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Taking enrolments
At Busy Bees Gladstone Road, we value every child and see them as unique and a special taonga. Children at our centre will experience a caring, nurturing environment, one which promotes a positive self-image and respect for people, places and things. One which helps children build positive relationships, where they experience and learn the importance of trust and honesty, and where they develop a sense of independence and autonomy. We would be honoured to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to call or visit anytime.
We are open 7.45am - 5.15pm Monday to Friday.
“Growing future kaitiaki of Turanga-nui a Kiwa”
Busy Bees Gladstone Road believes that the environment is a child’s 3rd teacher and strives to provide a nature rich environment. By utilising, encouraging and valuing all areas of learning and development through Papatūānuku – Mother Nature we provide children with the opportunity to build strong connections with the natural environment. We have a strong focus on sustainability, recycling and understanding the importance of respecting and protecting the living world.
Taiao | Environment
At Busy Bees Gladstone Road we pride ourselves on whakawhanaungatanga (relationships and connectedness) and our environment supports this through our tuākana-tēina (mixed age) learning spaces. All areas encourage indoor/outdoor flow and tamariki are supported by our interactive teaching team. Our curriculum focusses on learning through play and exploration incorporating te taiao (the natural environment), the arts, technology and ako (teaching and learning).
Ako | Teaching & Learning
We have a talented group of multicultural kaiako who have been selected based on their experience and passion within the Early Learning field, their professional knowledge of teaching and nurturing tamariki as well as their philosophy of education and knowledge of child development.
We aspire for all children to have access to a high-quality curriculum that recognises and responds to the curiosity and interest shown by our learners. For children to experience an environment that supports the development of their numeracy and literacy skills, as well as one where communication is encouraged and social interaction is supported, which will assist them to develop skills in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships in the future.
We also believe that children bring knowledge from home and that they can teach us and their peers as much as we can teach them. Busy Bees Gladstone Road strives to celebrate this collective knowledge and utilise it to learn new things.
Health and wellbeing are essential aspects in childrens lives. By placing intentional focus on each of these areas, we are providing tamariki with every opportunity to gain the skills and habits to take with them into a healthy future.
By focusing on the 4 key pillars of Hauora (Tana Tihana: physical, Taha Hinengāro: mental and emotional, Tana Whānau: family and social and Taha Wairua: spiritual wellbeing) we weave key aspects into the everyday curriculum with our children.
As part of this ongoing commitment to the holistic wellbeing of tamariki, we have researched and developed programmes focused specifically on the two key areas of Physical Activity (Move) and Nutrition (Nourish).
Our Centre Cook provides a nutritional morning tea and afternoon tea daily. Tamariki bring their pouaka kai (lunch boxes) on either side of Wednesday with warm kai lovingly prepared every Wednesday.