Childcare options in Hoon Hay

Hoon Hay has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Hoon Hay

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Pennylane Early Childhood Centre

4.83 (2)

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Pennylane Early Childhood Centre

When you walk into Pennylane and you will see that we are passionate about creating beautiful, peaceful and natural environments for our children.  

Our Centre is purpose built with children in mind. 

We provide an extensive range of resources to assist in capturing your children’s curiosity and growing their minds.  

We believe in the power of nature and are proud of the beautiful outdoor spaces that we have created at Pennylane.    

Our indoor learning spaces and outdoor environments are larger than national requirements as we know that children need space to play!   

Our programme is developed to allow children to learn at their own pace in their own way. We work collaboratively with you and your child to recognise their individual learning goals and aspirations.  

Our teachers provide support and opportunities during their time at Pennylane for your child to reach these goals.

Licensed for

85 children

A picture of Cherry's on Maryhill

4.92 (2)

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Cherry's on Maryhill

Cherry’s on Maryhill Ave is set on a large corner section in a modern building with shaded play-gardens. Hoon Hay and Our Lady of Assumption Primary Schools are close by. We are conveniently located one block back from Hoon Hay Rd and Sparks Rd, and access to the Centre is from Wyn Street.  

When establishing the Centre we were very mindful of our impact on the environment and recycled all building materials possible. New cladding was custom-made by Halswell Timber. In the play-gardens we used locally sourced macrocarpa and manuka, and sustainably harvested purple-heart was used for the decking. A telegraph pole recycled into a swing frame.  

The natural foundations of the play-garden include recycled Halswell stone, teddington chip, schist pavers, limestone rocks and a wonderful Indian sandstone mosaic. Our gardens and barrels grow a mix of native plants, herbs, perennials, fruit trees, vegetables and…cherry trees. We have a shady garden with large silver birch, cedars, magnolia, and camellias.  

Inside we used natural products. The carpet is wool, the existing rimu flooring was renovated, and wet areas have Artoleum flooring which is biodegradable. The children’s furniture is all birch ply and much of their resources are natural or recycled, including beautiful wood, pottery, glass, china, and metal artifacts for the family play areas. We have only eco-friendly cleaning products. Our pine cots have cotton sheets, pre-loved woolen blankets and cotton quilts. Children drink from small tea cups and use porcelain plates and bowls, and they learn to respect crockery as they would in a home.  

At any one time we have up to 33 children over two years of age at the Centre. We employ four teachers, plus a float teacher. The ratio of teachers to children amongst these older children is between 1:6.6 and 1:8.25. We usually have 12 infants and toddlers, with three rostered teachers and a float teacher. The ratio here is 1:3.6.  

Your child is assigned to a teacher who is their primary care-giver and who will give feedback to you at pickup time. This teacher will also maintain a profile book documenting your child’s progress and interests during your time with us. We encourage parents to contribute to this document as well.

Licensed for

45 children

A picture of Cashmere Early Learning Centre

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Cashmere Early Learning Centre

At Cashmere Early Learning Centre we believe in providing children and their families exceptionally high standard of education and care which we are able to provide through our low group numbers and ratio of qualified teachers. In our centre we are licensed for 28 children aged 2-5 years.  

Our kaiako are all qualified or in their final year of training and have their first aid certificates and participate in ongoing learning and development. We believe in providing a programme that is inclusive and meets children's individual needs. The tamariki who attend our centre have opportunities to explore our local community through outings and invited guests. 

Our preschool is small and homely providing tamariki with spaces to play together or by themselves if they wish. Through having a small group of children this ensures that the needs of your child are meet through our programme and planning which grows and extends their interests and is based on our philosophy of how children learn through play.

Licensed for

28 children

Childcare for every family

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Other great childcare options in Hoon Hay

A picture of Hillmorton Nest

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Hillmorton Nest

NESTS NZ Ltd offer Nurturing Environmentally-Sustainable Teaching Services (NESTS) to support the Owner Operated Early Learning Centres.

At NESTS we have a familywhanau ethos embracing the concept of tuakana teina where children of all ages play and learn together and interact with one another in their home away from home.

Our goal is for every child/tamariki to spend their day in an environment where self-esteem, love, learning and respect for others are prominent and to leave each day feeling secure and loved in their special environment.

NESTS Early Learning Centres offer a homelike setting with a garden where children are able to enjoy nature and learn to respect their environment. We believe in developing respectful, responsive and trusting relationships with all members of the learning community that all teachers parents and whanau should feel welcome and develop a strong sense of belonging within our centre that chilldren learn through play children need to have their individual needs met to be able to grow learn and develop.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Hoon Hay Community Pre-School

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Hoon Hay Community Pre-School

Hoon Hay Community Pre-school is a community-based service that provides all day education and care for children from birth-to-five years of age. It operates in a Christchurch City Council building.

Licensed for

36 children

A picture of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whānau Tahi

Hoon Hay - Christchurch

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whānau Tahi

Te Kōhanga Reo

The kōhanga reo movement is a unique initiative based on total immersion in Māori language and values with the aim of passing on Māori culture to future generations.

Kōhanga reo emphasise the revitalisation of the culture through te reo Māori and are dependent on the active participation of the whole whānau. The kaupapa of kōhanga reo aims to strengthen whānau capabilities in cultural, social, economic, spiritual and political matters. Education, health and wellbeing are inherent within all aspects of the kaupapa. The prime focus is the whānau – its collective development, growth, accountability and wellbeing set within a Māori cultural context.

Kōhanga reo do not regard tamariki in isolation, but as important members of the whānau. The kōhanga reo philosophy is that tamariki will benefit when whānau successfully operate according to the kaupapa. Tamariki are an integral part of whānau development.

The following key goals are the foundation of te kōhanga reo kaupapa established in 1982:

  • total immersion in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga in daily operations
  • whānau decision-making, management and responsibility
  • accountability
  • health and wellbeing of mokopuna and whānau.

The key goals of te kōhanga reo assure that there will be:

  • security in te reo Māori
  • a supportive, caring environment for mokopuna
  • whānau (collective) sharing of responsibilities, knowledge and expertise
  • greater respect and appreciation of each other.

Licensed for

25 children