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A couple of days
As any quality daycare should, our childcare centre takes pride in having one of the best teacher-to-child ratios. This helps us to provide a high standard of education for your child(ren) in an environment that is nurturing and caring.
Your child will receive plenty of individualised care and early childcare education, quality interactions, and conversations, meaningful learning moments, and plenty of opportunities for one-to-one attention from our dedicated early childhood educators.
Think of us as a ‘home, away from home’.
We are one of the few centres that aim to uphold this high-quality approach to childcare in Tauranga. One of our goals is to make use of our well-kept surroundings to provide a relaxed learning environment for all of our children.
Within this environment, our children are provided with a carefully considered and well-resourced programme that encourages complex, fun play opportunities, and a love of learning.
Our children’s growing minds can flourish as they have the freedom to be creative thinkers, be resourceful, explore, investigate, imagine, persevere, develop resilience, and grow their physical and social skills.
Our Philosophy
Lilliput Preschool believes in responsive and reciprocal relationships with all our children, parents/whānau, and amazing teachers, where they feel valued, safe and secure.
We believe in kindness and respecting everyone as well as everything around us. We take pride in providing programmes that strengthen each child’s cultural identity so they grow up as confident life-long learners and highly competent individuals.