Childcare options in Flat Bush

Flat Bush has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Flat Bush

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Hand and Hand Early Learning Centre - Flat Bush


Flat Bush - Auckland

Hand and Hand Early Learning Centre - Flat Bush

Welcome to Hand and Hand Early Learning Centre Flatbush.

Located close to Botany and Botany Junction, our beautiful, purpose-built centre is situated within Mission Heights Primary School zone. Thanks to this convenient geographical location we are able to provide regular school visits for those children who are about to start school. Aside from the obvious excitement, those transition visits facilitate children to grow a sense of belonging in their new learning environment and help them settle smoothly within the new school routines and teachers.

Children are supported for a successful transition to school through our carefully constructed Kura (School) Curriculum, designed to ensure you child is set for success in their education journey.

With guidance and supervision from our registered teachers, every child in our Big Hands (Preschool) room has the opportunity to learn and acquire the skills and knowledge that could help them stay one-step ahead of others at primary school.

Our Little Hands room is designed to meet the learning and developmental needs of our toddlers, who are mastering independence and developing their social competence. This room shares a large outdoor space with the Big Hands children, providing lots of opportunity to explore, challenge themselves and learn from their older peers.

The Tiny Hands room is a safe haven for children under 2. Care routines and supporting physical development are an important part of the curriculum in this room, with the environment designed and resourced to meet the needs of children beginning to move and gain mastery over their bodies.

Our menus are thoughtfully planned by our Centre Chef and approved by the Healthy Heart Foundation to ensure your child is provided with wholesome nutritious meals and snacks for their growing bodies.

We provide regular excursions in our ‘Little Explorers’ van to a variety of community sites to extend children’s interests and provide new opportunities for learning.

We also bring the community to the centre, with regular events to enhance our curriculum and support our teachers in providing new experiences for children.

With our open door policy you are welcome to pop in any time for a visit and to learn more about how Hand and Hand can support your child’s early learning.

We look forward to meeting you.

Licensed for

59 children

A picture of Just Kidz Flatbush

4.78 (3)

Flat Bush - Auckland

Just Kidz Flatbush

Just Kidz Flatbush is a new, purpose built centre licensed for 73 children. It is a beautiful, light and modern environment, extremely well equipped with new and exciting resources. We aim to create a welcoming and nurturing environment that provides stimulating and safe learning spaces, where children can become confident and competent learners.

Our dynamic teaching team are skilled professionals who are passionate about the care and education of young children.

We promote responsive, reciprocal and respectful relationships between children, teachers and families/whānau. Each child is accepted as unique. Our programme fosters children’s natural curiosity, building on their interests to develop individualised learning programmes and empowering children to learn and grow. At Just Kidz Flatbush we welcome, recognise and celebrate all cultures.

The Koru room is the learning space where our infants are nurtured. The Koru is said to represent new beginnings and growth.

Care is a big part of the curriculum in this age group and individual routines are followed. Time and effort is given to build loving and respectful relationships with each child and family.

The Rangahau room is the learning space for our toddlers. Rangahau means investigate.

Learning the importance of boundaries, routines, trust and respect are key here. Gaining skills for independence and self-discovery are important.

The Hiringa room is the learning space for our eldest learners. Hiringa means perseverance, energy, determination and inspiration.

The focus for this age group is self-help skills, social competence, self-confidence, numeracy and literacy. A holistic approach ensuring children are prepared to continue their learning journey when they leave for primary school.

Licensed for

73 children

A picture of BestStart Murphys Park

Flat Bush - Auckland

BestStart Murphys Park

BestStart Murphy's Park is a brand new early learning centre providing quality education and care for children up until they go to primary school.

Belong, Believe and Be yourself

If you believe in sense of belonging, believe in your child and believe that your child can take a lead of their learning by just be him/herself, then come and visit us to know more about it as we share the same vision as you.

