Childcare options in Richmond

Richmond has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Richmond

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of First Years Richmond

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Richmond - Richmond

First Years Richmond

Kia ora, Welcome to First Years Richmond.  

We are proud to be a well-established and respected community ECE centre in the heart of Richmond, Nelson.   

First Years Richmond is a community focused centre, passionate about providing high quality and personal care for children from 6 months to school age.  

First Years Richmond is known for its loving, experienced teachers and fantastic outdoor spaces.    

Our indoor learning environment caters for our under and over 2 children, offering separate spaces with a variety of play areas and age and stage appropriate resources, with plenty of opportunities for all age groups to spend time together.     

We have a dedicated room for our four year olds with daily 'extension classes' which support social competence, independence, literacy, numeracy and problem solving.    

Our natural, large outdoor environment allows individual and group exploration, discovery and meaningful learning. Fruit trees, gardens, swan plants and a 'Bug Hotel' foster children's curiosity of the natural world and our centre link with Enviroschools.    

Our Wharenui - which is our 'House of Learning' embraces our bicultural and multicultural understandings of our centre and the community.  

If you are looking for a family focused centre for your child with a warm, welcoming environment, we would love to hear from you.

Licensed for

37 children

A picture of Tiny Nation Richmond

Richmond - Invercargill

Tiny Nation Richmond

About us

Tiny Nation is home-based care and education with a difference.

We believe that children have the best chance to flourish when they have secure attachments and a strong sense of belonging in their early years. This foundation is key to emotional, physical and mental growth and wellbeing. From this nourished beginning, happy, healthy and well-adjusted young adults can grow.

Enquire today

We would love to match you with the ideal educator in your area so send us an enquiry here and we’ll be in touch to provide you with all the information you need to make the best choice for your family.

How we look after our families

  • High quality education and care using only trained educators and qualified teachers

Because we believe in quality, not quantity, we only work with trained educators and qualified teachers, who by completing their training have proven their commitment to nurturing and caring for children. We find the best trained teachers and educators and support them to deliver their own unique early learning programmes in their own homes. We hand-pick them for their passion, commitment, experience and qualifications. We know that qualifications are an indicator of quality when it comes to early childhood education and we’re proud to represent 100% qualified educators and teachers.

  • Family and educator self-matches

When you enquire with us as a family, we support you to self-match with a Tiny Nation educator of your choice. The choice factor is huge here – you get to choose the person you leave your child with when you can’t be there. You will choose your educator based on the needs of your family and child, your values, your own early learning philosophy and, most importantly, your connection with them. This allows you to find the perfect educator for your family – someone who will become a part of your support village and who will advocate fiercely for your child when you can’t. Isn’t this what we all want as parents?

  • Small ratios of no more than four children to one educator

By choosing home-based early learning, you are choosing small groups and responsive relationships. Tiny Nation educators have no more than four pre-school children in their care at any given time, with no more than two under the age of two. This allows them to engage with their care children in meaningful ways, dedicating time to support their development and getting to know them deeply. Having small ratios of children per educator enables respectful interactions and authentic connections. Your child is not just a number at Tiny Nation.

  • Nurturing, natural and familiar home environments

Home environments stir up comforting memories for all of us. We make personal connections with this kind of environment because it represents our childhood. It provides a strong sense of security and safety as we are able to seek comfort through the familiar. Early childhood education in home environments provide a calm and settled foundation for learning to occur. Children have the space to explore the community around them in real and authentic ways.

Our vision

To empower a nation of children to reach their full potential

Our guiding principles

Leadership / Ārahitanga

We encourage, empower and inspire our educators and teachers to contribute to our thinking and re-define what leadership looks like in early childhood education.

Relationship / Whanaungatanga

We are founded on consistent, familiar and nurturing relationships. It’s vital to take the time to understand, relate to and acknowledge each other as relationships are the soil from which everything else grows.

Partnership / Whakahoahoatanga

We are collaborative and work in partnership with parents and whānau, educators, the community and other like-minded services so that they can participate in and contribute to our journey.

These are our values

Authenticity / Mana Pono

This means being real and accountable. We partner with people who are aligned with our principles, values and beliefs so that we can all show up for our children in meaningful ways.

