Childcare options in Stoke

Stoke has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Stoke

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Busy Bees Stoke

Stoke - Nelson

Busy Bees Stoke

Our Busy Bees Nelson team in Stoke is made up of passionate and experienced teachers who are warm, welcoming and naturally caring people. We see all children as individuals, valuing each unique stage of life, show them respect for who they are and providing equal opportunities to ensure the best possible start in life.

Our early education centre offers wonderful, safe and fun indoor and outdoor spaces where children are provided with a range of diverse resources to engage their imaginations and spark curiosity.

Intentional activities and provocations are set up daily throughout the centre, providing calming and inviting spaces, where you'll often hear children, whānau and kaiako engaging in meaningful conversations.

At Busy Bees Stoke, our vision is to cultivate an inclusive environment where every individual is embraced, respected, and honored for their distinct personality, identity, and heritage.

We uphold a set of core values and philosophy that guide our daily approach:

Whanaungatanga - Building meaningful relationships is at the heart of everything we do. We prioritise connection and understanding, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Aroha - We believe in nurturing each other's growth and wellbeing. With compassion and care, we support the development and flourishing of every child.

Manakitanga - Kindness is the cornerstone of our interactions. We demonstrate empathy and generosity in our words and actions, creating a culture of warmth and hospitality.

Kotahitanga - Unity is our strength. We unite around common goals, working collaboratively with whānau to achieve shared success for each of the tamariki in our care.

Kaitiakitanga - We embrace our responsibility as stewards of our environment, resources, and relationships. Through mindful guardianship, we strive to leave a positive impact on our community and the world around us.These values and philosophy shape our identity and guide us as we strive to create a supportive and empowering environment.

If you'd like to book a tour, meet our team and find out more, please click on the book visit button, and one of our amazing team will be in touch!

Licensed for

70 children

A picture of Birchwood Kindergarten

Stoke - Nelson

Birchwood Kindergarten

At Birchwood Kindergarten we foster warm, supportive, and responsive interactions between teachers, children, family/whanau, and the wider community.

Positive guidance is modelled to children in a respectful and caring manner to support their emotional competence.

The outcome of this is evidenced in independent, calm, trusting and skilled learners.

Birchwood Kindergarten has a magnificent outdoor learning environment, enriched by well established trees and open spaces. The area is used to explore, challenge, excite and to develop children as kaitiaki/guardians of our environment so that they can develop an appreciation of the natural world.

The experienced teaching team bring a wide range of skills and knowledge with particular strengths in empowering children, extending children’s thinking and developing strong relationships.

​Birchwood Kindergarten is an Enviroschool. Being in nature brings our senses alive. Research shows it has proven benefits for creativity, physical and psychological wellbeing. We learn to love the natural environment through our interaction with it so at Birchwood Kindergarten children are engaged daily in caring for, having fun in and exploring in the outdoors.

Licensed for

43 children

A picture of Nayland Kindergarten

Stoke - Nelson

Nayland Kindergarten

Nayland Kindergarten is embraced by our beautiful carved panels and an outdoor mural that celebrates the way the tamariki, kaiako and whanau grow together to create a unique place of learning for all.   

The mural is called “ Te Ataahua i roto.“ - The beauty within.” 

This stands alongside our kindergarten whakatauki - 

Ka whangaia, ka tipu, ka puawai - 

Nurture it and it will grow, then blossom.   

This whakatauki links to our heritage pear tree in our playground, linking the past to the present and future. It fits our philosophy of a play-based learning environment where contributions to learning are made and nurtured by mokopuna, whanau, the community and kaiako.

Licensed for

44 children

Childcare for every family

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Popular features for Stoke childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Stoke

A picture of Stoke Kindergarten

Stoke - Nelson

Stoke Kindergarten

Our programme is based on the principals and goals of our bicultural early learning curriculum, Te Whariki   

A variety of planned and spontaneous experiences A balance between structured times where all children are encouraged to participate, and child initiated play. (free play) 

A huge variety of equipment and resources and an amazing environment specifically designed for pre-school children. 

100% qualified, and experienced teachers who work collaboratively with parents/whanau and the community to provide the best possible learning outcomes for each child.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of The Children's Garden

Stoke - Nelson

The Children's Garden

The Children's Garden is a Pikler inspired, Nature connected & Relationships based early learning & care centre for infants, toddlers & young children.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Stoke Montessori

Stoke - Nelson

Stoke Montessori

We are guided by both the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum (Te Whariki) as well as the Montessori philosophy. We see our classrooms as a community of children. Children aged two-and-a-half up to six learn alongside each other which enables the older children to be role models for their younger peers.

The environment is designed to empower children’s independence. Children participate in preparing meals or tending to the garden. When helping with food preparation, the children use real utensils. We try to create a “homely” atmosphere in our classrooms so that children feel a sense of ownership over their space. Learning in the outdoors is viewed as important and beneficial as learning inside. The children are free to move between the classroom and the outdoor area.Children are offered 2.5 to 3 hour blocks of time to concentrate on the activities they have chosen without interruption.

