Childcare options in Glen Eden

Glen Eden has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Glen Eden

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Glengarry Early Learning Centre


Glen Eden - Auckland

Glengarry Early Learning Centre

Welcome to Glengarry Early Learning Centre where every day is a new adventure – a new day to learn, to play, to grow, and to connect with people, nature, and the world around us!

Our purpose-built centre is divided into two beautiful, well-resourced rooms, each staffed with dedicated and qualified teachers who support your child's special interests and projects.

We are committed to sustainability, not only by respecting the environment, but by respecting all cultures, all ethnicities, family structures, values, socio-economic status, and religion. A truly sustainable world is one where we show respect for the world and for each other. At Glengarry Early Learning Centre, your child’s lifelong adventure starts here – with love.

Our learning environments are designed to provide authentic, meaningful learning experiences that foster a sense of wonder, joy, and a love for learning in children.

Interested in joining our centre? Simply get in touch with us by booking a visit or sending an enquiry today. We look forward to welcoming you and your precious tamariki at Glengarry Early Learning Centre.


Our curriculum is based on New Zealand’s Early Childhood Curriculum – Te Whāriki. We see children as competent learners and communicators, secure in their sense of belonging and confident in their contributions to society.

Te Whāriki, meaning ‘woven mat’, integrates four curriculum principles with five strands. Together, these elements express our vision for children. Our teachers collaborate with children, parents, and whanau to weave these principles and strands into a local curriculum that promotes positive learning outcomes.

The Four Principles / Kaupapa Whakahaere of Te Whāriki are:

  • Family & Community | Whānau tangata – Family and community are integral to the curriculum.
  • Relationships | Ngā hononga – Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships.
  • Empowerment | Whakamana – The curriculum empowers children to learn and grow.
  • Holistic Development | Kotahitanga – The curriculum reflects the holistic nature of children’s learning and development.

Licensed for

42 children

A picture of Lil Seeds

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Lil Seeds

Lil Seeds

We are offering a unique opportunity for your child to attend an exclusive private kindergarten. We offer small intimate learning groups of 12 children, with two enthusiastic, highly qualified and experienced educators. The underpinning philosophy of Lil Seeds Kindy is a combination of Reggio Emilia and the Forest Kindergarten movement, which encourages children to play and learn in a natural environment. The program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility and community promoted through exploration and discovery in a supportive, enriching environment.

In order to promote this philosophy we have a 12-seater van and will be embarking on excursions in the community, exploring local parks and reserves. Safety is a priority and each area has been researched and a full risk assessment completed.

While nature based play is an important part of our curriculum and makes significant contributions to literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, it is also designed to provide further opportunities “in house” to learn about the environment and sustainable practices such as gardening, cooking, waste control, electricity, and life cycles.

Our Philosophy

Lil Seeds

"Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the mountains and the stars up above. Let them look at the beauty of the waters and the trees and flowers on earth. They will then begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education" - David Polis.

Peaceful, Respectful Communication

  • We believe that positive communication is the key to ensure everyone is well informed and valued in their contribution while feeling respected at all times.
  • We believe that through role-modelling peaceful communication children will learn compassionate dialogue, which will provide life-long skills in situations of conflict and leadership, in addition, impacting on the overall wellness of society.
  • We believe children learn limits and boundaries through love and support.
  • We believe that open honest communication with parents and whanau is the key to successful relationships.

Loving, Homely Environments, which firstly engage the heart and then the mind.....

  • We believe that every adult and child within our care deserves to be treated with the respect that is consistent to their cultural heritage.
  • We believe in creating relationships with our children that are built on love, trust and mutual respect. Grounding children to the environment.
  • We believe an emotionally satisfied child is free to fully engage themselves within their surroundings.
  • We believe that little brains needs to feel safe, secure and loved.
  • We believe that our environment should reflect the ideas, ethics, attitudes and culture of the people within it.
  • We believe that the physical environment acts as the third teacher, it therefore needs to entice, captivate, challenge and nourish every individual.
  • We believe "the child should live in an environment of beauty" - Maria Montessori.

Learning unfolds naturally...Play is the answer to how anything new comes about...all mammals play!

  • We believe play is the window to all learning and for children to play they need to be emotionally satisfied.
  • We believe meaningful learning experiences only happen when children initiate and engage in opportunities for themselves.
  • We believe children be free to play in their own natural way making their own natural progression.
  • We believe teachers foster learning through play by setting up an environment, which is rich in provocations, allowing children to develop a natural love for enquiry, investigation and invention.
  • We believe all children are naturally creative and teachers foster this through providing raw materials, freedom of time, creative experiences that are holistic and limitless.
  • We believe teachers and children are equal partners in the learning process.

Collaboration is Everything…shared vision, shared goals.

  • We believe that together we provide strength, unity, shared understanding and strategies.
  • We believe partnership between management and teacher, child, family and community exist and this strengthens and supports us.
  • We believe in sharing knowledge, praise and recognition on a daily basis.
  • We believe that we are all of equal importance and that we make a difference everyday.
  • We believe that together we inspire one another to be the best we can be, together we achieve greatness.

“Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives” – Thomas Berry

  • We believe nature holds the key essential elements to holistic growth and development.
  • We believe by installing a love and sense of wonder about nature in every child we are creating guardians of our earth.
  • We believe that the outdoor environment is pivotal to the development of a healthy body, soul and spirit.
  • We believe natural elements provide for open-ended play that emphasise unstructured creative exploration with diverse materials – the high levels of complexity and variety nature offers invites longer and more complex play.
  • We believe that working alongside children to develop more sustainable practices is to help ensure our children’s future.
  • We believe that playing and engaging in nature evokes the children’s imagination and creativity while being meaningful, abundant and able to create multiple opportunities.
  • We believe that through opportunities to explore our beautiful country we are able to pass on legends and myths of Maori, and honouring Maori as Tangata Whenua.

Licensed for

25 children

A picture of Our Kids Early Learning Centre - Glen Eden

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Our Kids Early Learning Centre - Glen Eden

The Glen Eden centre is centrally located and children have easy access to community resources. The centre has a newly furnished outdoor area providing plenty of challenges and opportunities for children to explore including a beautiful stream with a pump that runs off rain water, sensory herbs and landscaped planting, a beautiful stained glass fence window for children to look outside, and a deck area for use in the wet weather.The outdoor area is huge with a large sandpit, plenty of outdoor equipment for physical activities, and a long spiraling ramp for wheeled activities. Children’s artwork, their photos, plants and mirrors, are used to decorate the interior of the centre to create a homely and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Our Kids is a small and homely all-day mixed aged centre providing quality care and education for children aged between 6 months and 5 years. Our teachers create respectful and caring relationships with the children while maintaining close relationships with their family/whānau. The centre has been renovated with new facilities, and is continuously well resourced.

