Childcare options in Ellerslie

Ellerslie has a few daycare, childcare and early childhood education options. Book a visit or enquire at any one of them with Kindello. We're here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your child.


Top-rated childcare in Ellerslie

Parents agree these childcare options are highly rated for location, staff, and more.

A picture of Michael Park Kindergarten

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Michael Park Kindergarten

Michael Park Kindergarten is part of Michael  School, an interegted Rudolf Stenier school offering education for children aged 3 to 18 years.

Aroha: loving interest in and acceptance of tamariki and their whānau (family) is at the heart of our philosophy.

This whakatauki describes how we see our purpose.

“Akiaki te tī o tangata”
To nurture the indescribable light in a person

Our Philosophy

Tō mātou rapunga whakaaro

Michael Park recognises and value the interconnectedness of:

Te Taha Tinana – the active physical and physiological aspects, which in Steiner education recognises the involvement of life forces (etheric) in vitality and learning.

Te Taha Whatumanawa – heart and emotions, which in Steiner education is enriched through the arts and creativity.

Te Taha Hinengaro – the mind, which in Steiner education is stimulated by open ended opportunity to bring ideas to life in play.

Te Taha Wairua – the spiritual core, which in Steiner education is at the centre of identity and self organisation and influenced by the quality of human relationships.


Te Tūhura me te Tākaro

The spontaneous, self-directed play of tamariki is valued as an essential activity and seen as a (an innate) childhood right. Play is an opportunity to meaningfully make sense of experience and integrate cognitive and problem-solving skills, creativity and imagination, self-expression, concentration, investigation, language, numeracy and social skills.

Artistic activities and creative experience further children’s capacity to speak, listen and communicate well with others. Storytelling, waiata (singing), drawing and painting, rhythmic games, modelling and craft foster the healthy development of imagination and creativity.


Te taiao

As soon as you step inside, you’ll notice the home-like feeling of inviting colours, earthy tones, and handmade wooden toys – you will also hear the giggles of children happily at play!

Kaiako (teachers) create a learning environment where there is meaningful adult activity for children to imitate. Practical mahi (work) such as cooking, baking, gardening, craft and caring for the environment is woven into daily, weekly and seasonal rhythms.

Daily Life

Ngā Nekeneke

A glimpse into the daily life of Michael Park Kindergarten … a place where food, rhythms, festivals and whānau are appreciated and celebrated.

Children bring a lunchbox every day.  In keeping with our Steiner philosophy there is no packaged or sugary food in lunch boxes. Meals are served and eaten together in the spirit of love and gratitude.  We also like to cook with the children as part of curriculum.  Food is prepared with care and respect to support healthy eating habits, digestion and physical development. Where possible, it is grown organically or biodynamically.

Rhythm is seen  important for children as it allows them to expand out into the world and then to come together in a more focused experience. Rhythm creates a feeling of wellbeing and joy that helps children feel secure, relaxed and eager to play. At our Steiner kindergarten, rhythms are simple and unhurried. Teachers plan their work, yet there are always opportunities for spontaneous events which arise out of momentary needs – of a child, a good idea or request, the weather, nature or an unexpected happening.

Festivals, including birthdays, seasonal and cultural festivals, Easter and Christmas are celebrated in a variety of ways. We value festivals as they give opportunities for the children to experience joy and wonder, giving and receiving, caring for others, a sense of belonging, being special and valued.

Our priorities for Learning:

  • Tamariki develop holistically becoming active, healthy, physically capable and able to self-regulate.
  • Tamariki grow into socially and emotionally secure individuals.
  • Tamariki have plenty of opportunity to play with depth and purpose and are able pursue their own ideas.
  • Tamariki experience successful transitions and are ready to meet the challenges of school.
  • Tamariki develop a robust sense of self valuing their identities, languages and cultures and unique identity.

Mixed Age Whanau Grouping

There are four kindergarten groups, each with children of mixed ages from 4-6 years old. There is also a Rose Cottage group for children aged 3-4 years old.  We give thoughtful consideration to these groupings, ensuring that children who share a first language, family relationship (i.e., siblings or cousins) or cultural connection are grouped together.