Belonging / Nō Konei Hoki

We affirm the identity, culture and language of our community and ensure staff, children, families and whānau know they have a place with us. Our environments and programmes are inclusive and our transitions are thoughtfully planned.

Communication / Kōrero

Reciprocal and responsive communication allows us to express ideas and feelings. We’re as passionate about listening as we are about being heard. We model effective communication so that our children become capable and confident communicators.

Our commitment to families

“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tatou mahi.

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”

When you enrol as a family with Tiny Nation, we make a commitment to you as we journey together to provide your child with the love and care that they need to grow and flourish. For us, early childhood starts with care and ends with education. We know that no significant learning can occur without there first being a significant relationship. Your chosen educator becomes your child’s special person – their ‘go to’ in times of triumph and trouble. Someone who loves them just like you do and an extension of your family.

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Home Grown Kids Richmond

Richmond - Christchurch

Home Grown Kids Richmond

Thinking about Home Based childcare with Home Grown Kids?

All of our Educators are carefully selected and screened including Police Vetting, identity checks, an interview that assess their attitudes and values toward children and an overall assessment of risk.

Enquire today and we’ll be in touch with you soon to provide the perfect option for your family.

Choosing the Best Educator for Your Child

We stand strong alongside our Educators. We care about them and we’re committed to the work they do, supporting and communicating with them every step of the way. We understand that engaged, fulfilled Educators make for happy families and even happier tamariki who thrive in these small group settings.

Small Group Setting

Our Home Based childcare groups are capped at a maximum of four children under the age of six, including Educators’ own children. This means we can offer each child the individual attention they need to flourish.

The best fit for your whānau values

Our Educators offer a range of different programmes based around their beliefs, values, culture, background and philosophies. Over 90% of our Educators hold a recognised ECE qualification. Some of our Educators are mothers and grandmothers with fantastic life skills, experience and knowledge. We’ll listen to your needs and then offer, where possible, a range of Educators. You will get to choose an Educator that you and your whānau connect with and trust.

Exceeding educational standards

An education programme that reflects New Zealand ECE curriculum - Te Whāriki. We are a Ministry of Education approved and licensed Early Childhood Education provider. Regularly reviewed by the

Education Review Office to ensure all our Home Based environments not only meet, but exceed the Ministry of Education’s Licensing Criteria for Home-based Services (2008).

Subsidies available

We’re an approved Work and Income provider and can support you to access a childcare subsidy if you are eligible.

20 hours ECE scheme

The Government subsidises all children aged 3-5 years (or 6 if not enrolled in school) who attend an ECE facility, making access more affordable for all.

Leaders in development practices for each child

All our Educators are supported and guided by our Visiting Teachers who are Qualified certificated ECE teachers with many years’ experience and expertise in early childhood education. Our Visiting Teachers regularly attend professional development to keep up-to-date with current research and theory for best practice for Education and care for under fives.

Our philosophy, vision and mission

  • Our Vision– The why – The reason we exist:

To provide a family friendly wrap around support service that enables all tamariki/whanau to learn, grow and thrive in a home-based setting. Investing in cultivating kindness, strong and professional relationships, in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners

  • Mission Statement – The How -How are we going to achieve the Vision?

We will achieve our Vision through ensuring that every team member is emotionally invested in the well-being of our people including tamariki, whanau, Educators, communities and our Edubase family. We value successes and that these are not ours alone, the greatest success comes from the strengths of many. Our passion, knowledge and commitment will be the catalyst that enables everyone to learn, thrive and achieve.

  • Philosophy Statement

Edubase is a Home Based Early Childhood Education service that is committed to providing nurturing learning environments where tamariki thrive as individuals through an authentic play-based, natural learning education and care programme, in a home setting.

To enrich the learning of each tamariki we form strong community connections, developing links within the home and the learning environments of our Kaiako. Tamariki learn respect for people, places and things, shaping Aotearoa and developing an appreciation of New Zealand’s dual heritage. We continually strive to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi – supporting a holistic approach to learning which is guided by our NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Educators and Nannies offer comfortable, small group sizes, fostering respectful and reciprocal relationships, promoting tikanga Māori within their practice.

As an Organisation, we pride ourselves on cultivating strong, professional relationships, strengthening capability in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners.