Gardening and nature is an important part of our centre culture. The children are very involved in all processes of gardening and learning about nature. Teachers take children on nature walk experiences and for visits to the local garden and orchard. The teachers and children are often seen out and about in our local community as we frequently visit the library and shops. We feel it is important for children to be part of their community and learn about real-life experiences of their environment.

Licensed for

32 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Glen Eden childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Glen Eden

A picture of Glen Eden Kindergarten

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Glen Eden Kindergarten

Quality Early Learning and Care provided for 2-5 year olds in a quiet off street location in the heart of Glen Eden.

Nurturing healthy growth through our approach to learning

Encouraging individual development through our focused care

Developing confidence through our transition to school programme

Establishing kaitiaki through our sustainability programme.

Eden Cottage encourages whanau/family involvement within our Early Learning Centre.

Our learning philosophy

For the past 110 years, the Auckland Kindergarten Association has been igniting young minds by encouraging them to explore their imaginations through play. For many of us, kindergarten was where we began our life of learning; it was where we started learning skills like sharing, tolerance, patience, respect and self-confidence.

We view children as capable, competent, life-long learners, and our philosophy encourages children to make their own learning choices, problem-solve and observe and explore at their own pace…with support from teachers, parents, wider whānau and their peers. We value the importance of child-initiated, play-based experiences. Our kindergarten teachers nurture your children’s interests and natural curiosity by working alongside them, expanding language and introducing mathematical and science concepts, as well as literacy, digital technology and sustainable practices.

Our centres have gardens and natural outdoor spaces where children can create, explore, be imaginative and expressive. There’s plenty of room to safely run about, being imaginative and physically active. In fact, the natural world is essential to free-range play. AKA encourages each kindergarten community to explore and enrich their diversity and uniqueness. Some have regular excursions into the local community; some are Enviroschool kindergartens that live and breathe sustainable practices; while others engage in long-term research on child interest-based programmes of learning.

As an organisation, we formally acknowledge the dual heritage of Aotearoa / New Zealand, and work to uphold the spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in each kindergarten. We are accessible, secular and welcoming to the wide diversity of tamariki and whānau who attend our centres, and value ongoing partnerships between teaching teams and leadership staff with families and whānau. We value ongoing learning for teachers, parents and whānau, and the sharing of knowledge, skills and attributes is fundamental to achieving the best learning outcomes for children. Teachers and staff can access collegial professional time to ensure that quality practice is enhanced so current theories of learning and development within New Zealand’s world-class Te Whāriki early childhood curriculum are shared and understood.

Children learn

Children in our kindergartens have the opportunity to:

  • Feel confident, develop responsibility and a sense of independence
  • Play meaningfully alongside other children and adults
  • Develop effective communication skills
  • Persevere, problem-solve and take risks
  • Explore limits, boundaries, routines and conflict resolution strategies
  • Practice fine motor skills such as threading, writing, cutting and grasping
  • Develop gross motor play such as physical games like climbing, throwing, kicking, balancing and lifting
  • Develop creative expressions through painting, music, collage, movement, dance, finger-painting, drawing, cutting, pasting and story sharing
  • Develop early numeracy, literacy and science skills
  • Learn techniques through trial and error
  • Explore the world through experimenting, questioning and curiosity
  • Develop confidence and celebrate both attempts and successes
  • Develop a passion for learning and a love of life
  • Have fun!

Older children will be supported in their transition to school to make this process as simple and seamless as possible. Book a visit here on Kindello today, we’d love to meet you.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Kidd Inn Early Learning Centre

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Kidd Inn Early Learning Centre

Kidd Inn Early Learning Centre

Kidd Inn has recently extended its grounds to embrace our under 2's centre Just Kidd Inn. We have created a unique environment where our Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers have there own individual edifice, where these areas can be shared & manipulated to ensure our needs as a whole centre are meet cohesively.

Our Babies room is called the Morepork room, as infants can be night owls. The curriculum is based around genuine respectful relationships & practices. We endeavour to structure our day around the needs of each child, to ensure this we have incorporated a Key Caregiver approach., where each educator has a group of children and they complete all of their Key Care Moments eg nappy changes, lunch, bottles and being put to sleep.

The Toddler room is called the Tuis, as they are so busy. The toddlers are in a purpose built building, where the unique needs and urges of this age group are meet and fostered. We have extended our Key Caregiver approach with the age group to ensure continuity at a high level of quality care.

The Preschool area is called the Kereru room, as they love to explore and investigate. We also have Te Kete Aronui, where a small group of our older 4 year olds further develop the skills required for the transition to school. The preschool area is designed to foster optimal learning at the children's pace. We have specific environments that provide opportunities for exploration, where educators are present to scaffold and build upon these experiences.

Kidd Inn provides a vast range of learning experiences based upon the children’s current interests and enhanced through the ingenuity of highly skilled and motivated teachers.  The environment is constantly under review in order to ensure we are providing the children with exciting new challenges, which intensifies the imagination.

Everyday is a new fun-filled day at Kidd Inn.  We believe while the children are playing and having fun they are learning to become self-directed self-motivated learners.  We believe in warm responsive care that creates respectful relationships, promoting self -esteem and self worth.  We promote a healthy relationship with the planet by teaching sustainable practices, such as gardening, composting and reducing waste, therefore installing good practices for life within our children.

Licensed for

85 children

A picture of Just Kidz Kelston

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Just Kidz Kelston

Just Kidz Kelston is a brand new, beautifully designed purpose-built centre. We have a license for up to 90 learners including 22 under two-year olds.

We are open from 7am – 6pm Monday to Friday and offer half day sessions, ‘school’ days or full days on either a full-time or part time attendance.

We are located on the outside of Kelston Shopping centre, where the teachers and families enjoy the convenience of the shopping amenities upon dropping or picking up their children. We also have our own designated underground carpark with a very helpful elevator (or stairs) designed to assist you and your family needs.

Our centre is warm, welcoming and has a nurturing environment.

Our handpicked team of professionals are all Early Childhood Qualified and Registered Teachers of New Zealand. They are very experienced and confident in their teaching pedagogies, so we can support children to flourish and grow in their early years.

