon

Clendon - Auckland

Barnardos Early Learning Centre Clendon

Clendon Early Learning Centre is a diverse, spacious and stimulating environment where your child will be inspired to learn through their natural curiosities.

  • Our spacious outdoor environment has a huge sandpit that the tamariki love to use for their creations and experiments and we even have our very own whare made from punga logs.
  • Located right next door to Clendon Park, we love to go over and kick a ball around, splash in the puddles after rain or have a picnic under the shade of the trees.
  • Each child’s individual nature and uniqueness is embraced and celebrated by our nurturing and caring teaching team.


Our aim is to create the best conditions for your child's learning, wellbeing and care. We also know how important it is to give you the convenience you need and reassurance that your child is in safe hands. Our loving team and tailored environment are all waiting to be discovered by your family/whānau.

Nutritious meals, affordable fees and Storypark - our online parent communication tool, are just some of the ways we try to make things a little easier for parents. Local excursions and fun activities are just the beginning when it comes to being the best we can be for your child.

Engaging environment

Our happy and nurturing environment will inspire, stimulate and empower your child to learn in their own unique way. The large outdoor spaces challenge and excite the imagination, while our spacious and light filled indoor areas offer room for reading, rest, and engaging indoor learning experiences. Our children love painting, waiata and the many play areas they have to discover.

Connecting with the outdoors

We only know who we are, by knowing where we come from. That's why building a strong connection with nature and our local community is so important. We believe it helps your child develop a sense of belonging and identity and positively influences their learning experiences.

Nutrition and wellbeing

We strive to provide nutritious and delicious meals and snacks to support physical and mental development. We encourage healthy eating habits and offer a balanced menu to keep your child well fueled throughout the day. The children also love being involved and we use the vegetables and herbs we grow, in our meals.

Your child will enjoy:

  • Breakfast
  • Morning snack
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon snack

Our centre is nut free and we're happy to cater for any allergy or other dietary requirements as required.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Clendon Christian Preschool

Clendon - Auckland

Clendon Christian Preschool

Our vision is love God, love people, love learning.

We believe in being Christ-like in our words and actions.

We believe in serving our multi-cultural families and whanau.

All tamariki are welcome from all backgrounds and faiths.

We believe in building friendships and partnerships with all who enter here.

Family events play an important part in our preschool

We believe in motivating, building, and supporting our tamariki in their educational learning journey towards school.

We support tamariki learning through age-related programs: Fantastic 2s (2-3 years) Busy 3s (3-4), Trans4mers (4-4½) and Amazing Ants (4½-up to 6th birthday)

Clendon Christian Preschool is at 83 Maplesden Drive, Clendon. We take children from 2-5 years.  3-5 year olds are free for 30 hours per week.

Licensed for

80 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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