Murphys Park is an authentically beautiful, purpose-built boutique centre where we welcome children and their whānau to our respectful and supportive learning environment where their sense of belonging, uniqueness and cultural heritage is acknowledged, celebrated, and sustained by a professional, experienced and friendly teaching team.

We believe that for having a great sense of belonging, relationships are vital, hence we provide the learning environment where children can experience positive relationship building through child-led space where they can make choices, take challenges, explore ideas and the natural world around them, and at the same time feel nurtured, safe, and well cared for, within a play-based context. For us, every child is genuinely capable, creative, and inquisitive with infinite potential.  Our children are at the forefront of everything we do here, and we genuinely believe in our children and in their potential and capability to take the lead of their learning and to develop their own learning theories with the support of their parents and teachers.

For children’s long-term success and achievement, we work in collaboration with parents/whānau by involving them in their child’s learning and development journey.

Our beautiful centre is divided in five age-appropriate rooms, each tailored to meet the needs of children at every age and stage of learning.

Our learning journey starts from our precious Piwakawaka room, which is dedicated to infants from 3months to 1 year old. Having a separate room allows for our Pepi to explore, learn, grow and develop at their own pace within an environment designed and catered towards their current abilities and development by a primary caregiver.

Our Kiwi room can take tamariki from 1 year to 2 years old. At this delicate stage, our under2’s toddlers are quite observant and nurturing adults who will respond to their needs. We have individual and group plans to support our tamariki’s physical, social and language development.

Our Kea room is specifically designed for our curious explorers aged 2-3 years. The purpose-built room will thoroughly support the learning and development of toddlers through a rich supply of resources. The environment will support the development of peer friendships during these early years which will set up a strong foundation for our toddlers.

Our Pukeko room is specially designed for our active explorer 3-4years old, where we provide more educational challenges than other rooms while still within a play base fun and age-appropriate setting. We focus on teaching them to take responsibility for their own learning by taking a lead and by providing a stimulating and challenging environment to explore, experiment, discover and to develop problem-solving skills in an imaginative, supportive and playful way.

Our Tui room is specifically for children who are about to start school. They are supported in discovering creative and critical thought processes and are provided with stimulating, challenging and purposeful experiences that introduce children to early concepts of maths, science, art, reading and other curriculum areas. Our Be school ready programme help children to become familiar with the new routines they will find at primary school, like mat-time, managing their lunchbox, self-help skills, taking care of their personal belongings and how to use a pencil properly so they can progress their writing skills, as well as developing essential skills in communicating with others.

All our rooms are equipped with high quality, focused resources designed to spark curious minds and to connect them to the natural world around them. Our internal environment is connected to different age-specific challenging outdoor areas, to encourage physical outdoor learning for children.  The outdoor area is inviting, challenging and provide different curriculum areas for children to learn and explore & be themselves.

We understand that choosing an early childhood centre is a big decision. We assure you that you and your child will enjoy your time with us. Visit us today to know more about our Unique centre.

Licensed for

100 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Flat Bush childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Flat Bush

A picture of BestStart Baverstock Oaks

Flat Bush - Auckland

BestStart Baverstock Oaks

At BestStart Baverstock Oaks, our teachers are here to ensure your child’s success in each and every step of the way! 

Parents are a vital part of centre life and families are involved in various events throughout the year. Well-balanced nutritious meals (including cultural and allergy sensitive meals) are provided by our onsite chef. Our Healthy Heart Gold award menu and physical activity programme promotes the health and wellbeing of our children. 

Our goal is to provide an education facility and programme to ensure a complete and holistic learning experience for children of different ages and developmental stages. Our practice reflects the multicultural heritage of our community, and our indoor and outdoor experiences are an integral part of our programme and routine.  

Acorns Room

In the Acorns room we have a mixture of young infants and crawling babies. We develop warm, responsive relationships with our children and our practice recognises children’s autonomy, and capabilities. Infants have a primary caregiver who gets to know the child and family needs, and follows home routines.  Our experienced teachers plan exciting and challenging learning opportunities and environments to stimulate young minds.