We are very fortunate to have our own onsite Chef who has had years of experience in creating nutritious meals, which enables us to be able to provide healthy and fun meals for our children. Please note that we also support children’s dietary and or cultural food requirements, just have a chat with us.

Our centre is made up of 4 wonderful learning spaces named after our beautiful West Auckland Beaches.

The Piha Room

Is specially designed for infants through to children up to 2 years old.

This room allows lots of space for our youngest learners to move around and explore. The environment is set up to create a safe learning space with plenty of natural light and all the comforts that our littlest learners require.

Be reassured that your children will experience respectful and peaceful relationships with their teachers. We believe in providing an environment where children’s routines can be calm and unhurried, with a huge emphasis on communicating with you as their parent or caregiver.

Our Piha Room also has their own wonderful outdoor area, with a sandpit and beautifully designed playground. This is separated from our older children, which promotes our little one’s safety and physical wellbeing.

The Muriwai Room

Is specially designed for our active explorers aged 2 to 3 years old.

It is sunny and warm with amazing natural light. The environment is created to respond to our toddlers rapidly growing capabilities, and it provides opportunities for individual exploration as well as peer engagement.

We have essential learning areas that are fully equipped with amazing and well thought out resources that are designed to promote experiences that will extend your children’s learning and foster their creativity.

Our Muriwai Room has TWO outside play spaces, with a sand pit, a little Whare and even their own little waka, along with lots of other fun resources and equipment to challenge our little one’s holistic development.

The Whatipu Room

Is located on our top floor and designed for children aged 3 to 4 years.

This room has amazing learning areas, along with resources that are of a very high standard and that are designed to support your children to develop a greater awareness of themselves as learners.

Our Whatipu room supports our young children in how to plan and monitor their own individual learning and with peer interaction.

This also includes a beautifully designed dramatic play area, which is very popular with this age group, as it supports them to develop those essential social skills that enable them to establish and maintain friendships.

Our Whatipu Room shares a very large playground on the top balcony with the Cornwallis room. It includes beautiful outdoor equipment, and a very popular bike track! Along with other fun resources and equipment that your children will enjoy!

The Cornwallis Room

Is also located on our top floor and is specifically designed for children 4 years to 6 years.

Our curriculum throughout our centre is designed to promote readiness for school, however our Cornwallis Room has an array of experiences for young children to engage in, that promote preparation and transitional learning into our local primary schools.

The learning resources that have been chosen for this room promote and allow children to engage in literacy rich learning, mathematical concepts, inquiry-based challenges and holistic growth.

Our Cornwallis Room shares a very large playground on the top balcony with the Whatipu Room. It includes beautiful outdoor equipment, and a very popular bike track! Along with other fun resources and equipment that your children will enjoy!

Be reassured that the teachers will support you and your child to have a fun, and smooth transition into primary school.

Licensed for

90 children

A picture of Tiny Nation Glen Eden

Glen Eden - Auckland

Tiny Nation Glen Eden

About us

Tiny Nation is home-based care and education with a difference.

We believe that children have the best chance to flourish when they have secure attachments and a strong sense of belonging in their early years. This foundation is key to emotional, physical and mental growth and wellbeing. From this nourished beginning, happy, healthy and well-adjusted young adults can grow.

Enquire today

We would love to match you with the ideal educator in your area so send us an enquiry here and we’ll be in touch to provide you with all the information you need to make the best choice for your family.

How we look after our families

  • High quality education and care using only trained educators and qualified teachers

Because we believe in quality, not quantity, we only work with trained educators and qualified teachers, who by completing their training have proven their commitment to nurturing and caring for children. We find the best trained teachers and educators and support them to deliver their own unique early learning programmes in their own homes. We hand-pick them for their passion, commitment, experience and qualifications. We know that qualifications are an indicator of quality when it comes to early childhood education and we’re proud to represent 100% qualified educators and teachers.

  • Family and educator self-matches

When you enquire with us as a family, we support you to self-match with a Tiny Nation educator of your choice. The choice factor is huge here – you get to choose the person you leave your child with when you can’t be there. You will choose your educator based on the needs of your family and child, your values, your own early learning philosophy and, most importantly, your connection with them. This allows you to find the perfect educator for your family – someone who will become a part of your support village and who will advocate fiercely for your child when you can’t. Isn’t this what we all want as parents?

  • Small ratios of no more than four children to one educator

By choosing home-based early learning, you are choosing small groups and responsive relationships. Tiny Nation educators have no more than four pre-school children in their care at any given time, with no more than two under the age of two. This allows them to engage with their care children in meaningful ways, dedicating time to support their development and getting to know them deeply. Having small ratios of children per educator enables respectful interactions and authentic connections. Your child is not just a number at Tiny Nation.

  • Nurturing, natural and familiar home environments

Home environments stir up comforting memories for all of us. We make personal connections with this kind of environment because it represents our childhood. It provides a strong sense of security and safety as we are able to seek comfort through the familiar. Early childhood education in home environments provide a calm and settled foundation for learning to occur. Children have the space to explore the community around them in real and authentic ways.

Our vision

To empower a nation of children to reach their full potential

Our guiding principles

Leadership / Ārahitanga

We encourage, empower and inspire our educators and teachers to contribute to our thinking and re-define what leadership looks like in early childhood education.

Relationship / Whanaungatanga

We are founded on consistent, familiar and nurturing relationships. It’s vital to take the time to understand, relate to and acknowledge each other as relationships are the soil from which everything else grows.

Partnership / Whakahoahoatanga

We are collaborative and work in partnership with parents and whānau, educators, the community and other like-minded services so that they can participate in and contribute to our journey.

These are our values

Authenticity / Mana Pono

This means being real and accountable. We partner with people who are aligned with our principles, values and beliefs so that we can all show up for our children in meaningful ways.

Belonging / Nō Konei Hoki

We affirm the identity, culture and language of our community and ensure staff, children, families and whānau know they have a place with us. Our environments and programmes are inclusive and our transitions are thoughtfully planned.

Communication / Kōrero

Reciprocal and responsive communication allows us to express ideas and feelings. We’re as passionate about listening as we are about being heard. We model effective communication so that our children become capable and confident communicators.

Our commitment to families

“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tatou mahi.