Edubase celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of each tamaiti, whanau and Kaiako and the gifts they bring. They are taonga, a treasure or gift. All things cultural are affirmed and celebrated, aiming to support children in gaining a positive awareness of their own and other cultures.

Tiaki nga tamariki – take care of the children

Licensed for

4 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Richmond childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Richmond

A picture of Home Grown Kids Richmond

Richmond - Invercargill

Home Grown Kids Richmond

Thinking about Home Based childcare with Home Grown Kids?

All of our Educators are carefully selected and screened including Police Vetting, identity checks, an interview that assess their attitudes and values toward children and an overall assessment of risk.

Enquire today and we’ll be in touch with you soon to provide the perfect option for your family.

Choosing the Best Educator for Your Child

We stand strong alongside our Educators. We care about them and we’re committed to the work they do, supporting and communicating with them every step of the way. We understand that engaged, fulfilled Educators make for happy families and even happier tamariki who thrive in these small group settings.

Small Group Setting

Our Home Based childcare groups are capped at a maximum of four children under the age of six, including Educators’ own children. This means we can offer each child the individual attention they need to flourish.

The best fit for your whānau values

Our Educators offer a range of different programmes based around their beliefs, values, culture, background and philosophies. Over 90% of our Educators hold a recognised ECE qualification. Some of our Educators are mothers and grandmothers with fantastic life skills, experience and knowledge. We’ll listen to your needs and then offer, where possible, a range of Educators. You will get to choose an Educator that you and your whānau connect with and trust.

Exceeding educational standards

An education programme that reflects New Zealand ECE curriculum - Te Whāriki. We are a Ministry of Education approved and licensed Early Childhood Education provider. Regularly reviewed by the

Education Review Office to ensure all our Home Based environments not only meet, but exceed the Ministry of Education’s Licensing Criteria for Home-based Services (2008).

Subsidies available

We’re an approved Work and Income provider and can support you to access a childcare subsidy if you are eligible.

20 hours ECE scheme

The Government subsidises all children aged 3-5 years (or 6 if not enrolled in school) who attend an ECE facility, making access more affordable for all.

Leaders in development practices for each child

All our Educators are supported and guided by our Visiting Teachers who are Qualified certificated ECE teachers with many years’ experience and expertise in early childhood education. Our Visiting Teachers regularly attend professional development to keep up-to-date with current research and theory for best practice for Education and care for under fives.

Our philosophy, vision and mission

  • Our Vision– The why – The reason we exist:

To provide a family friendly wrap around support service that enables all tamariki/whanau to learn, grow and thrive in a home-based setting. Investing in cultivating kindness, strong and professional relationships, in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners

  • Mission Statement – The How -How are we going to achieve the Vision?

We will achieve our Vision through ensuring that every team member is emotionally invested in the well-being of our people including tamariki, whanau, Educators, communities and our Edubase family. We value successes and that these are not ours alone, the greatest success comes from the strengths of many. Our passion, knowledge and commitment will be the catalyst that enables everyone to learn, thrive and achieve.

  • Philosophy Statement

Edubase is a Home Based Early Childhood Education service that is committed to providing nurturing learning environments where tamariki thrive as individuals through an authentic play-based, natural learning education and care programme, in a home setting.

To enrich the learning of each tamariki we form strong community connections, developing links within the home and the learning environments of our Kaiako. Tamariki learn respect for people, places and things, shaping Aotearoa and developing an appreciation of New Zealand’s dual heritage. We continually strive to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi – supporting a holistic approach to learning which is guided by our NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Educators and Nannies offer comfortable, small group sizes, fostering respectful and reciprocal relationships, promoting tikanga Māori within their practice.

As an Organisation, we pride ourselves on cultivating strong, professional relationships, strengthening capability in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners.

Edubase celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of each tamaiti, whanau and Kaiako and the gifts they bring. They are taonga, a treasure or gift. All things cultural are affirmed and celebrated, aiming to support children in gaining a positive awareness of their own and other cultures.

Tiaki nga tamariki – take care of the children

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Richmond Preschool

Richmond - Richmond

Richmond Preschool

We believe in a personal approach to early childhood education where each child is seen as an individual and programmes are developed to meet their personal learning and developmental needs and wants; where the input of families into their children’s learning is welcomed and included in our programme and where every child has equal opportunities to develop their own potential. 

