Childcare options in Regent

Regent has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Regent

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Little Geckos Childcare Centre

5.00 (1)

Regent - Whangarei

Little Geckos Childcare Centre

Our centre is an intimate and nurturing space where your child can discover and experience life in a caring and stress free environment. We offer a centre where you will be assured your baby feels at ease and at home.

We maintain a small team and low enrollment to ensure your child is enveloped in attention and surrounded by familiar faces. This is part of our philosophy to encourage early brain development, which is affected by the experiences children have and the settings in which they spend time in, at these early stages. Our experienced team place huge importance on early childhood development and strive to create and maintain a nurturing environment for your child to continue their journey of discovery.

Choosing our Centre

Little Geckos philosophy is founded on a respect for Early Childhood Development. The day-to-day experiences babies have at this early stage determine the ongoing development of their brain. These experiences have implications for vision, motor skill development, language, music and maths. Starting your child’s journey in a setting developed specifically for their needs, and in a place where they are nurtured and cared for by professionals who understand these principles, encourages the development of their brain and wellbeing.

We believe it is incredibly important that you are able to settle your child in to Little Geckos, and recommend a minimum of 3 settling sessions with you and your child (there is no charge for these). Between you and your Little Geckos teacher, it will be discussed whether more settling sessions may be needed. These settling sessions can take the form of a couple of hours or a whole day. We welcome and look forward to you spending time here. On these visits we will start to build an understanding of you and your child and their routines and little quirks! It is important to us that we know as much as possible about the things your child loves and those that he or she are not so keen on. This helps us to make this home as much as possible like yours. The dates for settling sessions are discussed with you when we give you a call to say we have a space available that suits your requirements.

Play Time

Play time for babies and toddlers is very important work. They have so much happening while they play. The world is still such a new place to them and it can take much repetition for them to understand and feel comfortable with environments, people and objects. Routines are also very important. Where ever possible we make our environment predictable for them. Having the same activity out for them for say a couple of months may seem boring to us as adults but for them it is a chance to explore, understand and finally master. What a great moment that is to observe! It may appear as teachers we are just sitting round watching babies….don’t be fooled! As trained early childhood teachers, we are observing, recording, responding, planning and evaluating. We need to offer our children an environment that is responsive to their needs and observation is a key element to achieving this. We live in a busy fast paced world. We offer an unhurried curriculum for our busy babies where they have time to work things out for themselves. Along with respect, safety and love – Little Geckos is a fun, nurturing place for your child.


All your child’s nutritional requirements are provided for by you, so please bring each day whatever your child will need. You know at this age what they currently like and dislike. You also know what they have tried so far and haven’t with regard to allergies and reactions. We also want to replicate your home environment as much as possible, so the taste and textures they have at home, are the same as they have here. Routine and familiarity make for a content environment. We are able to heat food as required and have a fridge available with a space just for your child’s milk and food.

Licensed for

19 children

A picture of Geckos Early Learning Centre

Regent - Whangarei

Geckos Early Learning Centre

Geckos offers specialised early childhood education for preschoolers.  Using child-led learning techniques and our play-based curriculum, our qualified teachers will empower and support your child as they develop to becoming school ready.

Our space is built and designed with 3-5 year olds in mind and some areas were even designed by our tamariki. Quality playground equipment, supervised cooking events, communal meal times and secret gardens are just some of the ways we use play to transfer important life skills to our pre-schoolers.

Transition to School

The transition from early learning to primary school is a big change in your child's life.  When your child turns 4, it’s time to start thinking about preparing for a positive transition to school.

At Geckos, we will help ensure your child feels safe, confident and connected to their new school and friends.  One of the ways we do this is by developing strong connections with our local primary, Whangarei Primary School.  Even if your child transitions to another school, everyone benefits from spending time at Whangarei Primary.  We enjoy sitting in on junior classroom time each week and participate in special events, such as cross country and assemblies.  Tamariki become comfortable with older students and the busier pace of a school environment.

We have an open door policy and encourage your child's new primary teacher to visit your child here at Geckos.  Before your child leaves us, we’ll write a letter celebrating them to their new school.

Please approach us for information about different schools in the area and feel free to ask us to join you on school visits.