Budding Branches Room

The children are offered lots of fun and challenging experiences every day. Our very skilled and experienced teachers work closely with the children to help them develop social and self-help skills as well as starting their early literacy and numeracy learning. The teachers are also very experienced in helping children during toilet learning to ensure that they are fully competent and capable when they move to Tall Oaks room.

Tall Oaks Room

This is the room where children are further encouraged for their sense of wonder, self-help and social skills. They are introduced to some key learning skills to explore and research areas of interest. We do many “school-like” activities in this room (including lunchbox for 4 ½+ year olds). The teaching team incorporate different teaching methods and strategies in our daily activities to further children’s early literacy and numeracy, ensuring that all the children build a solid foundation for the formal learning experience at school.

We love “Play”! At BestStart Baverstock Oaks, we provide fun and exciting learning experiences that put a smile on everyone’s face. We believe play is central to young children’s learning and development, children’s interest drives our programme focus, and we work very closely with parents as partners to explore ways to extend children’s learning. Our parents are a part of whanau, and we work with our families as partners together.  

Our teaching programme is based on values of respect, responsibility and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. We have three dedicated rooms caring for children of different age and developmental stages. Each room has their specially designed indoor and outdoor areas, and the teaching team in each room implements teaching methods and strategies that best suit children of different interests and needs. Our programme follows Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Curriculum) and BestStart’s unique Be School Ready initiative. 

Come visit us and experience our Centre life!  

BestStart是新西兰最大的幼儿教育机构,我们服务于新西兰幼儿教育行业已经有22 年了。在全国各地,我们有270多家幼儿园以及众多具有新西兰幼儿教育资质的教师。BestStart的所有幼儿园都隶属总部直接管理,因此我们拥有一支强大的教育领导团队确保和提高每个BestStart幼儿园的教育质量。

我们采用的新西兰早教教材- Te Whāriki是享誉世界的。在新西兰,儿童早期教育提倡孩子从玩中学习,注重孩子个人的喜好和发展,由孩子自己决定想要学什么以及怎么学,从而使他们逐渐形成适合自己的学习方法。众多著名的研究报告表明,教会了孩子掌握知识的方法才更有可能使他们在以后的学习和成长过程中赢得成功。这个短片就是向您简单介绍一下,在我们BestStart幼儿园孩子们是怎么样从玩中学习的。

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

100 children

A picture of JeMMa's Home-Based Flat Bush

Flat Bush - Auckland

JeMMa's Home-Based Flat Bush

JeMMa’s Home-based Education and Childcare was founded on the belief that early childhood education plays a major role in a child’s ability to develop skills and learn throughout life. 

As a kindergarten teacher, Jenny Tyrrell could see that children who had a focus of learning whilst in a home environment appeared better equipped to learn in the future. As well as this, children who were well socialised with other children of different ages appeared to cope better than others. 

It was those two key observations which cemented her belief; that a child, learning with other children, in a homebased environment rather than an institutional environment, was the best way to go. And that’s how JeMMa’s started. The name is derived from a combination of the two directors names, Jenny and Martin. 

At JeMMa’s we believe that home-based education and care is the next best alternative to learning at home with Mum or Dad 

Children who learn in a comfortable home-based environment seem to develop strong problem solving, social and learning skills. Because they are in a comfortable, uncrowded environment children they get the chance to develop and learn at steady pace with all the help they need. 

JeMMa’s children receive lots of one-on-one time with their educator, as well as interaction with other children in different age groups. These are two core components in the development of happy, energetic, sharing, respectful, thoughtful, problem solving and fun loving kids. 

Our Philosophy 

JeMMa’s is a quality privately owned family focused Homebased Education and Childcare Service that is committed to ensuring that all children, parents, whānau and kaiako are welcomed and encouraged to play an active role in promoting positive outcomes for our learners. We are guided and inspired by Te Whāriki our early childhood curriculum which encourages us to appreciate that children come into the world eager to learn and we see this as a privilege where we can work in partnership with children, parents and whānau to empower our learners through responsive engaging environments and experiences where they can reach their highest potential and develop an enthusiasm for ongoing learning. 

