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We, at Mercury Bay Preschool, operate under the NZ Early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki, where tamariki are “competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society”.
Our tamariki are our most precious taonga, and we believe that each tamaiti is a gift, who comes to us with their own unique culture, strengths, talents, and interests. Kaiako value the tamaiti’s individuality and diversity and this guides the kaiako’s relationships with whānau, hapu, and iwi.
The contribution and involvement of our whānau is embraced, valued, and encouraged to ensure that each individual tamaiti shines and their interests, desires and aspirations are enriched.
Creating effective relationships (whakawhanaungatanga) between kaiako, tamariki and whānau, based on openness, honesty and respect is one of our values and this sets the foundation for learning and teaching.
As tamariki discover in an environment full of stimulation and wonderment, their natural curiosity will inspire and shape our evolving curriculum.
Kaiako acknowledge and recognise Māori as tangata whenua and assumes a shared obligation for protecting Māori reo and tikanga within our early childhood setting.