Childcare options in South New Brighton

South New Brighton has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in South New Brighton

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of South Brighton Playcentre

South New Brighton - Christchurch

South Brighton Playcentre

Come and explore our fantastic parent run Playcentre for ages 0-6.

At South Brighton we also run a bilingual/rea rua session on a Thursday where whanau can learn and grow together.

We are all about having heaps of FUN whilst exploring, learning and playing.

We provide safe, interactive and stimulating sessions. Our outside area is natural and inviting. Nestled in amongst the trees is a big sandpit, swings, a fort and slide. Inside there is plenty of well-resourced areas to discover including dress up, science, craft, library, painting and messy play.

He waka eke noa, we’re all in this together.

Licensed for

25 children

A picture of Estuary Road Preschool

South New Brighton - Christchurch

Estuary Road Preschool

Estuary Road Preschool is a ‘home away from home’ for your child – a warm and welcoming environment where they can develop, learn and play while feeling secure and nurtured at all times.

Owned by Nicola and Stephen East, Estuary Road Preschool is staffed by a team of highly trained, experienced educators who are passionate about what they do. We are committed to being ‘a preschool with a heart’ because we know that children thrive in an environment that puts trust and relationships first.What we offer


Our philosophy is centred on being ‘a preschool with a heart’ and we aim to develop a trusted relationship with all of our children, as well as their families. We provide a comfortable, secure environment where children can be confident and relaxed.


We believe strong attachments are necessary for infants and toddlers to feel happy, relaxed and secure. All of our infants and toddlers have a primary caregiver who is responsible for developing trust and rapport. These nurturing and secure attachments enable children to better develop emotionally as well as cognitively, linguistically and physically.


Key teachers and respectful relationships are a focus, and children are offered opportunities to play in small or large groups or individually. This gives them the chance to learn about relationships at their own pace. Each child has input into what they want to learn about, and a variety of learning experiences are provided. These include maths, literacy, self help skills and social skills. Our preschool children are provided with new challenges daily, with the aim of broadening their interests and enhancing their skill levels.


Our screening and selection processes are rigorous to ensure that all of our teachers share our ‘preschool with a heart’ philosophy. As a result, our team is made up of trained, experienced educators and support staff, all passionate about nurturing and developing young minds.


The smaller number of children we enrol allows us to focus on providing primary care-giving relationships throughout our centre. Our teachers are able to slow down, listen to each child’s voice and interact on a one-to-one basis, ensuring every child’s development is maximised.


Our programme is founded on the Early Childhood Curriculum — Te Whāriki, complemented by a philosophy that encourages children to explore and develop their unique interests. The learning experiences that are offered are tailored to be developmentally and physically appropriate, with the focus being on enhancing each child's development. Children are also encouraged to take responsibility for themselves, their actions and their belongings to prepare them for the transition to school.

Licensed for

46 children

Childcare for every family

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