Childcare options in Orewa

Orewa has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Orewa

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Dreamers Nest Montessori Early Learning Centre 🌿


4.94 (19)

Orewa - Auckland

Dreamers Nest Montessori Early Learning Centre 🌿

At Dreamers Nest Montessori, we believe that a child is a taonga, a treasure to be nurtured, to grow, and to flourish. Our commitment is to provide a warm and caring educational environment where every child can become competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.

🌿 D.R.E.A.M - Our Identity as a Team:

D is for Dedication: we are more than just teachers; we are a dedicated team committed to bringing out quality learning outcomes for each child. Our passion is to nurture and guide, fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

R is for Respect: respect is at the heart of our practice. Through our respectful approach, we aim to be role models. In our learning environment, respect is not just taught; it's lived and experienced daily.

E is for Experience: children at Dreamers Nest Montessori are encouraged to explore the world through real-life experiences carefully planned by our experienced and skilled team. Learning is not just about information; it's about living and breathing the lessons, creating a foundation for lifelong curiosity.

A is for Aroha: aroha, love, forms the firm foundation upon which we build trust, security, and a sense of belonging for the children in our care. It is the thread that weaves through every interaction, creating an environment where every child feels valued and cherished.

M is for Motivation: motivation drives our journey of learning, growth, and flourishing. Both teachers and children are motivated to discover, explore, and reach their full potential. In this dynamic environment, every child is encouraged to take ownership of their learning and set goals collaboratively.

🌲 Philosophical Influences - R.I.E. and Montessori:

At Dreamers Nest Montessori, we embrace the beautiful philosophical influences of R.I.E. and Montessori to create a home away from home for the children in our local community. Our purposeful learning spaces empower children to be the architects of their own learning within the freedom we provide, allowing them to achieve the goals we set together.

🌎 Empowering Independence:

We are committed to providing freedom for children to independently choose the work that captures their interest. Time and space are generously given for exploration, with clear limits and expectations guiding each child toward achievable goals for their age and stage.

"Establishing peace is the work of education," said Maria Montessori. Let's embark on this journey together, creating a nurturing environment where each child's uniqueness is celebrated, and the joy of learning flourishes.

Join us at Dreamers Nest Montessori, where education is a journey of discovery and a celebration of every child's potential.

Licensed for

90 children

A picture of Lollipops Orewa

5.00 (2)

Orewa - Auckland

Lollipops Orewa

Lollipops Orewa is a loving and homely early learning centre in a spectacular coastal location.

Purpose built, with separate rooms for under 2s and over 2s, we nurture children’s social, emotional and physical wellbeing, equipping them with a love of learning that sets them up for life.

Our team of dedicated teachers provide the  highest quality care and education,  delivering rich and inspiring learning experiences and environments that bring out the best in every child.

Our philosophy

At Lollipops Orewa we believe that respectful relationships are at the core of our teaching practice. We value our children, whanau and colleagues for their individuality and support our children to build respectful relationships. We learn how to respect others as well as our environment (Papatuanuku). We take pride in our environment and strive to help the children understand how important it is to take care of it. Whanaungatanga (sense of family connection) is paramount to our philosophy.

We understand that each child is unique with their own special approach and we instil them with the confidence to explore independently. We celebrate individuality and focus on people’s strengths to help them reach their full potential. We promote a nurturing environment to support the children to feel loved, safe and happy with a strong sense of belonging.

Our rooms

Nursery 0 - 2 years

This is a fun and inviting place where the youngest members of the Lollipops Orewa whānau enjoy lots of loving care and attention. In the Nursery we follow the Pikler/RIE philosophy, which is based on the respectful interactions between adults and children and the belief that children are very capable from a young age.

We also subscribe to the free movement guiding principle and don’t put the children in positions they cannot get into on their own. We have a primary care system so each individual child has a specific teacher who is responsible for that child’s care moments as well as being the main contact for family.

We follow each individual child’s routine from home helping to keep the transition as smooth as possible. We communicate with parents and whānau on a daily basis and discuss any changes to routine.

Preschool 2.5 - 6 years

This is a welcoming and friendly place where children feel loved and supported by our caring teachers. A variety of areas with lots of exciting activities give children the opportunity to develop their understanding of the world around them, and how things work.

Children in this room often develop strong friendships and work towards a good level of independence.

The children each have their own Individual Portfolio that records their learning and development here at Lollipops Orewa. As parents and whanau you’ll be encouraged to contribute to the Portfolio in order to share information about your child and further enrich their learning.

Transition to School

A very important step in your child’s learning journey is their transition from preschool to primary school. At Lollipops Orewa we aim to make this process as seam-less as possible for both you and your child.