For her time, Dr Maria Montessori had revolutionary ideas about the importance of the early years for human development. She believed that between the years of zero to six, children’s brains were like sponges. Montessori proposed that young children experienced “sensitive periods” for learning language, refining their senses and developing their motor coordination. For example, young children can effortlessly learn a second language whereas adults must dedicate hours of deliberate study to be bilingual.  In our classrooms, you will find materials and activities that specifically nurture these sensitive periods for learning.

As most parents know, young children often insist on doing things for themselves. Practical life activities satisfy children’s innate desire for independence by mirroring real life activities. Practicing pouring from a jug or learning to manipulate clothes fastenings satisfy their innate need to do things for themselves. 

Children are free to choose any of the activities on the shelf but are expected to return them when they are finished so the activity is available for one of their friends. This gives them a sense of responsibility for their environment.

Licensed for

25 children

A picture of Elim Kiwikids Childcare Preschool

Stoke - Nelson

Elim Kiwikids Childcare Preschool

Our Vision: We are a learning community emphasising Christian values that respect the people and cultures of Aotearoa and enable all to grow and achieve their potential.

ElimKids is a community-based Christian preschool that values diversity, has a positive team environment and works in partnership with whanau/families, specialist organisations and our community.  

We have a loving, caring environment that nurtures a child’s self-esteem, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual growth with a dedicated team of qualified and trainee teachers. 

All children have a primary caregiver – a special teacher who is responsible for developing a closer relationship with them and their whanau/family. This teacher looks after your child’s portfolio book, which contains learning stories, photos, anecdotes and artwork.  

ElimKids is committed to ongoing staff development and is a training institution. This ensures we not only stay in step with current practice but also have a regular injection of fresh ideas and learning through our Early Childhood Education trainees. 

ElimKids values connections with our community and encourages whanau/family participation and has served Nelson for over 20 years.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Kiwi Treasures Early Learning Centre

Stoke - Nelson

Kiwi Treasures Early Learning Centre

We provide a welcoming environment where we understand the importance of building strong relationships with children, families and whānau. We have a highly experienced team with qualified teachers who provide a wonderful learning environment for all children.

We respect all children as confident and competent learners that love to explore. Kiwi Treasures provides a range of activities for children to investigate, explore, discover and make sense of the world around them. Kiwi Treasures provides an environment that is well-equipped, home-like and nurturing. Indoor and outdoor areas provide a wide range of opportunities for children to explore, experiment, create, imagine and be challenged.

Our Philosophy

Here at Kiwi Treasures Early Learning Centre our philosophy is to work together with parents and whanau, in order to achieve a caring and nurturing education environment for your child.  We are here to support your children, so they can become competent, confident learners.  Every child is unique and we recognise the importance of promoting individuality and having a learning environment that is inclusive of every child’s needs.

At the centre we respect all family and whanau cultures and beliefs.  We have a program that allows all children to be immersed in Maori culture, which we achieve by integrating Te Reo and tikanga practices into our daily program.

A creative and calm environment that empowers not only the children, but the staff, families and whanau too, means we can learn together as a community.  We strive to provide an environment that is well planned and developed, so that all children can learn holistically and where the importance of fun, spontaneous play can be recognised.

Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Te Kōhanga Reo o Kia Tau Te Rangimārie

Stoke - Nelson

Te Kōhanga Reo o Kia Tau Te Rangimārie

Te Kōhanga Reo

The kōhanga reo movement is a unique initiative based on total immersion in Māori language and values with the aim of passing on Māori culture to future generations.

Kōhanga reo emphasise the revitalisation of the culture through te reo Māori and are dependent on the active participation of the whole whānau. The kaupapa of kōhanga reo aims to strengthen whānau capabilities in cultural, social, economic, spiritual and political matters. Education, health and wellbeing are inherent within all aspects of the kaupapa. The prime focus is the whānau – its collective development, growth, accountability and wellbeing set within a Māori cultural context.

Kōhanga reo do not regard tamariki in isolation, but as important members of the whānau. The kōhanga reo philosophy is that tamariki will benefit when whānau successfully operate according to the kaupapa. Tamariki are an integral part of whānau development.

The following key goals are the foundation of te kōhanga reo kaupapa established in 1982:

  • total immersion in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga in daily operations
  • whānau decision-making, management and responsibility
  • accountability
  • health and wellbeing of mokopuna and whānau.

The key goals of te kōhanga reo assure that there will be:

  • security in te reo Māori
  • a supportive, caring environment for mokopuna
  • whānau (collective) sharing of responsibilities, knowledge and expertise
  • greater respect and appreciation of each other.

Licensed for

21 children