We also believe in ensuring that children experience an environment where they can explore, try things out, be creative and learn through their play while supported by professional, engaged, happy, amazing teachers.  

The central part of our philosophy is all about respect and we ensure that we use this as a basis for all that we do for and with the children. As early childhood is the most important stage of every child’s learning and development, we want to provide the best possible environment, programme, resources and teaching team for the children in our care so that they meet their potential.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Busy Bees Richmond

Richmond - Nelson

Busy Bees Richmond

At Busy Bees Richmond, we believe that as an Early Education Centre we have an important part to play in our community and a very special opportunity to positively impact young children’s lives in their early stages of development.

With a safe and nurturing environment for your child, we provide a place for children to learn, develop and grow through social

Nestled in the heart of Richmond, we are easy to find and within a short travelling distance to town, making us a natural choice for busy parents and local families in the community.

Your child will love the well laid out learning corners at our centre, consisting of a family play area, creative art corner as well as a quiet space for reading and reflection. There’s also plenty of natural resources with space to explore.

With the inviting smell of home cooked meals and baking, you won’t have to search very far to find our fabulous and passionate centre cook who freshly prepares all meals in the heart of our centre. We provide all enrolled children with morning-tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. We have our weekly menu displayed in centre for parents to view and you’re always welcome to stick around to taste a little yourself!

Our teaching team is made up of passionate, experienced teachers who are warm, welcoming and naturally wonderful people. Our qualified Early Childhood Educators bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team and their special connection with our children is cherished and supported in our centre.

Teachers guide our Tamariki in learning, engaging them with fun, sensory and also challenging experiences to nurture their development.  All children are valued at their unique stage of life, respected for who they are and have equal opportunities to ensure the best possible start in life.  This special environment with a community of talented individuals, encourages the joy and wonder of learning to come alive.

Licensed for

65 children

A picture of The Tree House Early Learning

Richmond - Nelson

The Tree House Early Learning

The Tree House environment is a peaceful, child-paced learning environment where children experience uninterrupted time for play to develop and transform at a calm and unhurried pace. Children's ideas, thoughts and feelings are valued and respected and children are viewed as competent and capable in making decisions and choices.   

Our primary educarer practice ensures all interactions are filled with kindness, consideration, respect, and where children experience consistent limits and boundaries.   

Our familiar daily rhythms allow for a predictable safe environment where children can be active participants in our routines and rituals. Loose parts and open ended resources are a key feature for The Tree House children to build, design, be creative and problem solve. Together with the children, we carefully plan and implement learning experiences that appeal to their urges and encourage hands on experiences, focusing on loose parts and the elements of nature.   

In our bid to connect with nature, children are free to play outside in all weather conditions. Play in the outdoor environment is seen at the Tree House as essential in the development of a healthy mind, body and spirit.   

As children soak in all that surrounds them, our environment is set and presented with beauty, love, care, thought and homeliness.

Licensed for

36 children

A picture of The Ark Preschool

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Richmond - Richmond

The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is a place where children learn to love and love to learn. We warmly welcome everyone.

We are a Christian Preschool that provides a loving environment guided by Christian beliefs and values.

Ma te ngakau aroha e arahi - Let a loving heart guide your decisions

Our rich learning environment supports children’s love of learning by encouraging them to be active learners, critical thinkers, problem solvers, curious, joyful and full of wonder.

We offer a play-based curriculum which empowers children to learn by valuing their interests and building upon these interests in our planning.

Here at the Ark Preschool, we embrace and celebrate each child's uniqueness.  It is our hope and prayer that every child leaves here with a strong sense of mana, knowing who they are, confident that they are loved and valued, and with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become lifelong learners.

Licensed for

42 children

A picture of Little Beans Preschool

Richmond - Christchurch

Little Beans Preschool

Based in Richmond, Christchurch, Little Beans is a place where we learn through play and grow through connection.  

Little Beans aims to create an unhurried, home-like environment. We are an independent early childhood centre, catering for up to 8 infants and toddlers (0-2 years) in our nursery and 26 children (2-5 years) in our preschool.  

We offer a child-led approach, based on children’s interests and underpinned by the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whariki.  