Our transition to school programme has been developed in consultation with our local schools and new entrants teachers so we are aware of their expectations. The transition to school group meets each day and with the support of a teacher they spend their time developing the skills and knowledge that will assist them in becoming confident learners, ready to take on the challenges formal learning brings.

Why choose us?

There are a host of reasons why so many families choose Lollipops Orewa. Here are just a few of them:

  • Healthy meals provided
  • Safe and nurturing environment
  • Fresh and exciting curriculum
  • High staff to child ratios
  • Extended hours ideal for busy working parents (7:00 am – 6:00 pm), with the option of short day or 4 hour sessions
  • Multicultural and inclusive
  • We foster close relationships with our family and whanau
  • Fun activities including Zumba 
  • Regular family events available and hosted by us
  • Foster sibling relationships within the centre
  • Secret garden to grow our own vegetables for our meals

Our team of dedicated teachers provide the  highest quality care and education,  delivering rich and inspiring learning experiences and environments that bring out the best in every child. Unlock your child’s unique potential.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Orewa Beach Kindergarten

5.00 (1)

Orewa - Auckland

Orewa Beach Kindergarten

Orewa Beach kindergarten provides an environment for children and their families/whānau which is safe, happy, stimulating and challenging. The programme allows uninterrupted time for children to play, interact, socialise, experience, explore and initiate their own learning and share their knowledge, culture, skills and interests facilitated and supported by qualified teachers. 

Our Philosophy

At Orewa Beach Kindergarten we believe and work by the following values: 

Whanaungatanga Family/Community Connections: 

  • Everyone should feel welcomed, wanted, accepted and informed 
  • All contributions and involvement are valued 
  • Authentic links between family/whānau and kindergarten 
  • The importance of community involvement and the richness this brings to our kindergarten. 

Manaakitanga Respect:

  • We recognise the importance of the Treaty of Waitangi 
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi and commit ourselves to its principles by acknowledging New Zealand’s bi-cultural heritage 
  • Mutual respect between children, parents/whānau, teachers, and community 
  • Acknowledgement of the diverse nature of our families 
  • Respect for our environment, encouraging sustainability and acknowledging our responsibility as kaitiakitanga (caretakers) of our earth. 

Ako Learning:

  • The importance of play and supporting children’s interests 
  • Teaching and learning is guided by the Principles of Te Whāriki the Early Childhood Curriculum 
  • Children are competent and capable learners developing skills for life 
  • Encourage each child to reach their full potential in accordance with their individual ability 
  • Learning, leadership and responsibility should be shared amongst teachers, parents, whānau and children 
  • Providing a stimulating kindergarten environment that supports learning.

Licensed for

40 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Orewa childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Orewa

A picture of Educare Orewa

5.00 (1)

Orewa - Auckland

Educare Orewa

Educare Orewa is based in central Orewa next to the council buildings. Our centre is a modern and spacious design built with your tamariki in mind. Our centre is a home away from home for your tamariki with lots of natural resources and furniture and a large shaded outdoor space for our children to explore. 

We pride ourselves on quality childcare with a strong emphasis on safety and nature within a whānau environment. We recognise the importance of providing care and education for children in their early years that encourages them to develop foundation life skills through "Learn, Laugh, Play".

Our values and philosophy

Educare Acknowledges and respects the rights of all children. We value children’s individuality, their special qualities, skills and attributes which contribute to a holistic learning environment enabling them to Learn, Laugh and Play.

Every child is unique and needs acceptance and respect to develop to their full potential. Each child is given time and space to progress and develop at his/her own natural pace.

All relationships, within Educare, are respectful. Relationships between teachers and children are especially respectful, with firm, fair and consistent boundaries that will provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to grow socially competent.

We believe that open communication between management, teachers and parents is essential as we work in partnership to provide quality care and education for all children.

Teachers display sensitivity, compassion and support to each other and the families who attend our centres. Educare actively supports their staff to continually grow, both personally and professionally.

Centre environments are regarded as ‘third teachers’ to evoke curiosity, and support learning through careful attention to aesthetics and creative spaces.

Our bicultural heritage of Aōtearoa New Zealand is recognised and naturally integrated within the centres, through Te reo (language) and tikanga (practice).  Additionally we appreciate and value our society as being increasingly multicultural and diverse.

Educare embraces Te Whāriki, (New Zealand’s National Early Childhood Curriculum) as our guiding document. It is the holistic approach of Te Whāriki that not only underpins planning and practice for children but also makes us reflect during the process of policy making and self review.

