Childcare options in Marfell
Marfell has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.
Top-rated childcare in Marfell
Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.
Marfell - New Plymouth
Marfell Kindergarten
What makes Marfell Kindergarten special
- Warm and inviting environment, decorated with children’s work and experiences
- Excellent relationships with local schools that ensures a smooth transition from Kindergarten
- Integrated virtues programme
- Reciprocal relationships with parents/whanau are paramount with a high level of community support.
- Promote a sense of healthy mind, body and spirit for each child
- Children are encouraged to contribute and be involved in their own learning
- Children take pride in their centre and the environment
- Respect underlines everything that we do in the Kindergarten
- We focus on consequences with children taking responsibility for their self discipline
A peaceful environment is achieved through purposeful learning both cooperatively and as individuals.
Licensed for
36 children
Marfell - New Plymouth
Te Kopae Piripono
Te Kōpae Piripono is a Māori Immersion Early Childhood Centre. Setup in 1994 the centre celebrates almost 20 years of success as a kaupapa Māori centre with te reo Māori as the medium for teaching and learning.Te Kopae Piripono is a childcare centre in New Plymouth. We are licensed for 40 children.
Te Kōpae Piripono philosophy entails supporting and developing the whole whānau. Indigenous Māori concepts and spirituality are the essence of its operation and practice. Values such as manaaki, aroha and rangatiratanga are embedded throughout the organisation. Kaitiaki assist parents and children to realise their potential as positive contributors to themselves first and foremost, and then others within the wider community.
The whānau of Te Kōpae Piripono have a strong awareness of their history. Self-determination and a plan for the sustainability of their people are important. The history of Taranaki and of Parihaka and actions of their tupuna guide the whānau of Te Kōpae Piripono.
Te Kōpae Piripono aspires to build strength in its children, whānau and community as lifelong learners. ‘Ngā Takohanga e whā’ is used by the centre to develop individuals as confident contributors to the world. The model focuses on whānau and children sharing responsibility and being responsible leaders. ‘Te Ara Poutama’ a conflict resolution tool is used by whānau and children to positively resolve issues and strengthen relationships. Te Kōpae Piripono provides quality learning for children and adults.
Licensed for
40 children
Childcare for every family
Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.
Education and Care
Teacher-led and at least half of the educators will be qualified early childhood education teachers.
Community-focused childcare, where the teachers seek to involve families and whānau.
Parent-focused and family-orientated approach to childcare. Play-led learning.
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