Our programme and routines are consistent, yet flexible, as we meet the daily needs of the tamariki in our care. Our team of qualified and experienced early childhood educators are passionate about their role in growing the next generation.

Licensed for

36 children

A picture of Casa Dei Bambini Foundation School

Richmond - Christchurch

Casa Dei Bambini Foundation School

Our passion is education. Our teaching team responds to the unique interest of your child, with an innovative, respectful & dynamic curriculum enabling their talents to thrive. At the heart of casa is the connected relationship between your child and the teachers. 

Our programme is nurturing and creative ensuring your child experiences the best possible preschool education.  

After 26 years, we know that the principles of Montessori establish an unshakeable foundation for your child’s primary and secondary education.

Licensed for

27 children

A picture of Alpha Early Childhood Educational Centre

Richmond - Christchurch

Alpha Early Childhood Educational Centre

Alpha is a stand alone Early Childhood Educational Centre situated in Richmond, Christchurch which started back in 1997. Alpha is privately owned by a Family Trust and is not associated or affiliated to any multinational organisation or group. We are a small Centre who employs 4 fully trained and registered professional teachers and 2 teachers in training.

Unlike a lot of the bigger franchised Centres, we are a small, strongly family focused Centre licensed for only 35 children in an old character home. Even though we have had extensive renovations since the earthquakes it still retains its family home appearance. In 2014 we also carried out upgrades to our outside areas in both the nursery and preschool.

We have separate nursery and preschool rooms with a separate, dedicated sleep room.  

A natural, happy and homely Centre that is part of your community


Values: Aroha/ Whᾱnau/ Home

  • At Alpha Early Childhood Educational Centre, we strive to work as part of a respectful triadic partnership in learning (children, parent, teacher)
  • We are committed to our community and engage in open communication and warm interactions to nurture reciprocal relationships in a positive culture.
  • We aim to provide quality care that meets the needs of each child.
  • We provide inclusive, nurturing and caring teachers that are well resourced to support the learning in a safe, yet challenging indoor and outdoor environment.
  • We know that children learn through involvement and engagement in meaningful play and at Alpha, the children come first. With this in mind, teachers respond to children’s interests and engage in projects as the foundation to a fun, holistic learning experience where children can explore, develop theories and practice skills.
  • Adult supported free play is our approach and children work individually or in small groups to follow their passions and participate in everyday home, life experiences with a calm and settled environment.
  • We value social confidence, independence and self-help skills and we make the most of spontaneous experiences as opportunities for learning.
  • We believe children thrive when they have a positive sense of identity, culture and place in the world. This inspires us to acknowledge our bicultural foundations and work in equitable and socially just ways, valuing diversity, acknowledging and accepting difference and celebrating our histories, heritages and hopes.

Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Appleby Playcentre

Richmond - Richmond

Appleby Playcentre

Kia ora

Appleby Playcentre is situated beside the Appleby River, surrounded by a sports domain and only 5 minutes drive from Richmond.
In this rural environment we have a great team of families sharing tasks with 16 families / 27 children currently enrolled.

At present we have spaces available on all sessions. Pop on down anytime during the school term to enjoy three free sessions. Bring your own morning tea and wear clothes suitable for playing.

On session we provide quality play and learning experiences for families. The learning stories of our children are made into fabulous profiles (for each child) complete with colour photos of the fun had during their time at Appleby Playcentre. We offer regular training opportunities for parents interested in gaining Playcentre qualifications.

Trips are always a highlight at Appleby, and recent ventures outside the centre have included visits to the library, McMillans, school visits and bus rides and visits from local Police.

Property and technological upgrades have been prominent at Appleby. December 2006 saw the official opening of the new playground. This fabulous playscape has become central to outdoor play at Appleby and the children love the varied exploration possibilities that it provides. We also have new water play equipment, new gardens, verandah covers and a new fence contributing to a safe and vibrant outdoor space.

Licensed for

26 children

A picture of Richmond Playcentre

Richmond - Richmond

Richmond Playcentre

Nau mai, haere mai and welcome to Richmond Playcentre – based in Tasman.

Playcentre is unlike any other early childhood education organisation. At Playcentre, both children and their parents / caregivers attend.

At Playcentre children get the opportunity to learn and explore in a fun and safe environment.

