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Our Proven Approach
With very experienced staff and a clear philosophy, The Rumpus Room offers an exceptional and proven choice to allow your child to play, learn and grow. To support our philosophies we have developed a play based, project centred programme that allows children to explore their own interests and develop a greater understanding of the way the world around them works.
We understand the importance of creating respectful interactions between the child and teachers, where the child is an active participant. With this in mind we promote an environment for our children which allows them to be curious, investigate, make decisions and problem solve to make sense of their world and their place in it.
Children learn through play and exploration and our programme supports this approach. Our children have access to exciting and challenging resources that provide them with the space to explore, have adventures and daydream. Play. Learn. Grow. Help your child transition successfully to school and find their place in the world.
Our Distinct Philosophy
At The Rumpus Room we believe in fostering strong and trusting relationships, building links to our community and ensuring constant communication between teachers and families. The development of trusting relationships is essential to effective learning and our children benefit from having a close relationship with a key caregiver. We work with parents to understand each child’s individual routines in order to ensure consistency between the centre and home.
Having strong ties to their environment gives children a sense of well-being and belonging so we ensure that we get into our local community as much as possible. We also work with the new entrant teachers at our local Primary Schools to help our children transition seamlessly to school. We know that the education of children is a partnership between the centre and home and so we keep families informed with an online parent portal and weekly newsletters.
You’ll find our very experienced early childhood educators working with the children in our great space or out exploring the local community having adventures with the children. The Rumpus Room provides quality education and care to each individual child in a home-like environment where teachers strive to ensure children are happy, secure and respected.