Transition to School

The kindergarten and school aim to maintain a distinct curriculum that is age appropriate and developmentally attuned. The stepping stones between kindergarten and Class 1 are aligned.

Tamariki move from Kindergarten to school at the beginning of the school year, after they have turned 6. Each year, in Term 4, the school organises visits to the school for those children moving to Class 1.

Hours and Term Dates

The kindergarten is open from 8.30am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday, for tamariki aged 3 to 6 years.

We give thoughtful consideration to these groupings, ensuring that children who share a first language, family relationship (i.e., siblings or cousins) or cultural connection are grouped together in mixed age groups.

We follow the same term dates as the school.

Licensed for

100 children

A picture of Pohutukawa Kindergarten Ellerslie

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Pohutukawa Kindergarten Ellerslie


Pohutukawa Kindergarten is a small private kindergarten that opened in July, 2007. We cater for 2-5 year old children, offering a range of sessions throughout the school term.

Our Philosophy

We believe that each child is an individual with unique strengths, interests and character. We will endeavor to support each child and their family/whanau to grow to their full potential


Melanie Metson is the owner and manager and holds a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education. She has more than 15 years of experience in caring for children in all types of environments.

Licensed for

36 children

A picture of Adventureland Early Learning Centre - Ellerslie

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Adventureland Early Learning Centre - Ellerslie

Kia Ora and welcome to Adventureland Early Learning Centre in Ellerslie!

The aim of our childcare centre is to provide a safe and comfortable daycare environment where your child can feel “at home”. The centre strives for a relaxed atmosphere where each child can feel love and respect while being in a place where they can also be challenged and their learning experience extended.

We believe that a strong and supportive bond between our childcare centre, your child and your family is imperative to assist in the learning development and progress of each child in our care.

Things that make Adventureland stand apart:

Conveniently located and affordably priced, Adventureland offers high quality learning and care for children from 3 months to 5 years. We are proud to create environments where children explore, learn and play in an inviting learning environment in which they feel a sense of belonging. Scroll to see the many reasons to choose Adventureland for you child.

Our centre has been designed with large open-plan, child-friendly spaces rather than lots of little rooms. Everything is open and transparent and younger children can watch and learn from the older children. Carefully selected home-like furnishing and resources create a home away from home and a warmth that fosters a sense of belonging.

We have a huge outdoor grassed area with a variety of challenging facilities. Children are naturally curious and here they have the freedom to explore their outdoor environment and connect with nature. Combined with our warm interiors that invite curious minds, the centre is perfect for discovery and growth.

Our high-quality learning programme and purpose-built centre is competitively priced. We also offer 20-hour free ECE programme and WINZ subsidies. For a limited time, we are also offering a free childcare trial. Centre subsidies are also offered. Contact the centre manager for information on this initiative.

Good nutrition lays the foundation for holistic learning. We offer fresh, nutritious food, made in the centre by our on-site cook. With a four-week rotating menu, our fabulous on-site cook creates one hot meal a day plus fresh fruit and vegetables, and beautiful baking for our children to enjoy.

We are child-focused with an emphasis on learning through play rather than intensely pressured, regimented learning. We enjoy weekly visits to the library. Our transition-to-school programme is tailored to the children and carried out at their pace, not just done to discharge a duty.

Our teachers love what they do and whom they spend their days with – your child. You will see this via glowing stories in your child’s portfolio. To ensure our teachers are at the forefront of early childhood education, we ensure they participate in professional development programmes.

Children love music! So we have music lessons once a week to grow that passion and develop their musical ability.

We figure you have enough to worry about so we take care of your child’s nappy requirements for you.

We can't wait to show you around our centre - book a visit today!

Licensed for

60 children

Childcare for every family

Get the childcare option that is right for you and your child.

Popular features for Ellerslie childcare centres

Other great childcare options in Ellerslie

A picture of Ellerslie Kindergarten

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Ellerslie Kindergarten

Ellerslie, with a focus on innovative and creative teaching, family and community involvement and preparation for school. Emotional and physical wellbeing is protected and encouraged here, as we adapt to, and respect each child’s individual’s needs.