Our curriculum

Our desired outcomes for Educare children are:

  • Caring for themselves, others and the community – Participate as a member of a community
  • Cooperate with others – Celebrate accomplishments
  • Express many emotions – Love and be compassionate
  • Persevere with difficult tasks in order to succeed – Be inquisitive, initiate, invent solutions
  • Laugh, play, sing, dance, run, hit, catch, throw, kick and tumble
  • Construct objects of beauty, paint, draw and sculpt.

Language/s, mathematics, science, technology, social services, the arts, and health and physical well-being are woven throughout the planning to meet our desired outcomes for children at Educare.

Licensed for

105 children

A picture of JeMMa's Home-Based Orewa

Orewa - Auckland

JeMMa's Home-Based Orewa

JeMMa’s Home-based Education and Childcare was founded on the belief that early childhood education plays a major role in a child’s ability to develop skills and learn throughout life. 

As a kindergarten teacher, Jenny Tyrrell could see that children who had a focus of learning whilst in a home environment appeared better equipped to learn in the future. As well as this, children who were well socialised with other children of different ages appeared to cope better than others. 

It was those two key observations which cemented her belief; that a child, learning with other children, in a homebased environment rather than an institutional environment, was the best way to go. And that’s how JeMMa’s started. The name is derived from a combination of the two directors names, Jenny and Martin. 

At JeMMa’s we believe that home-based education and care is the next best alternative to learning at home with Mum or Dad 

Children who learn in a comfortable home-based environment seem to develop strong problem solving, social and learning skills. Because they are in a comfortable, uncrowded environment children they get the chance to develop and learn at steady pace with all the help they need. 

JeMMa’s children receive lots of one-on-one time with their educator, as well as interaction with other children in different age groups. These are two core components in the development of happy, energetic, sharing, respectful, thoughtful, problem solving and fun loving kids. 

Our Philosophy 

JeMMa’s is a quality privately owned family focused Homebased Education and Childcare Service that is committed to ensuring that all children, parents, whānau and kaiako are welcomed and encouraged to play an active role in promoting positive outcomes for our learners. We are guided and inspired by Te Whāriki our early childhood curriculum which encourages us to appreciate that children come into the world eager to learn and we see this as a privilege where we can work in partnership with children, parents and whānau to empower our learners through responsive engaging environments and experiences where they can reach their highest potential and develop an enthusiasm for ongoing learning. 

Building and sustaining quality learning focused relationships with everyone is the essence to who are and what believe is valuable for outcomes for children and their ongoing wellbeing and development. Our nurturing relationships will be underpinned through our Christian values and connection with people within our service and our wider communities.  Our environments will embrace cultural diversity of Aotearoa and our commitment to Te Tiriti O Waitangi will be authentic. 

We view all children as unique learners where they will have endless opportunities to learn through play and develop a range of knowledge, skills, and learning dispositions. This will spark children’s independence, urge to lead their own learning, social skills, curiosity, creativity, discovery, ability to express themselves and things that are important to them. Our kaiako will dedicate quality time with our children where they will nurture those in the moment opportunities and offer the guidance, support, and encouragement that our learners need to blossom and thrive. 

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Sunflowers ECE

Orewa - Auckland

Sunflowers ECE

Opening Soon!


We are open Monday to Friday

  • 8.25am to 3.35pm
  • 9.00am to 2.00pm

20 hours ECE available!

Quote from our Philosophy

"At Sunflowers ECE, we believe that every child is unique and will be inspired to learn! We encourage creativity, exploration, curriculum structure and learning through play. We strive to foster a lifelong love of learning in every child." 

Our Teachers

Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced professionals who are passionate about working with babies and young children. They undergo regular training to keep up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and practises, and are dedicated to providing the best possible care and education for each child.

Our Programmes

We offer a range of activities and programmes to meet the learning needs of children; infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Licensed for

0 children

A picture of Early Adventures

5.00 (1)

Orewa - Auckland

Early Adventures

We are a beautiful, well established, privately owned centre located in the heart of Orewa. The centre is purpose built and licenced for 34 children aged 2-5. We are situated in a quiet cul-de-sac between Orewa beach and Orewa North Primary School. 

We provide a homely, nurturing atmosphere, in a natural environment. Our hours are 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. We are open all year with the exception of two weeks over Christmas and New Year. 

At Early Adventures we empower your child to develop a sense of independence, while building their social competence and a love of lifelong learning through play and exploration. Our program couples an emergent curriculum with a project approach that allows children to direct their own learning around their interests. 

We acknowledge the importance of information technology for today’s young learners and provide children with opportunities to research and investigate using devices such as i-Pads. We have a school readiness program for 4.5 – 5 year olds that supports them to develop key competencies needed for a positive transition to school. Our educators are all fully trained and registered with the New Zealand Teachers Council and are committed to delivering top quality care and education to your child.

Licensed for

34 children