We set aside long blocks of time for tamariki to fully engage in the activities of their choice, allowing them to enjoy deeper, richer and more powerful learning through play.  We read the tamariki’s cues to tell us when it’s time for refueling, or quiet time, so don't be surprised if you walk in and our rhythm doesn't look exactly like this.

What to pack in your child's bag

Each day your child will need to arrive with:

- Food for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea in a lunch box
- Change of clothes, we love to get messy and wet while we learn!

Licensed for

26 children

A picture of Geckos (The Nest) Early Learning Centre

Regent - Whangarei

Geckos (The Nest) Early Learning Centre

The Nest is a purpose-built space designed to nurture the needs of tamariki from 3 months up to 3 and half years. Our Nest kaiako are qualified to recognise and meet the special learning and care requirements of our youngest children, in a safe and welcoming environment.

The Nest is run with optimum teacher to child ratios to ensure your little one always has an adult to help. All our equipment is designed to be safe and stimulating for children under 3 years and we have dedicated sleep areas and sleep times to create a calm and comfortable environment for your child to nap. We sit together for meals to support healthy eating habits, social skills and a sense of community.

We set aside long blocks of time for tamariki to fully engage in the activities of their choice, allowing them to enjoy deeper, richer and more powerful learning through play.  We read the children’s cues to tell us when it’s time for refueling, or quiet time, so don't be surprised if you walk in and our rhythm doesn't look exactly like this.

What to pack in your child's bag

Each day your child will need to arrive with:

  • Food for morning kai, lunch and afternoon kai in a lunch box
  • Change of clothes, we love to get messy and wet while we learn!
  • Nappies (for those not toilet-trained)

Licensed for

28 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Regent childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Regent

A picture of Norfolk Street Educare

Regent - Whangarei

Norfolk Street Educare

Our most central city centre, Educare Norfolk is nestled away on Norfolk Street, behind Bank Street - a perfect location for parents or Whānau who work in central Whangarei. We have two side by side locations catering for our Under 3s on one side and our Over 2s on the other.

The team at Educare Norfolk Street pride themselves on incorporating all aspects of our community

Norfolk street educare is a small intimate centre, located in central Whangarei. We cater for 0 – 6 year olds in two separate buildings. One purpose built infant and toddler centre, which is modern and spacious; and one renovated old Villa with a homely and historical feel. Nestled in central Whangarei we are always up to date with our surrounding community and pride ourselves on making sure our tamariki have a strong sense of belonging to their kainga. The Norfolk street team are driven and passionate kaiako with a shared goal of creating a home away from home for all tamariki. We are a positive, fun loving and supportive team. Together we aim to create respectful and reciprocal relationships with both our whānau and tamariki, putting continual emphasis on the holistic wellbeing of each individual tamaiti. You won’t leave Norfolk Street Educare without having smiled or felt the warmth of aroha we have created here in our space.

Licensed for

56 children

A picture of Hatea Early Learning Centre

Regent - Northland

Hatea Early Learning Centre

At Hātea Early Learning Centre we value an environment which inspires curiosity and encourages explorations which develop into meaningful interactions amongst peers and kaiako.

As well as embracing our bicultural heritage and the multicultural mix of our community, we also value the contribution and role played by parents and whānau and use open communication with reciprocal and responsive relationships with each child’s whānau.

"The goal of early childhood education should be to unlock the childs own natural desire to learn"

Licensed for

24 children

A picture of Stepping Stones Preschool

Regent - Whangarei

Stepping Stones Preschool

High Quality & Affordable Childcare in Whangarei. Childcare Subsidy. Positive Learning. Caring Teachers.

Stepping Stones Preschool and Early Childhood Centre, in central Whangarei, is where your children will embark on their educational journey of discovery and develop lifelong friendships. 

Stepping Stones is about family values, learning and play which are carefully balanced to produce a safe, positive and nurturing environment. Our staff respect the diversity of families and cultures in our community. 

We aim to promote learning through fun, enjoyable and enriching experiences, creating a sense of belonging and achievement in all children.

We are centrally located on 153A Bank Street. You will find us next to Whangarei Primary School. Stepping Stones is a short distance to the Whangarei CBD, which makes it convenient for busy parents looking for childcare in Whangarei.

Stepping Stones Preschool & Childcare welcomes parents and whanau into the centre anytime. We have an open door policy and you are more than welcome to call in for a visit us at any time. 

Licensed for

26 children