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”

When you enrol as a family with Tiny Nation, we make a commitment to you as we journey together to provide your child with the love and care that they need to grow and flourish. For us, early childhood starts with care and ends with education. We know that no significant learning can occur without there first being a significant relationship. Your chosen educator becomes your child’s special person – their ‘go to’ in times of triumph and trouble. Someone who loves them just like you do and an extension of your family.

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of Home Grown Kids Glen Eden

Glen Eden - Auckland

Home Grown Kids Glen Eden

Thinking about Home Based childcare with Home Grown Kids?

All of our Educators are carefully selected and screened including Police Vetting, identity checks, an interview that assess their attitudes and values toward children and an overall assessment of risk.

Enquire today and we’ll be in touch with you soon to provide the perfect option for your family.

Choosing the Best Educator for Your Child

We stand strong alongside our Educators. We care about them and we’re committed to the work they do, supporting and communicating with them every step of the way. We understand that engaged, fulfilled Educators make for happy families and even happier tamariki who thrive in these small group settings.

Small Group Setting

Our Home Based childcare groups are capped at a maximum of four children under the age of six, including Educators’ own children. This means we can offer each child the individual attention they need to flourish.

The best fit for your whānau values

Our Educators offer a range of different programmes based around their beliefs, values, culture, background and philosophies. Over 90% of our Educators hold a recognised ECE qualification. Some of our Educators are mothers and grandmothers with fantastic life skills, experience and knowledge. We’ll listen to your needs and then offer, where possible, a range of Educators. You will get to choose an Educator that you and your whānau connect with and trust.

Exceeding educational standards

An education programme that reflects New Zealand ECE curriculum - Te Whāriki. We are a Ministry of Education approved and licensed Early Childhood Education provider. Regularly reviewed by the

Education Review Office to ensure all our Home Based environments not only meet, but exceed the Ministry of Education’s Licensing Criteria for Home-based Services (2008).

Subsidies available

We’re an approved Work and Income provider and can support you to access a childcare subsidy if you are eligible.

20 hours ECE scheme

The Government subsidises all children aged 3-5 years (or 6 if not enrolled in school) who attend an ECE facility, making access more affordable for all.

Leaders in development practices for each child

All our Educators are supported and guided by our Visiting Teachers who are Qualified certificated ECE teachers with many years’ experience and expertise in early childhood education. Our Visiting Teachers regularly attend professional development to keep up-to-date with current research and theory for best practice for Education and care for under fives.

Our philosophy, vision and mission

  • Our Vision– The why – The reason we exist:

To provide a family friendly wrap around support service that enables all tamariki/whanau to learn, grow and thrive in a home-based setting. Investing in cultivating kindness, strong and professional relationships, in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners

  • Mission Statement – The How -How are we going to achieve the Vision?

We will achieve our Vision through ensuring that every team member is emotionally invested in the well-being of our people including tamariki, whanau, Educators, communities and our Edubase family. We value successes and that these are not ours alone, the greatest success comes from the strengths of many. Our passion, knowledge and commitment will be the catalyst that enables everyone to learn, thrive and achieve.

  • Philosophy Statement

Edubase is a Home Based Early Childhood Education service that is committed to providing nurturing learning environments where tamariki thrive as individuals through an authentic play-based, natural learning education and care programme, in a home setting.

To enrich the learning of each tamariki we form strong community connections, developing links within the home and the learning environments of our Kaiako. Tamariki learn respect for people, places and things, shaping Aotearoa and developing an appreciation of New Zealand’s dual heritage. We continually strive to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi – supporting a holistic approach to learning which is guided by our NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Educators and Nannies offer comfortable, small group sizes, fostering respectful and reciprocal relationships, promoting tikanga Māori within their practice.

As an Organisation, we pride ourselves on cultivating strong, professional relationships, strengthening capability in all our people to continue growing as lifelong learners.

Edubase celebrates the diversity and uniqueness of each tamaiti, whanau and Kaiako and the gifts they bring. They are taonga, a treasure or gift. All things cultural are affirmed and celebrated, aiming to support children in gaining a positive awareness of their own and other cultures.

Tiaki nga tamariki – take care of the children

Licensed for

4 children

A picture of BestStart Glen Eden

Glen Eden - Auckland

BestStart Glen Eden

Together we nurture with care and love

What this means is every child /tamariki and family/whanau feeling accepted and belonging to the centre family, and developing into their potential by learning at their own pace with support.

Wandering into the under two room, you will find peace and calm. In this loving environment, children develop bonds with teachers and other children, becoming curious and sociable learners. Really getting to know each child/tamariki and family/whanau means that the child’s care routines are supported and their interests stimulated through many fun and exciting activities. Our infant teaching team provide a range of varied learning opportunities to challenge and stimulate our youngest learners and help them discover their world.

Our fabulous toddlers have so much fun! Discovering with their senses means getting in there and messy – loving the waterplay, gardening exploration and art supplies. It may look like play however they are busy building social skills so they understand how their world works alongside others. We plan, support and educate our curious group through an individual focus to allow children to grow and learn through different activities. We see our toddlers socialising with children from different cultures, learning about friendship and their identity. In toddlers room, teachers implement Te Whāraki, the NZ curriculum, and we see the children start to show their own learning interests.

From aged 3 years old, our toddlers transition into the preschool classrooms. Our awesome preschoolers gain Be School Ready skills providing the foundations to give them the best start once they begin their journey at school. Children are taught to be independent, socially competent and develop their learning interests in a fun and skilled way. Exciting projects that children work or tinker on helps develop key learning skills, literacy and numeracy. This contributes to children having a successful transition to school and gaining the confidence to build their future.

The natural environment is designed to support and stimulate learning with age appropriate spaces and indoor/outdoor flow. 

Who is BestStart?

BestStart is for families who want more from early-childhood education. Safe, nurturing and educationally focused, we’re committed to growing caring people with curious minds.

Together we teach, learn and nurture.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families, whanau and communities to enable children to achieve their learning potential.

Ko tō mātou tirohanga hei mahi ngātahi i te taha o ngā whānau me ngā hāpori, kia āwhinatia ngā tamariki, kia tū pito mata ai rāatou, hei rangatira mō āpōpō.

We are committed to being a progressive and responsive leader in early-childhood education. We do this by enhancing our services, investing in our people, developing our support structure and continuously improving the educational outcomes and experiences of our children, families and the communities we serve.