The curiosity and creativity of our tamariki is nurtured in a way that allows them to learn about themselves and their world.

Your child will be given a chance to explore, create, climb, read, sing, experiment, play music, wear costumes, have their face painted (or do it themselves!), garden, do carpentry with real tools, bake and cook, build sandcastles, swing, slide, dance, spend time in nature and get messy.

The activities change every day. Playcentre parents all bring different skills, interests, and cultural backgrounds to add to the rich learning environment.

We welcome families with children aged 0 – 6 years. Mixed age play allows your children to engage with others older and younger than themselves. Pre-schoolers learn how to communicate, share and negotiate with empathy for their younger peers.

At Playcentre, families come together and lifelong friendships are formed.

We welcome you to visit any time during the year. You are entitled to three free visits so come and check out what we do – we would love to meet you and your family!

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Little People Preschool Richmond

Richmond - Nelson

Little People Preschool Richmond

Little People Preschool offers a safe, nurturing environment where your child will get the attention and care that he or she needs. Our ratio of children to adults is always within ministry guidelines - and usually even lower - to make certain each child receives top-quality care.  

We are licensed as an all day educational centre and will love and care for your children from when they are babies until they are ready for school. We are a mixed age centre and, apart from daily group learning times, all of our children explore and learn together. Just like a real family!!  

At Little People Preschool, your child will participate in developmentally-appropriate activities throughout the day, such as:

  • Story Time
  • Show and Tell
  • Puzzles and Games
  • Computer Time
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Music
  • Pre-Reading Activities
  • And much more

You can rest assured that your child will be cared for with the utmost kindness, love and respect. We believe all children are precious gifts and we treat them as though they are our own.


Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Paula's Preschool Richmond

Richmond - Richmond

Paula's Preschool Richmond

Our preschool space is sunny, bright and colourful, with well resourced shelves and play equipment. 

Children are able to move freely between indoors and outdoors. Our large mature trees, fort, and spacious grounds, give children plenty of space to become active explorers outside. 

With a bike track winding around the playground, a climbing wall, slide, and geodome, our childen have the chance to stretch their physical and mental skills and develop their confidence.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Waverley Street Kindergarten

Richmond - Richmond

Waverley Street Kindergarten

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi

Let the uniqueness of each child guide our work

Our Kindergarten Waverley St Kindergarten is led by a team of enthusiastic and energetic teachers.

The teachers work with individuals and groups of children to support their interests and learning.

As teachers, our passion is for children to become life long independent and confident learners.

The environment is well equipped and provides a range of learning opportunities that encourage children’s investigation, curiosity, imagination, and exploration.

We have a wide range of equipment and opportunities available for children to develop maths, literacy and science skills and knowledge.

We celebrate the diversity of families and believe all children should have equal learning opportunities.

We aim to empower children for future learning, making their transition to school positive and successful.

Licensed for

43 children

A picture of Babyspace

Richmond - Richmond


Welcome to BabySpace Nelson based in Richmond providing quality Early Childhood Education 

BabySpace is Richmond’s Early Childhood Centre specialising in care for Infants, Toddlers and young children from birth to 5 years.

BabySpace opened in 2008 and is family owned and operated by Lynda Richards and Chris Barnett.  Lynda is a qualified and experienced teacher with over 35 years’ experience in Early Childhood Education.  

We acknowledge that choosing the right place for your children is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, come and visit us and you will see why so many families speak so highly of their experience with us.  

The BabySpace team of teachers have a high level of qualifications, experience and most importantly share a genuine passion and commitment to working with families to provide the best for their infants and toddlers.  

BabySpace offers a small group size, great ratios a stable teaching team and a warm homely environment that supports the diverse needs, abilities and interests of young children. 

Leaders and teachers have created a caring environment for children and their families. It is characterised by teachers who respond very effectively and respectfully to children's needs and interests and who incorporate whānau aspirations into planning and teaching.

Teachers use a range of communication strategies to ensure that parents and family are informed and engaged in their children's learning.

Transitions into the centre are well managed and tailored to the needs of individual children and their families.

Staffing is thoughtfully managed to ensure that primary caregivers build relationships with children and their families, know children well, and are able to provide continuity and consistency of routines. These practices create a positive environment for infants and toddlers.

