Childcare options in Waipu

Waipu has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Waipu

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Kids 1st Childcare & Learning Centre

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Waipu - Waipu

Kids 1st Childcare & Learning Centre

Nau mai haere mai,

Welcome to Kids 1st Childcare & Learning Centre.

Kids 1st is located at 44 The Braigh, Waipu which is a semi-rural area on the fringe of the Waipu township. We have a huge and beautiful natural playground and a paddock for our pony, Sparkle. 

Kids 1st is a privately owned, licensed early childhood centre that provides education and care for children aged two to four years of age. 

We provide excellence in early childhood education and care for 2 to 4 year olds through responsive, respectful and reciprocal relationships with our children and their families/whanau, nuturing the holistic growth of the child/tamariki.At Kids 1st Childcare & Learning Centre we believe that play is a child's most powerful learning medium.

We offer opportunities for your child to extend their interests, through exploration, discovery and learning.  We allocate a primary caregiver to your child, as a loving and caring relationship must be built between the child and parent or caregiver to develop optimum neuron connections and develop the brain pathways.

We provide stimulating experiences in all senses in an environment adundant in language.  We provoke moments of discovery and learning through the provision of inviting and changing environments which also stimulate and challenge your child.

To extend our eldest children we provide a Nature Programme whereby we take them on fortnightly excursions in to the natural environment, invoking inspiration, awe and wonder and inviting learning physically, socially, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually.  Developing important dispositions for life.

Our Philosophy

We will provide a safe, caring and fun, multi-sensory, predictable learning environment, where positive guidance promotes the individual learning styles, interests and needs of each child.

In partnership with family/whanau and the wider community, we will encompass the Ministry of Education’s Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whaariki in our programme of learning and development.

Children learn through social interaction and play.  We provide self-discovery, supported learning experiences to encourage the growth of children’s self-esteem and a sense of belonging which will build a bridge to their holistic success in life.


Licensed for

37 children

A picture of Waipu Playcentre

Waipu - Northland

Waipu Playcentre

Playcentre is your village

Whether you have a new baby, or you are new to a community, Playcentre provides a place for babies, young children and parents to come together. Members enjoy a strong sense of belonging, and friendships flourish.

Licensed for

30 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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