Childcare options in Waiau Pa

Waiau Pa has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Waiau Pa

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Waiau Pa Kindergarten

Waiau Pa - Waiau Pa

Waiau Pa Kindergarten

We are placed in a rural community setting beside Waiau Pa Primary School. We have 30 children attending kindergarten each day. We provide options for 3-hour and 6-hour sessions.

We provide an environment and curriculum that reflects the holistic way children learn and grow with an inquiry-based curriculum. We believe in providing a warm, welcoming environment where there are equitable opportunities to empower children to learn, explore, communicate and contribute, and where their well-being, sense of belonging, and individuality is valued. We value the contribution of family, the wider community, and we support and respect cultural beliefs.

Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association

We are a community based not-for-profit organisation, proud to be providing quality and affordable early childhood education in the Franklin and Counties Manukau areas for over 60 years. Our kindergartens and early learning centres provide high-quality environments that reflect the local community. We are New Zealand owned and operated and provide more qualified staff, equipment, learning opportunities, ICT, excursions and large attractive educational environments.

Book a visit today, we look forward to meeting you soon!

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Play and Learn - Karaka West

Waiau Pa - Auckland

Play and Learn - Karaka West

In response to demand, our new centre at 59 McKenzie Road, Kingseat  caters for both parents who need care for long hours as well as a shorter day programme. 

At Play and Learn we believe that young children need time, space and the right environment, in order to develop a healthy sense of who they are, and as valued members of society.  We believe in “real childhoods” valuing children’s right to play and explore, developing respect, of each other and the environment, self-belief, confidence, competence, curiosity and creativity, emphasising opportunities to explore nature and to understand the wider world.

We achieve this through our incredible philosophy, together with dedicated, experienced, qualified teachers. Additionally, we incorporate amazing natural outdoor environments, designed for play and learning in all-weathers, ensuring children live and learn in healthy fresh air. Much of what children learn can be learnt through and from nature. We are also committed to using recyclable materials to encourage children's creativity, imagination and thought. 

For over 25 years Play and Learn have been noted for our highly qualified experienced teaching team, high teacher: child ratios, parent friendly services and outstanding ERO reports which reflect best practice in ECE. The owner, Jan Beatson places a strong emphasis on high quality teaching combined with nature based learning. Jan brings four decades of ECE experience and has a Master of Education specialising in learning in outdoor environments and language development. Our alumni include numerous pupils who have achieved top academic results and represented New Zealand in sports.

Licensed for

54 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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