Childcare options in Favona

Favona has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Favona

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Wonderland Learning Centre

Favona - Auckland

Wonderland Learning Centre

Wonderland offers a caring, safe, homely environment for children. At Wonderland, parents/whānau and teachers work in partnership by building genuine relationships to support and guide children’s learning and development. 

We believe that teaching is from the heart and all children are cared for in a safe, secure, stimulating, and challenging environment in an atmosphere conductive to the development of healthy and happy children.

At Wonderland, teaching and learning is a collaborative and holistic process engaged in through play. We encourage and nurture children’s learning through their interests and strengths. Learning environments are thoughtfully planned for to provoke imagination, creativity, exploration, and inquiry.  

We respect children as unique and special individuals who are competent and confident learners and communicators. We encourage children to build responsive and reciprocal relationships with peers and adults, which show respect and care for each other. 

We value and respect Maori and Pasifika cultures, and we provide an environment that promotes a sense of belonging, strong sense of cultural identity and teaching and learning that is holistic.

We value and respect tangata whenua, acknowledging the principles of Te tiriti o Waitangi in our daily practice. Te reo and tikanga is living and thriving and we encompass Pasifika values, identity, and languages. We embrace Te Whāriki and are committed to supporting all children ‘to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society’.

At Wonderland, we encourage talanoa, working collaboratively to ensure the wairua of our people and spaces remain healthy and nurtured. We are committed to support all children’s learning, working together with parents and whānau, we provide meaningful learning experiences which ensure independent children, who are healthy in mind (hinengaro), body (tinana) and spirit (wairua).

Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Buds & Blooms Childcare Centre - Favona

Favona - Auckland

Buds & Blooms Childcare Centre - Favona

Our Buds & Blooms Favona childcare centre has great accessibility, located on Mahunga Drive, Auckland, close to the Walmsley Road offramp. Our beautiful purpose built Centre is well-resourced, light and a home away from home for our families and tamariki. We provide Education and Care for children from 3 months-6 years. With separate rooms for our infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers, each space is tailored to the age and stage of each child.

Our qualified teachers reflect the multi-cultural nature of our community. They are passionate about providing rich learning opportunities and a fun, engaging environment where children are nurtured to grow and develop into their full God-given potential. We encourage and celebrate each child’s cultural background, ensure every child has a key teacher who knows them well and we work closely with our families to, as it is very important to us that every child feels a strong sense of belonging here.

There is something special about our Centre and we know that when you come and visit us, you will feel it too. We hope to see you soon!

Licensed for

60 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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