We are more than just another Ellerslie daycare provider – Our Kindergarten experience is one which sets children up for ongoing learning and actively participating in the world around them. As part of this, we have a strong focus on sustainability and four main tenets of our programmes: belonging (mana whenua), contribution (mana tangata), communication (mana reo) and exploration (mana aoturoa).

Not all Ellerslie childcare options are the same. As part of the Auckland Kindergarten Association, we are more than just a care provider – we are a learning centre with a charitable purpose and strong links to the community, a way for kids to prepare for the transition to school. The whole family is involved at a kindergarten, and the important people in a child’s life are an integral part of the learning process.

Highly qualified, passionate and purposeful staff lead the way in providing an environment that grows confident, happy children who are prepared to take their place in the world.

Our staff is made up of registered teachers, all qualified in early childhood education and passionate about what they do at our kindergarten in Ellerslie. We proudly follow the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whãriki. We follow and extend our children’s interests in a fun and well planned programme.

Our learning philosophy

For the past 110 years, the Auckland Kindergarten Association has been igniting young minds by encouraging them to explore their imaginations through play. For many of us, kindergarten was where we began our life of learning; it was where we started learning skills like sharing, tolerance, patience, respect and self-confidence.

We view children as capable, competent, life-long learners, and our philosophy encourages children to make their own learning choices, problem-solve and observe and explore at their own pace…with support from teachers, parents, wider whānau and their peers. We value the importance of child-initiated, play-based experiences. Our kindergarten teachers nurture your children’s interests and natural curiosity by working alongside them, expanding language and introducing mathematical and science concepts, as well as literacy, digital technology and sustainable practices.

Our centres have gardens and natural outdoor spaces where children can create, explore, be imaginative and expressive. There’s plenty of room to safely run about, being imaginative and physically active. In fact, the natural world is essential to free-range play. AKA encourages each kindergarten community to explore and enrich their diversity and uniqueness. Some have regular excursions into the local community; some are Enviroschool kindergartens that live and breathe sustainable practices; while others engage in long-term research on child interest-based programmes of learning.

As an organisation, we formally acknowledge the dual heritage of Aotearoa / New Zealand, and work to uphold the spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in each kindergarten. We are accessible, secular and welcoming to the wide diversity of tamariki and whānau who attend our centres, and value ongoing partnerships between teaching teams and leadership staff with families and whānau. We value ongoing learning for teachers, parents and whānau, and the sharing of knowledge, skills and attributes is fundamental to achieving the best learning outcomes for children. Teachers and staff can access collegial professional time to ensure that quality practice is enhanced so current theories of learning and development within New Zealand’s world-class Te Whāriki early childhood curriculum are shared and understood.

Children learn

Children in our kindergartens have the opportunity to:

  • Feel confident, develop responsibility and a sense of independence
  • Play meaningfully alongside other children and adults
  • Develop effective communication skills
  • Persevere, problem-solve and take risks
  • Explore limits, boundaries, routines and conflict resolution strategies
  • Practice fine motor skills such as threading, writing, cutting and grasping
  • Develop gross motor play such as physical games like climbing, throwing, kicking, balancing and lifting
  • Develop creative expressions through painting, music, collage, movement, dance, finger-painting, drawing, cutting, pasting and story sharing
  • Develop early numeracy, literacy and science skills
  • Learn techniques through trial and error
  • Explore the world through experimenting, questioning and curiosity
  • Develop confidence and celebrate both attempts and successes
  • Develop a passion for learning and a love of life
  • Have fun!

Older children will be supported in their transition to school to make this process as simple and seamless as possible. Book a visit here on Kindello today, we’d love to meet you.

Licensed for

40 children

A picture of Natural Steps (Ellerslie Village)

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Natural Steps (Ellerslie Village)

Children learn best when learning is meaningful and playful 

Choosing the right early childhood centre is a huge decision;

perhaps even one of the most important choices you will make for your child and your family. 

You need to be certain that your child is cared for in an environment that fits well with your family values, provides natural educational opportunities and develops confidence, friendships and self-awareness along the way. 

Most of all, you want your child to be happy, cared for and to have fun.

At Natural Steps we believe we meet those challenges. Our carefully thought-out curriculum, experienced team and well designed centres are here to support and nurture the children in our care, working with you to give them the best possible start in life.