Some facts:

  • We’re licensed to educate and care for 15,000 full-time children daily.
  • 18,000 families use BestStart services annually.
  • We have over 270 centres nationwide located from Whangarei to Invercargill.
  • Each centre is managed by a Centre Manager who is supported by a local Area Manager. This gives our centre teams ongoing quality training and support.
  • Te Whāriki, the world-wide acclaimed national early childhood education curriculum, is used in all centres.
  • We have over 4500 permanent teachers nationally. Over 90% of our permanent teaching staff are either fully qualified with a diploma or bachelor of teaching (ECE) or higher, or are in training. These figures are very high by national standards within the ECE sector.
  • We provide a two-year Advice and Guidance Programme for all recently certified teachers, providing further mentoring and training. This gives strong support for teachers from provisional registration to full teacher registration with the NZ Teachers Council.
  • We regularly spend around $4 million on teacher training per annum.

We’re for children

At our heart is our commitment and passion for children. Central to this belief is our focus on the holistic development of children. We support children to explore the world around them, learning through relationships, creating a love of learning in an ever-changing world. Exploration, friendship and fun are part of the journey.

We’re for good

BestStart is a registered charity owned by the Wright Family Foundation. We support initiatives and programmes within BestStart and the wider early-childhood education sector (ECE) that support good outcomes for all children. We do this because we want to make a positive difference to the lives of all children.

Innovation leads us

At BestStart, innovation guides our thinking. We advocate positive change for learners through our research and practice. We’re proud to be thought leaders within ECE, openly challenging ourselves to think differently to provide the best for our children, families and staff.

We’re responsive

Our centres reflect their children, staff and communities. We celebrate individuality, uniqueness and diversity, encouraging a spirit of empathy, understanding and collaboration. Through our responsive relationships and our curriculum, we support learners to choose their own path.

Our people matter

At BestStart people come first. When we grow and develop our people, everyone benefits. We strive for whakamana/empowerment, nurturing a culture of excellence with engaged, talented professionals. Their commitment, skill and passion light our way.

Licensed for

80 children

A picture of Glen Eden West Kindergarten

Glen Eden - Auckland

Glen Eden West Kindergarten

At Glen Eden West Kindergarten we foster a strong sense of belonging in all our children. It’s an inclusive and caring environment with teachers who support children to learn and develop skills in communication, literacy, mathematics, science, technology and other areas. This comes through directed and independent play as well as teaching which is adapted to the individual needs of each little person. The transition to school is also a focus for our centre, and we aim to make the next step as smooth as possible. We are closely tied in with the neighbouring primary school.

We follow the Te Whāriki teaching philosophy, an official New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum. This is based around five principles of learning: wellbeing (mana atua) belonging (mana whenua), contribution (mana tangata), communication (mana reo) and exploration (mana aoturoa). Each of these principles is, we believe, important in growing confident young learners.

The centre has recently been renovated to provide a modern setting for a top quality early childhood education in Glen Eden West.

There are many ways that our centre differs from the many other Glen Eden childcare options. Our kindergarten in Glen Eden is part of the Auckland Kindergarten Association, a longstanding organisation that has shaped the early education of many Kiwis. Kindergartens are family focused and community-based, ensuring that learners feel a sense of belonging in the wider world and encouraging whanau to be an integral part of their child’s learning.

Kindergartens also have strong links with local schools, and a focus on ensuring that children handle the transition well. Our centre will help to grow and prepare your child for life not just at preschool age, but into the years beyond.

Our learning philosophy

For the past 110 years, the Auckland Kindergarten Association has been igniting young minds by encouraging them to explore their imaginations through play. For many of us, kindergarten was where we began our life of learning; it was where we started learning skills like sharing, tolerance, patience, respect and self-confidence.

We view children as capable, competent, life-long learners, and our philosophy encourages children to make their own learning choices, problem-solve and observe and explore at their own pace…with support from teachers, parents, wider whānau and their peers. We value the importance of child-initiated, play-based experiences. Our kindergarten teachers nurture your children’s interests and natural curiosity by working alongside them, expanding language and introducing mathematical and science concepts, as well as literacy, digital technology and sustainable practices.

Our centres have gardens and natural outdoor spaces where children can create, explore, be imaginative and expressive. There’s plenty of room to safely run about, being imaginative and physically active. In fact, the natural world is essential to free-range play. AKA encourages each kindergarten community to explore and enrich their diversity and uniqueness. Some have regular excursions into the local community; some are Enviroschool kindergartens that live and breathe sustainable practices; while others engage in long-term research on child interest-based programmes of learning.

As an organisation, we formally acknowledge the dual heritage of Aotearoa / New Zealand, and work to uphold the spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in each kindergarten. We are accessible, secular and welcoming to the wide diversity of tamariki and whānau who attend our centres, and value ongoing partnerships between teaching teams and leadership staff with families and whānau. We value ongoing learning for teachers, parents and whānau, and the sharing of knowledge, skills and attributes is fundamental to achieving the best learning outcomes for children. Teachers and staff can access collegial professional time to ensure that quality practice is enhanced so current theories of learning and development within New Zealand’s world-class Te Whāriki early childhood curriculum are shared and understood.

Children learn

Children in our kindergartens have the opportunity to:

  • Feel confident, develop responsibility and a sense of independence
  • Play meaningfully alongside other children and adults
  • Develop effective communication skills
  • Persevere, problem-solve and take risks
  • Explore limits, boundaries, routines and conflict resolution strategies
  • Practice fine motor skills such as threading, writing, cutting and grasping
  • Develop gross motor play such as physical games like climbing, throwing, kicking, balancing and lifting
  • Develop creative expressions through painting, music, collage, movement, dance, finger-painting, drawing, cutting, pasting and story sharing
  • Develop early numeracy, literacy and science skills
  • Learn techniques through trial and error
  • Explore the world through experimenting, questioning and curiosity
  • Develop confidence and celebrate both attempts and successes
  • Develop a passion for learning and a love of life
  • Have fun!

Older children will be supported in their transition to school to make this process as simple and seamless as possible. Book a visit here on Kindello today, we’d love to meet you.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Our Kids Early Learning Centre - Mataki Way

Glen Eden - Auckland

Our Kids Early Learning Centre - Mataki Way

If you’re searching for comfortable, nurturing childcare in Mataki Way, Glen Eden, Our Kids Early Learning Centre offers a striking view of the large, native trees and the hills of the Waitakere ranges from our location in Glen Eden. Located in a new subdivision at 3 Mataki Way off Pleasant Road, our latest centre offers spaces for 15 under-2s and 45 preschool children.