Teachers thoughtfully organise and use the centre's resources to promote children's freedom of movement, challenge, curiosity, creativity and self-management. They work alongside children, responding to emerging interests as well as offering suggestions to challenge and extend learning without unnecessary intervention.

Teachers use language intelligently to empower children, to extend thinking, to encourage children to describe their feelings and to promote curiosity and  confidence.

The deliberate use of natural materials, reading resources that reflect te ao Māori, and the use of te reo reflect the centre's value of bicultural practices and support the language, culture and identity of Māori children.

The indoor and outdoor spaces are well designed to offer a very good range of activity and learning opportunities. They include areas for children to spend time quietly as well as to mix with other children.

Landscaping makes the area attractive and interesting as well as providing physical challenge. There is a very good range of equipment available for children.

Licensed for

18 children

A picture of Champion Kids Early Childhood Education

Richmond - Richmond

Champion Kids Early Childhood Education

Will this be the time your family joins ours?

Our stunning new Early Childhood Education Centre, Champion Kids is...

• Family owned and operated
• Stable qualified education team of experienced registered Teachers
• Large creatively designed Play Garden landscape and equipment
• Home like surroundings
• Close to Richmond school zones
• Close to the Richmond, Hope, Brightwater, Stoke and Nelson transport routes
• Great car parking on site
• Commitment to sustainable environmental practices
• Specifically designed Reggio Emilia inspired centre and Play Garden for ages 0-5 years

Daily Actvities

The early years of children’s lives are the most critical when it comes to their development.  They are growing and learning at a phenomenal rate.  At Champion Kids,  we believe that it is very important to have a child in an environment that is consistent and secure.

Children need to be able to form secure attachments not only with their parents but also their teachers/caregivers. Simply being in a loving and nurturing environment forms these types of attachments.  At our childcare centre, we want children to feel as comfortable and secure as they would in their own home. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, stimulating, fun, and educational environment with a mixture of guided and child-led creative play.

Children in our care will have the opportunity to learn through free play (child-led play extended by teachers) and structured play (teacher-led/guided), Children will develop their gross (large) motor skills and fine (small) motor skills within our educational indoor and outdoor environments.

Children in our care will have the opportunity to be involved in curriculum activities and play involving science, math and technology concepts, story time and theatre activities, arts and crafts, music and dance activities, nature and environmental awareness, nutrition, health, cultural activities, and other educational yet fun activities.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Waimea Kindergarten

Richmond - Richmond

Waimea Kindergarten

Our Philosophy:

  • To provide a safe, fun environment based on respect and relationships
  • Children will leave Waimea Kindergarten with skills for life long learning

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work

Waimea Kindergarten is located within the Waimea campus alongside local schools.  We have two buildings referred to as Te Puna and Te Awa.  At Te Puna we have a group size of 30 children, and at Te Awa we have a group size of 45 children.

Children learn through play – by doing, asking, exploring and discovering new ideas.

We encourage our children to make sense of the world around them through wonder and discovery.

Licensed for

75 children

A picture of Richmond Kindergarten

Richmond - Richmond

Richmond Kindergarten

Our whanau work together to unfold the potential and uniqueness of each learner, through valuing whanaungatanga, empowering mana and encouraging aoturoa.

Richmond Kindergarten is a family friendly kindergarten which offers flexible enrolments to meet children’s individual needs.

The Kindergarten is located in the heart of Richmond and has positive relationships with all the local primary schools in the area.

Richmond Kindergarten is well resourced, with a strong focus on sensory motor development and fostering the needs of individual children.

The programme celebrates diversity by incorporating sign language and te reo.

Music and Movement plays an important part in our everyday curriculum.

 Kindergarten is often children's first experience of being away from their whaanau for an extended period.

Our teachers encourage children to develop:

  • Independence (self management)
  • The skills to foster friendships
  • And strengthen motor skills
  • The ability to understand their place in the wider world
  • The skills to cope with change
  • ​The confidence to try new things
  • The ability to persist at a task

"Getting Ready for School"

Our "Getting Ready for School" group introduces children to more formal learning opportunities that will set them up for success at school.

These could include:

  • Number and letter recognition
  • Oral and listening skills
  • Physical challenges
  • Resilience and a positive attitude towards learning

Licensed for

43 children