About Us

Natural Steps Early Childhood Centre was founded in 2009 by Early Childhood teacher Maria Anstis, who has been in the education industry for 35 years. Maria holds a nursing qualification, worked overseas as a nanny and has an early childhood teaching qualification.  Her passion for best practice in early childhood development is based on extensive study, experience and an ongoing professional development with groups within New Zealand and worldwide.  Natural Steps is a member of national and international childcare organizations and Maria attends and presents at national and international conferences.

As a mother of two children it has given her valuable insight from a parent's perspective.  The Natural Steps philosophy has its roots based firmly in this commitment to developing the whole child with strong communications with parents.

Licensed for

65 children

A picture of The Y Early Learning Centre - Ellerslie

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Ellerslie - Auckland

The Y Early Learning Centre - Ellerslie

Welcome to The Y Early Learning Centre

Early education is an important step in your child’s life. It could be preschool, kindergarten or an early learning centre – making the right choice is important for you and your family.

Prepare your child for a quality future through nourishment and strength in a safe, caring environment. The Y (formerly YMCA) supports skill, social, emotional and cognitive development through three core themes – nature, nurture and being active, which will allow your child to connect with themselves, their environment and their community.

All of our centres have access to open spaces, greenery and trees. We believe that exploring nature builds curiosity and makes learning fun for our tiny curious explorers of Earth.

Nourishment starts from within as we support your child with social skills, courage and perseverance for their own development milestones – giving them a strong start to their best life.

The Y has been supporting Kiwi kids to live actively since 1855. We’re the experts in fundamental movement skills, leading to a lifelong love of being active. Y children jump, dance and have fun as they play and learn.

Why Choose The Y Early Learning Centres?

20 Hours Free

The Y Early learning centres offer 20 ECE hours free for all children aged 3 and over

Fully Licensed

Our centres are fully licensed childcare and education facilities under the Ministry of Education for children aged 6 months - 6 years

MOE Audited & Accredited

Our early learning centres are audited and accredited by the Ministry of Education

WINZ Subsidies Available

WINZ Subsidies are available for qualified families

Qualified Staff

Our staff are fully trained, professionally qualified and committed to on-going personal development

Safeguarding Accredited

YMCA North is Aotearoa’s first and only accredited organisation through the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) as a child-safe organisation

Licensed for

30 children

A picture of Lollipops Millennium

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Lollipops Millennium

Conveniently located in the heart of Ellerslie’s business district, Lollipops Millennium offers high quality care and education for Under Fives. Our culturally diverse and highly experienced teaching team will nurture and inspire your child, unlocking their passion for learning, exploration and discovery.

Safe, caring and welcoming, our centre features different rooms for each age and stage, and a fantastic outdoor area where children can build physical skills and even grow their own vegetables. Our rich, well thought out curriculum lays the foundations for a lifelong love of learning, setting kids up for a bright and happy future.

Our Philosophy

Every child is a unique individual with their own strengths, abilities and passions. At Lollipops Millennium our children feel a sense of belonging and value within their environment, secure in the knowledge that their voice is welcomed and heard.

Here are some of the things we value:

  • An environment that is inclusive and respectful, where all children and their families/whanau feel comfortable, accepted and safe in their surroundings
  • Passionate, caring and nurturing teachers that provide a collaborative and enriching learning environment
  • We endeavour to create lifelong learners who are enthusiastic and prepared for their next stages of learning
  • Strong relationships with our families/whanau
  • Strong support of a bi-cultural approach to learning including the importance of te reo Maori
  • We celebrate diversity
  • We build connections with each of our children, giving them the time, opportunities, space and freedom to learn and grow at their own pace

Our rooms

Lollipops Millennium has four separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.  


Specially designed for our children from birth to 18 months, we follow the child ‘s routine at home and offer a high quality care and education for children.


Children stay in our Tuis room from 18 months of age until they are approximately 2 years 8 months or 3 years old. They have a large area to explore and the freedom to choose what they want to do. It is a mixed age group so there are lots of opportunities for tiena tuakana relationships.


Our Kiwis room caters for children aged 2.8/3 years to 4 years of age. This is the age

when children listen as well as ask so many questions. Our teachers help research these questions and offer a quality education to the children.


