Childcare options in Parklands

Parklands has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Parklands

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of BestStart Parklands

Parklands - Christchurch

BestStart Parklands

BestStart Parklands offers quality education and care for children aged from 3 months to 6. years old. We have large outdoor areas in both the preschool and nursery that provide plenty of space for children to develop their gross motor skills in a natural environment.

Belonging, being, becoming me!

A child from even before birth is linked to family, community, culture and our place - Aotearoa. Through these key relationships in the lives of our tamariki, a child's development and learning takes place.

Belonging is important for tamariki when developing their own identity, this helps to develop a sense of connection.

Being is about children expressing themselves as individuals and developing their personality, culture, and learning.

Becoming is about our tamariki learning and growing, allowing them to understand and build on skills and relationships, and become an active member of society.

Our friendly, home-like centre has qualified and experienced teachers who believe in providing a respectful and fun environment and who are passionate about teaching. We value parent/whanau involvement and regularly provide social opportunities for you to stay and play. We provide healthy morning and afternoon snacks which the children often help to make themselves, providing learning opportunities in maths, literacy, numeracy, turn taking and the opportunity to develop social skills. They also develop their knowledge of healthy and nutritious foods.

We provide regular excursions to the local library, Parkview School, local park and the Parklands shopping centre. We have a strong relationship with Parkview school and we take children from the preschool over to the school on their school visits to support our families.  We have access to the school’s library and we have relationships with all the new entrant teachers, ensuring that the transition to school is smooth and enjoyable.

Our unique Be School Ready initiative is available for all children regardless of their age. Our teachers individualise our programme to suit each child and how they learn, ensuring all children develop the necessary skills and are prepared for starting school.

We celebrate many special events at BestStart Parklands, both culturally and for fun. Some of the exciting events you will see in our centre are Plunket week, Easter weekend festivities, Matariki, St Patricks day, Halloween, scooter/bike weeks, NZ Sign Language week, Te wiki o te reo Maori, Waitangi Day, Chinese New Year and so much more.

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Home Grown Kids Parklands

Parklands - Canterbury

Home Grown Kids Parklands

Thinking about Home Based childcare with Home Grown Kids?

All of our Educators are carefully selected and screened including Police Vetting, identity checks, an interview that assess their attitudes and values toward children and an overall assessment of risk.

Enquire today and we’ll be in touch with you soon to provide the perfect option for your family.

Choosing the Best Educator for Your Child

We stand strong alongside our Educators. We care about them and we’re committed to the work they do, supporting and communicating with them every step of the way. We understand that engaged, fulfilled Educators make for happy families and even happier tamariki who thrive in these small group settings.

Small Group Setting

Our Home Based childcare groups are capped at a maximum of four children under the age of six, including Educators’ own children. This means we can offer each child the individual attention they need to flourish.

The best fit for your whānau values

Our Educators offer a range of different programmes based around their beliefs, values, culture, background and philosophies. Over 90% of our Educators hold a recognised ECE qualification. Some of our Educators are mothers and grandmothers with fantastic life skills, experience and knowledge. We’ll listen to your needs and then offer, where possible, a range of Educators. You will get to choose an Educator that you and your whānau connect with and trust.

Exceeding educational standards

An education programme that reflects New Zealand ECE curriculum - Te Whāriki. We are a Ministry of Education approved and licensed Early Childhood Education provider. Regularly reviewed by the

Education Review Office to ensure all our Home Based environments not only meet, but exceed the Ministry of Education’s Licensing Criteria for Home-based Services (2008).

Subsidies available

We’re an approved Work and Income provider and can support you to access a childcare subsidy if you are eligible.

20 hours ECE scheme

The Government subsidises all children aged 3-5 years (or 6 if not enrolled in school) who attend an ECE facility, making access more affordable for all.

Leaders in development practices for each child

All our Educators are supported and guided by our Visiting Teachers who are Qualified certificated ECE teachers with many years’ experience and expertise in early childhood education. Our Visiting Teachers regularly attend professional development to keep up-to-date with current research and theory for best practice for Education and care for under fives.

Our philosophy, vision and mission

  • Our Vision– The why – The reason we exist:

To provide a family friendly wrap around support service that enables all tamariki/whanau to learn, grow and thrive in a home-based setting. Investing in cultivating kindness, strong and professional relationships, in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners

  • Mission Statement – The How -How are we going to achieve the Vision?

We will achieve our Vision through ensuring that every team member is emotionally invested in the well-being of our people including tamariki, whanau, Educators, communities and our Edubase family. We value successes and that these are not ours alone, the greatest success comes from the strengths of many. Our passion, knowledge and commitment will be the catalyst that enables everyone to learn, thrive and achieve.

  • Philosophy Statement

Edubase is a Home Based Early Childhood Education service that is committed to providing nurturing learning environments where tamariki thrive as individuals through an authentic play-based, natural learning education and care programme, in a home setting.

To enrich the learning of each tamariki we form strong community connections, developing links within the home and the learning environments of our Kaiako. Tamariki learn respect for people, places and things, shaping Aotearoa and developing an appreciation of New Zealand’s dual heritage. We continually strive to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi – supporting a holistic approach to learning which is guided by our NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Educators and Nannies offer comfortable, small group sizes, fostering respectful and reciprocal relationships, promoting tikanga Māori within their practice.

As an Organisation, we pride ourselves on cultivating strong, professional relationships, strengthening capability in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners.

Edubase celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of each tamaiti, whanau and Kaiako and the gifts they bring. They are taonga, a treasure or gift. All things cultural are affirmed and celebrated, aiming to support children in gaining a positive awareness of their own and other cultures.

Tiaki nga tamariki – take care of the children

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Parklands Playcentre

Parklands - Christchurch

Parklands Playcentre

At Parklands Playcentre we believe in creating a supportive, nurturing community by playing, working and learning together, respectfully caring for each other so that every child and adult is empowered to reach their full potential.  

We believe in the importance of play and creativity where tamariki follow their own interests and choose their activities, supported by parents and whanau who know them well and understand them.   

Siblings attend together with opportunities for our older children to mentor the younger ones  developing nurturing and social skills with lifelong benefits. 

Playcentre is for adults too.  The support and friendships go well beyond the Playcentre gates;  thousands of Kiwi children and their parents have grown up with Playcentre.  

No two days are the same, come along and join in the fun, book your visit today.

Licensed for

25 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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