Tiny Smiles Early Learning Centre - Phone: 06 757 2289

Education and Care in New Plymouth, Taranaki
Tiny Smiles Early Learning Centre - Phone: 06 757 2289 is Pro
Pro centres are experienced, highly rated operators who are committed to providing a great experience for parents and their children.
Licensed for
44 children
Maximum under 2's
14 children
Centre information
clock7:00am - 5:15pm
allDay iconAll day
food iconMeals Provided
over2sBool iconOver 2's
under2sBool iconUnder 2's

Typically responds within

A few hours


Taking enrolments

Send an enquiry
A little about us

Kia ora & welcome to Tiny Smiles, a locally based childcare centre in Merrilands, New Plymouth. Opening hours of 6:45am - 5:15pm.


* TWO YEARS OLD & OVER FREE MONDAY OFFER - Sign up for three days or more, include a Monday in the enrolment & the Monday is free for 12 months! (Ts&Cs apply & only new enrolments from 1st Nov 2024).

* UNDER TWO'S OFFER - FIVE DAYS FOR FOUR DAYS / FOUR DAYS FOR THREE DAYS - Sign up for a five or four day enrolment & have it for the price of four / three days until the little one turns two years old! (Ts&Cs apply & only new enrolments from 1st Nov 2024).

With the end of year changeover & off to school, we have a few spaces available so see our Manager, Kerryn, for details! Phone: 06 757 2289

We are a small boutique centre with a maximum of 44 children which means your little one won't get lost in the numbers.

By providing great teacher to child ratios, home cooked food & a heap of learning fun,  Tiny Smiles ensures a fun filled experience for all our tamariki aged 3 months to 5 years.

Our philosophy of 'Inspire..learn..grow" will enable your tamariki to thrive at Tiny Smiles whether in the sandpit filled with splashy water to creating the next art masterpiece in our art area, your child's creativity & interests will be stimulated every day whilst making great friends for school!

Our opening hours are 6:45am to 5:15pm with all day kai provided, starting with a healthy nutricious breakfast through to afternoon snacks for those later pickups.

We currently have a few spaces left after the begining of school year transitions so if you are interested in enrolling, please get in touch as these will go quickly.

Visit our website www.tinysmiles.co.nz to see more about us or email us on admin@tinysmiles.nz to book a tour with us!

Visit our website
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What this centre offers
Discount for siblings
Open during school holidays
Supports cloth nappies
Morning tea provided
Afternoon tea provided
5 · 1 Review
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Our Philosophy


We collaborate with whanaungatanga (family and whanau) to co-create a curriculum that aligns with the hopes and dreams held for all children in the community.

Guided by Te Whãriki, we:

Whakamanawa (Inspire) by:

· Sparking the interest and desire to try something new and step outside the comfort zone

· Encourage and supporting, in the knowledge that everyone is deserving

· Build on new ideas and theories about the world

· Being a role model and sharing our gifts and talents in relevant and meaningful ways

Ako (Learn) by:

· Continually developing and encourage our curiosity and be open to new experiences

· Being aware and extending knowledge, skills and disposition as a learner

· Having a two way street where we seek to challenge our thinking together through dialogue

Tuputupu (Grow) through:

· Natural unfolding development ensuring the wellbeing of all

· Confidence to be who you are

· Improving – opening our minds to new ways of knowing

· Reflecting and striving to be more

Poipoia te kakano; Kia puawai – Nurture the seed and it will blossom

Our Vision / to mātau kitenga

He mokowā haumaru e tipu ai te tangata me te kimi i te whakahau kia whakawhiwhia ki ngā akoranga hou me te mōhio ki tō rātou kaha katoa

A safe space where people grow and find the motivation to embrace new learning and realise their full potential

Our Mission / to mātau mahi

Hei whakarato i tētahi taiao whakaako taunaki me te akoranga e nui ai tātau rerekētanga i roto i tō tātau iwi i runga i ngā huarahi karihi, e whakarongo ana kia mārama, kia noho hoki ki konei

To provide a rich teaching and learning environment where we make a big difference in our community in atomic ways, listening to understand and be present

Our Purpose / to mātau whāinga

Hei waihanga i tētahi taiao haumaru e taea ai, e whai hua ana hoki te katoa, mā te whakarato wheako tūāpapa mā ngā pātahitanga mō te angitu i roto i te mātauranga me te ora hei putanga tino pai rawa o rātau anō

To create a safe environment where everyone is capable and valued, providing foundational experiences through relationships for success in education and life to be the best version of themselves

“Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere; Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao”

The bird that consumes the miro berry owns the forest; the bird that consumes knowledge owns the world

160 Mangorei Road, New Plymouth, Taranaki