Childcare options in Northland

Northland has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Northland

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Northland Community Pre-School

4.92 (2)

Northland - Wellington

Northland Community Pre-School

Welcome to Northland Community Preschool

Our qualified teachers will care for your children as they play, learn and grow. We welcome children from 18 months to 5 years old and offer flexible sessions.



At Northland Community Preschool we understand the importance of providing an environment which nurtures and meets the needs of our tamariki, kaiako, and whānau. As a community preschool we work in partnership with one another to gain a holistic view of each child. Our Preschool welcomes everyone into a warm and calm environment where they will feel a strong sense of mana atua/ well-being and whanaungatanga/belonging.

Learning opportunities

Our Preschool is focused on providing an environment full of rich learning opportunities guided by children’s interests and capabilities and extended on by kaiako. We provide a play based learning curriculum which encourages freedom to explore, independence, communication, manaakitanga, positive relationships, aroha and, of course, laughter and fun. As a mixed age Preschool, tuakana/teina relationships are integral to the way children learn within this physically, emotionally and culturally safe and supportive environment.

Teaching practices

Our teaching practices are guided by the values of our community as well as the principles and learning outcomes outlined in New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki, which is informed by the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  We celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique bicultural identity and will continue to grow and explore this together, representing it in our environment and teaching practices. We apply the concept of ‘ako’ (reciprocal learning and teaching) where kaiako and tamariki are both teaching and learning from each other. Our practice is guided by constant reflection and growth through our involvement in the wider ECE community and professional development.

Aspirations for tamariki

Our aspirations for tamariki are for them to be happy, confident, resilient, keen learners who have a strong sense of whanaungatanga, and see themselves as valued members of their wider community. The tamariki of Northland Community Preschool leave us equipped with the tools, strategies, and values to support their future learning.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Childspace Northland Early Learning Centre

Northland - Wellington

Childspace Northland Early Learning Centre

Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Northland Childspace.

We are located in windy Northland, with lush bush and wide spaces all around us. We cater for children between 0 – 6 years.

We have a bright spacious teina (nursery) located upstairs, in which we have two teachers and up to eight children.

Our tuakana (2-6 years) is on the ground level, with three teachers and up to twenty-two children.

We have many siblings who attend, and our environment allows for them to visit one another in the two spaces.

However, this in not restricted to siblings, we invite and encourage all children to benefit from tuakana-teina relationships (learning from peers).

Our teaching team believe strongly in supporting children’s sense of belonging and wellbeing within the centre by fostering ongoing relationships between family, whānau and children.

Our team bring with them a range of passions and experiences, which they enjoy weaving into their daily programme and sharing their interests with the children.

We offer a diverse early childhood programme that includes a strong focus on art, gardening, excursions, sustainable practices, heuristic play, and self-directed play. Much of our inspiration comes from the work of Emmi Pikler and Magda Gerber.

Our centre is made unique by its ‘Secret Garden’ which gives children an opportunity to connect with nature allowing them to respect and appreciate Papatūānuku.

We also have an extended bush land across the road, which we make very good use of. We are passionate about providing opportunities in which the children are able to explore their relationship with the natural world, including our prolific bird population.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Northland Kindergarten

Northland - Wellington

Northland Kindergarten

Our Kindergarten is a community resource for our local families – and has been since 1963.  We have many children from Kelburn and Northland, with some coming from further afield to join us. 

The environment is designed by the teaching team to be challenging, exciting and to provoke engaged involvement in exploration, experimentation, and developing social relationships.

Northland Kindergarten develops individual and group programmes for learners - ensuring that all children have equitable opportunities to be included and engaged in meaningful learning. We plan from the interests and the goals children set themselves.

We believe that a programme based on the notion of whakamana ( or facilitating empowerment) will ensure learning that connects to children’s selves. It will encourage them to contribute and develop the knowledge, confidence, and skills they bring with them to our programme.

We deliver a programme based on developing children's learning journeys, offering children opportunities to get involved in different activities, including the expressive arts – music, art and drama. We have a strong belief in the value of developing language, literacy and numeracy.

Our Kindergarten has a strong emphasis on supporting children to be socially confident and competent. We use digital media as tools to support learning interest

Licensed for

41 children

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