At Our Kids Early Learning Centre, our main vision is to empower children’s sense of self and foster their ability to direct their own learning in a nurturing, open, autonomous, and child-centered environment.

The inside spaces of our Mataki Way childcare centre are thoughtfully designed to cultivate children’s curiosity and comfort in a respectful and homely environment. Careful considerations have been given to the aesthetics and natural elements to help instill a sense of belonging. The centre features a stunning outdoor area, with a strong focus on the natural setting where children will be encouraged to explore, learn, and grow in an environment that is both engaging and challenging.

At Our Kids Early Learning Centre, we have a vision of a childcare environment that cultivates mental, physical, and personal growth in children. We’re excited that our Mataki Way childcare centre is now open and we love that we can share our vision with the local community.

Our resident cook provides morning, lunch, and afternoon food breaks, taking into consideration all nutritional guidelines and any special dietary requirements such as allergies. Our Kids teachers encourage positive attitudes in children to support healthy food choices. We have created a four-week cycle menu in collaboration with families and in tandem with the NZ Heart Foundation’s nutrition guidelines.

Licensed for

60 children

A picture of Glen Eden Playcentre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Glen Eden Playcentre

Nau Mai and welcome to Glen Eden Playcentre.

There is no other early childhood education and family development organisation quite like Playcentre. Our thriving centre in the heart of Glen Eden village offers a friendly, supportive environment for your family to play, learn and grow. With a focus on valuing and affirming parents as the first and best educators of their children, we offer quality early childhood education within a community atmosphere. We welcome families with children from newborn to school age, at any time during the year.

At our Playcentre, children’s play is self-directed and initiated. All our sessions are mixed ages so children can learn from and care for each other. The centre is well equipped with a huge sandpit (always popular!), two playgrounds, open grassy area and just about every piece of play equipment and educational resource that you can imagine. Your child can explore, create, climb, do puzzles, read, sing, experiment, play musical instruments, wear costumes, have their face painted (or do it themselves!), garden, discover, jump, run, do carpentry with real tools, bake and cook, play games, swing, slide, build, dance, spend time in nature, get messy and grow. And parents learn too! All our parents have the opportunity to learn through Playcentre early childhood education courses and first aid training. These trainings are free and you are supported to complete them. We also promote the use of New Zealand Sign Language on sessions at our centre. 

We invite you to visit us and experience what Glen Eden Playcentre is all about. Please contact us to arrange a time to visit. We look forward to meeting you and your family soon.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Biggles Childcare

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Biggles Childcare

Welcome to Biggles Childcare!

Biggles Childcare welcomes the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best child care service.

Our childcare centres in West Auckland have qualified, highly skilled and experienced teachers who enjoy working collaboratively together.

We only employ people who actually love being around children and are passionate about early childhood education.

The differences children bring to Biggles enrich each day and each of us in some small or large way - our teachers are open to learning from the children as well.

If you are looking for a childcare centre in West Auckland, with highly qualified staff who are dedicated to giving your child fun early learning and lasting memories, call Biggles Childcare now!

Biggles Philosophy

Children at Biggles childcare are our taonga and we believe they should be treated with care, respect, and kindness. We create a caring learning environment based on respect, patience, presence, love, empathy and understanding. We provide a supportive environment where children are encouraged to explore and learn gaining a sense of security and belonging in the world around them. We strongly believe in empowering children to be competent, capable, confident and independent learners.

Teachers work collaboratively to provide a nurturing, social and respectful environment for all akonga, where the concept of Ako is valued. Teachers encourage children to be able to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas freely in a supportive environment. Te Whāriki is the foundation that leads and guides our teaching practices along with upholding the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Through this we strive to imbed strong foundations and lifelong learning dispositions.

We encourage children to be ‘who they are’ respecting and valuing their cultural roots, and beliefs whilst honouring parent/whānau aspirations for their children. Biggles Team develop and maintain positive, respectful, trusting, engaging and reciprocal relationships with parents, whānau and the wider community.

We provide a natural outdoor environment which supports the children’s physical development, exploration, learning about nature, group social play while offering quiet spaces. Therefore the environment is considered the 3rd teacher (Fraser & Gestwickis, 2002).

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Kiwi Kapers Care and Education Centre

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Glen Eden - Auckland

Kiwi Kapers Care and Education Centre

Over the years, we have worked hard to employ friendly, professional staff who are eager to work together to create a comfortable and familiar learning environment. The centre now has five staff members that have been here with me between 6-9 years.

We employ Casey the caterpillar and jolly phonics in our play. Our main goal is to ensure that our children are introduced to fun and creative activities that will inspire their love of learning.

Some of our programmes include Fundamental Movement Skills to help connect each child’s brain development with physical growth, a transition to school programme with Prospect Primary, Konini Primary and Kaurilands Primary and bike riding lessons.

We offer 20 ECE hours free for all children aged three and above and can help parents with the application process for work and income subsidies if required. 

Licensed for

36 children

A picture of Aiga Salevalasi Charitable Trust

Glen Eden - Auckland

Aiga Salevalasi Charitable Trust

Welcome to Aiga Salevalasi Pre-School

Welcome to all.

Kia ora katou katoa. Talofa lava. Ni sa Bula Vinaka. Malo e lelei. Kia Orana. Faakalofa lahi atu. Welkom (South African). Willkommen (German). Huan Ying (Chinese). Anyounghaseayo (Korean). Yokoso (Japanese). Bien zenue (French). Swagatam ( Hindi). Salaam (Farsi/Dari).

The Aiga Salevalasi Aoga Amata (Charitable Trust) is the first purpose-built Pre-School Centre for the Samoan Community under the auspices of the New Zealand Ministry of Education.

Completed in early 1992 then renovated and extended in 2007, the Centre has developed and grown to become one of the leading exponents of a learning environment for Samoan language, culture and preschool education.

In an industry where formal education of the very young is seen as vitally important to the future of a nation, the Aiga Salevalasi Aoga Amata has for many years now been a proud flagbearer for Pacific Island and early childhood education.

The nature of today’s society demand also that young children and their parents are given every opportunity and support from local communities to achieve their goals and aspirations; not only for the individual but also for family and whanau. Early childhood education for Pacific children is one such opportunity.


Licensed for

23 children

A picture of Eden Cottage

Glen Eden - Auckland

Eden Cottage

Eden Cottage Early Learning and Care, offers each child and whānau/family an opportunity to participate in a play based nurturing educational environment that is founded on Christian principles. We believe that strong teamwork between management, educators and parents is imperative to the development of a positive, nurturing, safe and fun curriculum and environment for our children.