Building and sustaining quality learning focused relationships with everyone is the essence to who are and what believe is valuable for outcomes for children and their ongoing wellbeing and development. Our nurturing relationships will be underpinned through our Christian values and connection with people within our service and our wider communities.  Our environments will embrace cultural diversity of Aotearoa and our commitment to Te Tiriti O Waitangi will be authentic. 

We view all children as unique learners where they will have endless opportunities to learn through play and develop a range of knowledge, skills, and learning dispositions. This will spark children’s independence, urge to lead their own learning, social skills, curiosity, creativity, discovery, ability to express themselves and things that are important to them. Our kaiako will dedicate quality time with our children where they will nurture those in the moment opportunities and offer the guidance, support, and encouragement that our learners need to blossom and thrive. 

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Li'l Champs Educare- Montessori Childcare - Flat Bush

Flat Bush - Auckland

Li'l Champs Educare- Montessori Childcare - Flat Bush

Our newest centre opened its doors January 2016. Located off Ormiston Road (on Shepherds Lane) in a stunning country setting, Li’l Champs has spacious rural views and a large outdoor play area. Its unique location enjoys the benefit of being located in a countryside transition area, whilst being a stone’s throw across the neighborhood from Flatbush, Dannemora, Whitford, Maraetai and Beachlands.

This beautiful purpose built centre is spacious and light, with two separate learning areas – one for infants & toddlers, and the other for the preschool children aged 3-6.

Our preschool room proudly offers the Montessori programme.

About Lil champs

At Li’l Champs we value quality over quantity so we prefer to keep our numbers low (between 45-60) enabling us to enjoy a personal relationship with you and your family.

We place children at the heart of all we do, ensuring they enjoy a nurturing environment in which to grow and learn.

Our programmes are responsive to children’s interests and passions,supporting them as they unfold developmentally at their own pace.

Because we believe all children should have access to high quality early childhood experiences, we maintain competitive rates within our communities.

Our teaching strategies are strongly influenced by the Montessori philosophy, encouraging children to be independent and confident learners.

The Lil Champs Story

A group of family-owned and operated licensed Early Childhood centres, Li’l Champs is committed to ensuring your child has the best start to life possible.

From our humble beginnings with a single centre in Blockhouse Bay (2012) we have grown both in numbers and in experience. We opened our second centre in Papatoetoe (2014) and our third & which includes a Montessori Preschool & in Mission Heights (2016). Our journey continues as we work to bring the Li& l Champs experience to other communities.

Through our growth, the focus has always remained on the children – as they are at the heart of all we do – and we remain true to the guiding principles of our organization . . . love, laughter, learning.

We value respect, team work, fun, friendship, integrity, family, fairness and trust and work with our staff and families to uphold these values at all times.

Our Aim

We aim to provide your family with best early childhood care and education experience possible.

Working in partnership with parents, whanau and our communities – we place children at the heart of all we do.

By maintaining small-sized centres, we provide intimate settings where children get individual focus and attention, helping them grow.

Licensed for

55 children

A picture of BestStart Flat Bush

Flat Bush - Manukau

BestStart Flat Bush

BestStart Flatbush is a community centre that Flatbush families love being part of. BestStart children flourish in the stimulating learning environment. BestStart Flatbush offers sessions, short days, and full-day options both part-time or full time. Come in to see how we can help your child become an independent, confident learner. ERO has rated BestStart Flat Bush in the top 7% of New Zealand childcare centres providing positive learning outcomes for children

Ready for Learning, Ready for Life

When entering Beststart Flatbush you feel the sense of connection and purpose. Strong relationships with each child and parent ensures that our learners are supported at each stage of their development. Our experienced teachers get to know each child and identify their learning dispositions as well as parent aspirations for their child’s learning. Using the NZ early learning curriculum, Te Whaaraki, teachers plan learning experiences to grow curious discoverers and support the children’s interests.

