Childcare options in Tahunanui

Tahunanui has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Tahunanui

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Busy Bees Tāhunanui

Tahunanui - Nelson

Busy Bees Tāhunanui

Children at our centre will experience a caring, nurturing environment, one which promotes a positive self-image and respect for people, places and things. One which helps children build positive relationships, where they experience and learn the importance of trust and honesty, and where they develop a sense of independence and autonomy. 

We regularly organise excursions within our local community and invite local services and outside organisations to be part of our localised curriculum.

We celebrate the diverse cultures that make up our centre community by acknowledging each child's unique background and incorporating these elements into our daily curriculum. This fosters a sense of belonging. We also take pride in our centre traditions, such as farewells for children when they turn 5 and transition to school!

We would be honoured to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to enquire and/or book a visit anytime.

Our Philosophy

Manaakitanga - Kindness

We believe that every child’s voice is essential and should be heard, respected, and advocated for. We will create a safe, respectful, and positive environment where all tamariki can flourish.

Whanaungatanga - Relationships

Our aim is to enhance the bond between whānau and Busy Bees Tāhunanui by fostering an environment where whānau feel secure to openly communicate and share their aspirations, joys, and concerns with kaimahi.

Kotahitanga - Togetherness

We strive to create an environment where every team member feels a strong sense of belonging and partnership. Our objective is to offer opportunities for kaiako to freely express their passion for teaching and learning.

Ako - Learn and Teach

For tamariki to build knowledge, they need the freedom to explore in authentic situations. We will provide opportunities for tamariki to pursue their interests through hands-on activities co-created by tamariki and kaiako. Our kaiako design the necessary time, spaces, and resources to support learning, allowing each akonga to discover, develop, and grow.

Tangata Whenua - Indigenous People

Māori are the tangata whenua of New Zealand, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the foundational document of our nation. We are committed to offering a curriculum that acknowledges and reflects our bicultural and multicultural communities by providing culturally responsive and engaging learning contexts.

Licensed for

76 children

A picture of Tahunanui Kindergarten

Tahunanui - Nelson

Tahunanui Kindergarten

Tahunanui Kindergarten

Harakeke and Te Rito

Mahia nga mahi o nga tamariki hei apopo ka tu hei rangatira

Fulfil the needs of our children and tomorrow they stand strong

Our large outdoor environments enable us to offer a wide range of activities for children to develop their physical skills and confidence; this has a direct correlation to brain development and their academic learning.

To enhance what we already have in our own backyard we access Burrell Park to run Physical Fun sessions.

Flexible, moveable equipment ensures we provide appropriate physical challenges for children from the day they start kindergarten to the day they leave.

We underpin our programme with clear and positive expectations that help develop social competence in children.

During their time at kindergart

In Harakeke​ we are using the language of 'Habits of Mind' to grow your child's image of themselves as a learner, their understanding of how they learn, and to challenge them to experience new ways of learning.en, children build positive relationships with each other and are encouraged to consider others in their play.

Licensed for

80 children

A picture of Paula's Tiny Tots Tahunanui

Tahunanui - Nelson

Paula's Tiny Tots Tahunanui

We are passionate about paying attention to your childs needs.

So at Paula's Tiny Tots we've kept things small - from the class size to the furniture, our custom-designed indoor and outdoor play areas and our warm and nurturing teachers provide just the right amount of challenge and support for your growing baby or toddler.

We have created a homely environment where families feel welcome and comfortable, and children are relaxed and calm.

The teachers are warm, empathetic and nurturing. All permanent staff are either qualified early childhood teachers or are teachers in training.

The outdoor area has been constructed to allow for children to freely move about and explore.  Our numerous resources and lots of space indoors allow for young minds to develop and grow at their own pace. Our huge back year is used all year round for exploring and play. There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing! (Waterproof pants are available to purchase).

Licensed for

15 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

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