We encourage a sense of community within Eden Cottage by valuing our families and embracing all cultures, striving to ensure our programme is equitable and meaningful to all.

We believe that outcomes for children are best when centre management, educators and parents/guardians work in partnership. We provide opportunities for parent/guardian participation and contribution through voicing their aspiration for their children, cultural events and the Parents Forum.

We work alongside our families to support each child’s emotional, physical, spiritual, social and intellectual development through the provision of age appropriate learning experiences. We foster and encourage the development of social competency skills such as empathy, respect, collaboration and kindness.

We respect Te Titiri o Waitangi and work towards extending and providing children an understanding of Tikanga Māori and te reo Māori. In practice we implement this through: waiata (songs), karakia (prayer), kapu (phrases) and the celebration of Matariki. We acknowledge Māori as tangata whenua (people of the land) and welcome their participation and aspirations for our Māori tamariki.

Licensed for

38 children

A picture of Piwaka Early Learning Centre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Piwaka Early Learning Centre

Relationships are the foundation of our practices and the culture of Pīwaka Early Learning Centre. We value all interactions that take place and the learning experience that come with these interactions.

Through regular reflections we are able to analyse and critique our practices. This enables us to adapt to the ever changing and diverse needs of the children in our care. We are a community of learners that recognise that not only children benefit from collaborations and consultation, but families and teachers alike.

At Pīwaka we believe that the genuine relationships we build with others (adults, children, and whānau) are paramount to the quality of our service.

These relationships are developed through regular reflection, ensuring that all our interactions within our community are meaningful, inclusive, respectful, reciprocal and understanding.

Partnerships with parents/whānau are integral to children's holistic development. We therefore have an expectation that families will embrace and participate in their child’s learning environment. We endeavour to create an environment that celebrates and values cultural diversification along with the unique learning styles of all children in our care.

Licensed for

140 children

A picture of Talented Tots Childcare & Learning Centre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Talented Tots Childcare & Learning Centre

Kamara Road teachers offer a fun, friendly learning environment with one of the largest outdoor play spaces in West Auckland

Children love to explore inside and outside and enjoy lots of storytelling, music and movement opportunities throughout the day.

The centre team are highly experienced early childhood teachers. Many of our team has been teaching for over 20 years and are passionate about providing consistent high quality education and loving care for children at the centre.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Lifewise ECE Glen Eden

Glen Eden - Auckland

Lifewise ECE Glen Eden

Lifewise early childhood centres remove the cost barriers to high-quality early childhood education. We wrap our care and expertise around each child, so they’re nurtured, supported and able to thrive.

We’ll design a caring plan that works for your child

We start by sitting down with you to hear about what you want for your child. We’ll listen closely to understand their needs. Together we’ll create a plan for care that nurtures your child so they can flourish.

Our experienced teachers put your child at the centre of everything we do.


  • serve your child and make sure their needs come first
  • show children they have a right to speak
  • hear and respect your child’s wishes
  • value your child’s individuality
  • give your child time to do things at their own pace.
  • We create caring connections
  • Lifewise Early Childhood Education Centres nurture connections between children’s wellbeing, nature and whānau.
  • Keeping close to the natural environment is one of our strengths. 

We’ve designed our centres so we can:

  • connect with nature every day
  • let children learn about the power of Papatūānuku
  • have less plastic and more play gardens
  • stay grounded through the five senses
  • help children to explore and be creative through free play
  • welcome whānau to get involved
We build strong relationships
We help build strong relationships for children, whānau connections and communities of support for parents.

At Lifewise, this begins with how we treat every child. 


  • listen to children – always
  • are never too busy for kids
  • take time to enjoy and observe alongside children
  • let children lead group activities
  • show good behaviour and kindness with our own actions
  • grow support around our community of parents.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Blooming Buds Early Learning Centre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Blooming Buds Early Learning Centre

Blooming Buds is proudly locally owned and operated with our owners having years of invaluable early childhood experience. At Blooming Buds, we provide all day care in a secure, brand new, purpose built facility, where infants, toddlers and preschoolers are nurtured to flourish and grow towards becoming forward thinking and educated citizens of tomorrow. We place great emphasis on encouraging children in developing their social skills and aptitudes, thus, helping them to grow in confidence for the next big step in their lives.

Our philosophy


  • To provide an engaging, child-centred environment with a wide range of indoor/outdoor learning opportunities that allow children to explore and discover particular and unique interests.
  • To provide a child initiated play-based programme which helps young children in making physical, cognitive, social, and emotional connections, to develop relationships and build their social competency.
  • To provide an education and care centre where children are supported and trusted to self-regulate and make confident choices that are appropriate for their own level of readiness.
  • To provide children an opportunity to understand their own identity whilst developing knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritages of both parties of the Treaty, through the use of Tikanga and Te Reo throughout the programme.


  • We utilise every opportunity for children to learn about their community.
  • We provide and promote an inclusive environment that respects diversity, culture, and individual differences.
  • We are dedicated to offering guidance to our children and setting them on the path to being positive role models in society.


  • Our teachers intentionally support children’s learning and development using strategies such as role modelling and scaffolding.
  • Our teachers provide appropriate learning opportunities in each room to support continued learning and development.
  • Our teachers value each other's contributions and are committed to ongoing professional development.
  • Our teachers promote a calm, unhurried environment to ensure all children feel safe, comfortable, and nurtured.


  • We encourage family participation in children's learning and development as we believe that they are the first and primary caregivers and teachers.
  • We value strong partnerships between families and teachers and build a a community that is thoughtful, warm, and compassionate.
  • We encourage social interactions and bonding with siblings, family and friends.
  • We facilitate an open flow of communication with families while maintaining confidentiality and respecting their privacy.

Licensed for

120 children

A picture of Te Kōhanga Reo o Kākāriki

Glen Eden - Auckland

Te Kōhanga Reo o Kākāriki

Committed to the kaupapa of Te Reo Māori

At Te Kōhanga Reo o Kākāriki we believe a focus on learning through Te Ao Māori provides our tamariki with a caring environment where they build confidence and a strong cultural identity. 

Our tamariki and their whanau experience a secure and safe place where each member is entitled to respect and the best of care.

Through focused learning and play, we prepare our tamariki for the next stage of their education in kura kaupapa or a mainstream school with confidence in Te Reo Māori.