Wandering into the Pepe Room (infants up to 2 yrs) you will find a loving, nuturing space that feels like home away from home. Each infant’s care routines are supported and their interests stimulated through many interesting activities. The large, safe play area is the backdrop for endless adventures as the infants grow into capable toddlers.

Our curious and bright toddlers in the Koru Room (2-3 yrs) are working hard learning about the world. Discovering with their senses means getting messy and hands on – waterplay, gloop, art supplies. It may look like play however our Koru learners are busy building social skills to understand how their world works alongside others.  They are encouraged to make choices within a safe and protective environment.

At the other end of the building are the incredible preschoolers. The 3-4 yr olds in the Nikau room are building their confidence and self help skills through daily activities.  Working on projects in groups, the 4 – 5 yr olds in the Tangiwai Room, our older discoverers are becoming their own people and understanding their own interests.

Our Be School Ready programme is designed to support children’s next big learning step when they move to primary school. Starting from the time children enrol with us, children form relationships and build confidence in early literacy and numeracy. We are fortunate enough to have also built on our partnership with our local primary school, Ormiston Primary, so that we can create a strong and positive transition to school. We provide and encourage children to develop their independence, social skills, fine motor skills, and ability to follow routine and rules through various activities and experiences. Developing the awareness of the real world helps our children to be confident and competent learners in the future.

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

100 children

A picture of BestStart Flat Bush School Road

Flat Bush - Auckland

BestStart Flat Bush School Road

BestStart Flat Bush School Road is a brand new early learning centre in Flat Bush. The centre will provide quality education and care for children up until they go to primary school.

Our indoor environments are built purposely to support the learning and development of different age groups – Infants, Toddlers and Preschool. Each room will be equipped with high quality, focused resources designed to spark curious minds.

Our internal environment is connected to a challenging outdoor area, to encourage physical outdoor learning for your child. Children can challenge themselves on the playground equipment while building their independence and self-confidence.

Healthy, nutritious meals and snacks will be provided throughout the day.

We will offer BestStart’s Be School Ready initiative for our preschool children, which will be incorporated into everyday practice, assisting with the next step in their learning journey. The initiative encourages children to use their developing self-help skills and provides a range of opportunities to extend their independence.

Your child’s learning journey and milestones will be captured and shared through one-on-one communication and our online learning portfolios on Storypark. This is a great way to keep up to date with what your child is doing while at the centre. You can log in to see what’s been happening in their day, check out photos of them and comment on their activities.

We offer:

  • 20 hours free for 3-5 year olds and WINZ subsidies available* if required
  • Great teacher to child ratios
  • Gift for all new enrolments*

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

0 children

A picture of BestStart Botany Junction

Flat Bush - Auckland

BestStart Botany Junction

Welcome to our beautiful, newly built centre where every child’s uniqueness, individual needs & wellbeing is at the forefront of everything we do. With the greatest respect for the uniqueness & individuality of every child, We believe in empowering children to develop their own sense of identity/uniqueness  which will enhance their mana and will give them the confidence, courage and resilience for lifelong learning.

We believe in learning through play and strongly emphasise that all children are full of potential and are capable of developing their own learning theories with the support of their parents and teachers. We respect and celebrate every child’s unique individuality, their culture, family beliefs and embrace their cultural diversity and their individuality through our environment, languages, resources, celebrations and relationships.

We're a multicultural team of experienced and dedicated teachers who understand the importance of Early Childhood Education and learning through play. As a team we are committed to ensure that we provide nurturing, challenging environment to children to explore, experiment, discover, to cater for their individual needs and to develop problem solving skills in imaginative, supportive and playful way. We provide culturally rich respectful environment where all cultures are acknowledged, respected and celebrated. We encourage our whanau to share their culture with us, this supports making lasting links between the centre and home and help children and their whanau to gain a strong sense of belonging in the centre.

