Childcare options in Millwater

Millwater has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Millwater

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Your Place Childcare

5.00 (2)

Millwater - Auckland

Your Place Childcare

Your Place is inspired by the principles and practices of Dr Emmi Pikler, Reggio Emilia, The Virtues Project and Te Whāriki.

Your Place inspires and empowers everyone that walks through its doors. It is a place that feels, smells, sounds, looks and tastes like home. The practice at Your Place is based on Kotahitanga because without unity, a peaceful environment is not possible. Our ‘View of the Child’ is that all infants, toddlers and young children are competent, capable, curious and natural learners. Trusting, respectful relationships are at the heart of our every day practice with infants, toddlers, young children, colleagues, whānau and Papatuānuku (Mother Earth). The expectation at Your Place is that people, places and things are treated as we ourselves would like to be treated. Your Place prides itself on providing an authentic learning environment in which everyone feels safe and secure being themselves.

Your place supports children (teachers and whānau) in developing at one’s own pace. Your Place is home to teachers who are passionate, present, and responsive to children’s needs. Teachers work in partnership with whānau to ensure home and centre aspirations are met. Your Place enables children to unfold as competent, capable, curious and confident learners, healthy in mind, body, spirit and soul. Harmony, fun and being joyful are central at Your Place. Play, as this is the vehicle through which children learn. A culture of Kindness. Being truly present for children. Observing, noticing, listening to and responding to children’s non-verbal and verbal communication. Establishing a deep sense of wonderment, with and alongside infants, toddlers and young children. Acknowledging children as free and equal human-beings, who have the same rights as adults to be treated with total and utter respect. Allowing children to learn and develop in their own way at their own pace. Providing opportunities for children to experience sheer joy and excitement. Time for children to build the knowledge and skills they require to live a safe and healthy lifestyle, in a world that is constantly changing.

Licensed for

120 children

Childcare for every family

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