5 Reasons Whanau Love Kākāriki

  • Our dedicated kaimahi work hard to ensure that tamariki have days where learning is both stimulating and fun.
  • We prepare healthy and nutritious meals daily for your tamariki that will help keep them active and engaged.
  • Convenient hours are offered to accommodate your working whanau.
  • Located in West Auckland. We offer an extensive outdoor play area with a clean, well-resourced indoor space.
  • We welcome all whanau who want their children to learn and play in a full immersion te reo Māori environment.

Te Kōhanga Reo

The kōhanga reo movement is a unique initiative based on total immersion in Māori language and values with the aim of passing on Māori culture to future generations.

Kōhanga reo emphasise the revitalisation of the culture through te reo Māori and are dependent on the active participation of the whole whānau. The kaupapa of kōhanga reo aims to strengthen whānau capabilities in cultural, social, economic, spiritual and political matters. Education, health and wellbeing are inherent within all aspects of the kaupapa. The prime focus is the whānau – its collective development, growth, accountability and wellbeing set within a Māori cultural context.

Kōhanga reo do not regard tamariki in isolation, but as important members of the whānau. The kōhanga reo philosophy is that tamariki will benefit when whānau successfully operate according to the kaupapa. Tamariki are an integral part of whānau development.

The following key goals are the foundation of te kōhanga reo kaupapa established in 1982:

  • total immersion in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga in daily operations
  • whānau decision-making, management and responsibility
  • accountability
  • health and wellbeing of mokopuna and whānau.

The key goals of te kōhanga reo assure that there will be:

  • security in te reo Māori
  • a supportive, caring environment for mokopuna
  • whānau (collective) sharing of responsibilities, knowledge and expertise
  • greater respect and appreciation of each other.

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Talented Tots Early Childhood Centre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Talented Tots Early Childhood Centre

Loving care and education since 1999

You want the very best for your child, and so do we!  

​We know how important it is that your child receives both loving care and an innovative learning environment while they are away from you.  

Talented Tots was  founded in 1999 by mother-of-five Tina Kennedy, with the mission to provide high quality education and care in safe innovative learning spaces.  Tina continues to lead us in delivering this mission.

Since we first opened all those years ago we have established two more centres and become skilled at creating learning programmes and care routines that successfully support children to become happy, secure life long learners.  

We proudly employ teachers with whom we would entrust with the care of our own children and grandchildren, and we are hand-on-heart proud of the quality and commitment of our teaching and leadership teams.


Our philosophy is based on the principles and goals of Te Whariki, the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum.

Our staff and centres acknowledge and value the principles of The Treaty of Waitangi and ensure the success of all learners including Ministry of Education identified priority learners: Maori, Pacifica, Infants and Toddlers.

We aspire for all children to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.

We believe children learn and develop in an environment where they are happy, secure and that they enjoy themselves through being exposed to a wide range of learning opportunities, alongside warm caring staff.  This in turn will promote the holistic way that children learn.

We believe that early childhood experiences promote the well being of the parents, family and child, and will increase the opportunity for success throughout the child's life.

Each centre has an individualised teaching and learning philosophy statement displayed in the centre foyer.  

This centre caters for infants, toddler and young children in two separate rooms and outdoor play areas.  This ensures optimum safety for our youngest learners.

Each room has a Head Teacher who will work closely with you to develop an individual plan to support your child's transition and learning at the centre.

Children enjoy warm nutritious meals and snacks provided by our centre cook and the relaxed unhurried routines in the centre.  Being close to the local community our older children often visit the library enriching their love for reading and books. 

Upon enrolment you will have access to your child's online learning portfolio where teachers regularly post learning updates and photos of your child for you to enjoy and cherish.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Little Village Preschool

Glen Eden - Auckland

Little Village Preschool

We are a small, homely centre ready to offer you and your child/ren the peace of mind that they are receiving quality, holistic care, and education.

Our Vision

Where everyone has a place – by creating a warm, inviting environment we are able to provide children a safe space to explore and reach their highest potential.

Our Mission

We are committed to providing an environment where the child can unleash his or her full potential throughcuriosity, creativity, and play.

Our Philosophy

Here at the Little Village Preschool, we believe that by providing a safe and nurturing environment we are able to enrich the whole child. We are committed to providing an environment of learning that is stimulating, where the child can feel comfortable, thereby unleashing his or her full potential.

We strive to nurture socially competent children who are able to embrace life independently, resourcefully, and happily. We feel that children are natural born risk takers and believe that reinforcing a child’s thinking skills prepares them for all of life’s challenges.

We believe open communication with children, whanau and staff is essential in keeping a strong, responsive, and honest relationship. Open-mindedness towards diversity and cultural awareness is important not only for teaching but learning as well. We ensure our indigenous culture and language te reo Māori is encouraged through our daily practice as well as

Our staff acknowledge that relationships are fundamental to learning as well as the partnerships between whanau, centre, and staff. Each child and whanau deserve to be treated fairly and as individuals providing them with a sense of empowerment and belonging within the centre. We believe every child is part of our family and therefore so is their whanau.

We believe every child has an individual way of knowing, being and doing and should be respected. Inclusion and understanding of each child as an individual are crucial.

Leadership of the child and staff should be welcomed and encouraged through ideas, interests, and opinions.

At Little Village Preschool we respect and understand the power of play and exploration within the environment. We believe in creating strong, independent, resilient life-long learners who are confident and courageous as well as competent and creative.

Licensed for

35 children

A picture of Imagination Station Early Learning Centre

Glen Eden - Auckland

Imagination Station Early Learning Centre

Imagination Station Early Learning Centre is a privately owned purpose built centre where families and staff work together to provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere that promotes the happiness, well being and development of the children entrusted to our care.  We provide a safe and enriching learning environment that nurtures and respects well being meeting social, cultural, emotional, creative and physical needs.  Imagination Station offers quality early childhood education that is accessible, non-discriminatory and inclusive of the diversity of the children, parents and whanau that attend.

We believe that children learn and develop best when they are nurtured and extended by teachers who are responsive and who share with the child an understanding of the world.  We value the importance of children’s play in developing meaningful learning experiences. Our teachers are qualified and registered (ensuring high quality educational outcomes for all children) and teaching practice is reflective of current theories of learning and development.

At Imagination Station we also highly value the ongoing and further learning of teachers, parents and whanau.  We believe that the sharing of knowledge, skills and practices is fundamental to achieving best learning outcomes for children.

Licensed for

80 children