Our beautiful learning environment is divided into two age specific rooms named Aroha (Toddlers) and Arataki (Pre-schoolers) to support age specific learning and development.  

Our Aroha Room supports the growing development needs of children aged from 2-3.5 years old. As the name AROHA itself means love/ compassion, our teaching team demonstrate it in practice by providing responsive caregiving to ensure children’s emotional and physical hauora is well supported in loving, nurturing, safe and stimulating environment.

As the name Arataki means-to lead, our teaching team of Arataki Room aims at growing our pre-schoolers confidence in their abilities and skills and getting them ready for school. We provide a child oriented and child led programme, which allows them to take ownership of their learning. Both the rooms are equipped with high quality, focused resources designed to spark curious minds and to connect them to the natural world around them. Our internal environment is connected to one challenging outdoor area, to encourage physical outdoor learning for children.  Outdoor area is inviting, challenging and provide different curriculum areas for children to learn and explore & be themselves.

We understand that choosing an early childhood centre is a big decision. We assure you that you and your child will enjoy your time with us. Visit us today to know more about our Unique centre.

BestStart是新西兰最大的幼儿教育机构,我们服务于新西兰幼儿教育行业已经有22 年了。在全国各地,我们有270多家幼儿园以及众多具有新西兰幼儿教育资质的教师。BestStart的所有幼儿园都隶属总部直接管理,因此我们拥有一支强大的教育领导团队确保和提高每个BestStart幼儿园的教育质量。

我们采用的新西兰早教教材- Te Whāriki是享誉世界的。在新西兰,儿童早期教育提倡孩子从玩中学习,注重孩子个人的喜好和发展,由孩子自己决定想要学什么以及怎么学,从而使他们逐渐形成适合自己的学习方法。众多著名的研究报告表明,教会了孩子掌握知识的方法才更有可能使他们在以后的学习和成长过程中赢得成功。这个短片就是向您简单介绍一下,在我们BestStart幼儿园孩子们是怎么样从玩中学习的。

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

52 children

A picture of Busy Bees Ormiston Road

Flat Bush - Auckland

Busy Bees Ormiston Road

Welcome to our centre, where inclusion for all tamariki is at the heart of what we do. Our passionate and welcoming team is dedicated to creating fun and engaging environments where our tamariki thrive. We believe in building strong relationships not only with our tamariki but also with their parents, fostering open communication and collaboration. Cultural celebrations are an integral part of our centre, honouring diversity and promoting cultural understanding. By embracing culture in our daily practices, children are inspired to explore their own heritage and appreciate other cultures. Fostering a strong sense of belonging for our tamariki, their parents, and our kaiako, feel genuinely valued and supported within our nurturing environment. Through joyful experiences and learning, we ignite a love for learning in every child.

We take pride in providing five nurturing rooms specifically designed to support the growth and development of our tamariki: Honey pots and Beehives (0-2 years), Kowhai (2 years), Kauri (3 years) and Pohutukawa (4 years).

Van Service

We proudly operate our own Busy Bees centre van, allowing us to help support new and existing families who require transport to and from the centre. We also utilise this awesome resource for excursions out and about in our local community!

School readiness programme - Our purposefully designed Transition to School Programme equips children with the essential knowledge and skills they need for this next step, allowing them to make a seamless and successful move to primary. The main areas that we focus on are self-help and regulation skills, numeracy and literacy, name recognition and fine/ gross motor development. We work to make some aspects of school more familiar and practice the values seen within our school communities.

Licensed for

150 children

A picture of Chapel Downs Early Learning Centre

5.00 (1)

Flat Bush - Auckland

Chapel Downs Early Learning Centre

The Chapel Downs Early Learning Centre is based on site at Chapel Downs Primary School. Chapel Downs ELC is a fully licensed, full day early learning centre for 40 children, aged from three to five years.

The aim of the ELC is to provide a high quality early childhood education programme guided by our national early childhood curriculum ""Te Whariki"" in a welcoming, educational, friendly environment.

The ELC offers five full day sessions each week from 8:45am to 2:45pm and enrolment details are available on request from Early Learning Centre staff click here to contact ELC

Entry to The Chapel Downs Early Learning Centre is determined by waiting list, so it is important to enrol children as early as possible.

The school and the ELC work closely together and the daily programme allows children the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of play-based early reading, writing, language, science and maths experiences. Staff value the importance of child-initiated, play-based experiences with support from teachers, families/whanau and peers.

Once children are close to starting school, weekly visits to new entrant classes make the transition to school easier.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Litttle Learners Childcare

Flat Bush - Manukau

Litttle Learners Childcare

At Litttle Learners we strive to maintain a family atmosphere, where all children are safe and comfortable, can develop new skills and meet challenges with confidence, and pride themselves as individuals. Our environment is welcoming and stimulating, and the staff are experienced, warm people who take the responsibility of educating and caring for your children very seriously.

As a family centre we seek to ensure that parents and caregivers can communicate easily and openly with us to facilitate this care and education to the best of our ability. The staff at Litttle Learners actively encourage the involvement of the community in the life and learning of the centre.

Regular consultation is carried out to ensure that the educational programmes, philosophies and the direction of the centre continue to reflect the needs of the children, parents, staff and community it serves.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Super Kids Learning Centre

Flat Bush - Auckland

Super Kids Learning Centre

Super Kids Learning Centre aims to foster your child's confidence through social interactions, with teachers and fellow group-mates.

Our environment is where learning's fun, learning's inspiring and through play so your child's mind is unlimited by it's imagination.

Everyday is a different day for providing your child new opportunities to develop in a holistic way (wellbeing, belonging, contributing, communicating, exploring).

We run daily tours to meet our teachers at 10:30am. Our learning space is limited to 39 children, so you'll need to enquire about securing a spot so you don't miss out.

20 ECE Hours is available here.

Licensed for

39 children

A picture of Fetu-I-Sasa'e Aoga Amata

Flat Bush - Manukau

Fetu-I-Sasa'e Aoga Amata

Fetu-i-Sasa’e Aoga Amata is a full immersion Samoan education and care service. Our centre is affiliated with the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa. We provide full day care with a strong emphasis on aganu’u Samoa and a Christian perspective, and our daily programme is founded on the Te-Whariki the New Zealand Early Childhood Education curriculum.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he/she is old, he/she will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Our focus is to work collaboratively with staff, parents and the church community to create and maintain a high quality, safe and nurturing environment where each child is encouraged to explore and develop to their fullest potential not only the physical, emotional and academic skills but also the values embraced by the Fa’aSamoa and Christian principles.

Licensed for

38 children

A picture of Piccolo Park Dannemora Limited

Flat Bush - Auckland

Piccolo Park Dannemora Limited

At our centre we believe that each and every child is a unique individual, and each needs to be treated equally and with respect.

At Piccolo Park we believe that a child’s’ play makes a big impact on their development and learning. A child’s play is very important and begins at the very early stage of their development therefore at our centre we believe in extending their play, based on Te Whariki, the NZ early childhood curriculum. We believe that Te Whariki will provide a quality and stable curriculum framework in our centre.

We believe that all children should be independent and should be respected and encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas.

We believe in providing a safe environment where the children can discover, learn, create and explore safely on their own and alongside other children and teachers.

We believe in setting up the environment to create an opportunity for the children to acquire the skills that are needed to become confident and competent learners in their learning journey ahead.

At Piccolo Park we value the importance of the family/whanau and working in partnership with each child’s family. We promote ongoing communication between families, whanau and teachers to ensure their child’s needs and aspirations are met.

We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritage of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Together we also celebrate and embrace the multicultural diversity of our families and children at Piccolo Park. We are committed to ensuring that every child and family feels welcomed, respected and valued.

Licensed for

60 children

A picture of Early Smiles Childcare & Learning Centre

Flat Bush - Auckland

Early Smiles Childcare & Learning Centre

Licensed for

10 children