This is where our 4 to 5 year olds prepare for the next phase of their learning journey - school. We have a great transition to school programme and liaise with two local schools (Oranga Primary and St Mary’s Catholic School) taking children there for visits. A lot of our focus in this room is on building social competence and self-help skills.

Why choose us?

There are a host of reasons why so many families choose Lollipops Millennium. Here are just a few of them:

  • Conveniently located in a business complex so great for parents working in the vicinity
  • Teachers work around the interests of the children and set up activities accordingly
  • Outings to extend children’s interests (even for our babies thanks to our four-seater buggies!)
  • Celebrate many cultural events
  • Dress up days
  • Special birthday and graduation ceremonies
  • Vegetable garden which the children tend - and we use what they grow in our cooking
  • Excellent transition to school programme including visits to the local primary school
  • Onsite chef creates delicious healthy meals, including morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack
  • Multicultural environment
  • Huge outdoor area

Our team of dedicated teachers provide the  highest quality care and education,  delivering rich and inspiring learning experiences and environments that bring out the best in every child. Unlock your child’s unique potential.

Licensed for

85 children

A picture of Active Explorers Central Park

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Ellerslie - Auckland

Active Explorers Central Park

Nestled in the heart of Ellerslie’s business district, Active Explorers Central Park is the ideal home away from home for busy families who work in the area. Fully renovated in 2015, our centre offers state of the art learning resources, spacious vibrant rooms, and fantastic new outdoor play areas.

With a strong team of dedicated teachers, two separate rooms for each age and stage, and separate outdoor spaces for under and over 2s, we have everything your child needs to have fun, learn and thrive.

Our philosophy

At Active Explorers Central Park, we believe that the environment plays an integral role in children's growth and development, and responsive and reciprocal relationships with our entire learning community are at the heart of all we do. We recognise Maori as Tangata Whenua and the special relationship inherent in the Treaty of Waitangi. We celebrate all cultural celebrations within the centre and encourage children and families to share knowledge, skills and experiences with the community.

Our rooms

Active Explorers Central Park has two separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.Active Explorers Central Park has two separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.

Little Kiwis

Our spacious and welcoming infant area caters for our birth to 2 year olds and is a safe and nurturing space where children have the freedom to explore. There is a separate area for babies under 1, as well as a separate sleep room.

Clever Keas

Our Clever Keas are our 2 to 5 year olds, and their home away from home is a spacious and vibrant space that also has a beautiful partially covered outdoor area. That means kids can get outside regardless of the Auckland weather!

Why choose us?

There are a host of reasons why so many families choose Active Explorers Central Park. Here are just a few of them:

  • Conveniently located for parents who work in Ellerslie’s business district
  • Onsite cook makes healthy, delicious morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
  • Healthy Heart bronze award
  • Newly revamped outdoor area filled with fun activities
  • Extended hours great for working parents (7:30 am to 6:00 pm)
  • Multicultural, inclusive environment
  • We embrace all cultural celebrations and festivals
  • Purpose built to provide the optimal learning environment

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Active Explorers Ellerslie

Ellerslie - Auckland

Active Explorers Ellerslie

At Active Explorers Ellerslie we know children are our future.

We believe each child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world – and it’s our job to help them develop that potential. Conveniently located on the Ellerslie/Mt Wellington border, our purpose built centre offers high quality educational resources and a team of dedicated teachers who love what they do. We empower children to discover who they are, so they can express their own opinions and develop their own ideas.

Active Explorers Ellerslie celebrates difference, embraces multiculturalism, and goes the extra mile to ensure our families feel just as welcome here as our children do. Become a part of the Active Explorers community and set your child up for a bright future.

Our philosophy

At Active Explorers we encourage children to become lifelong learners by developing intellectual curiosity and a thirst for discovery and achievement.  We strive to create a diverse community that fosters mutual respect and social responsibility, enhanced by a strong partnership between home and the centre.

Our unique curriculum is guided by the following core values:

RESPECT – developing a positive feeling of esteem

EXPLORATION – discovering with a curious and enquiring mind

EMPOWERMENT – celebrating every child’s achievements

RESILIENCE – encouraging and developing the confidence to keep trying

ENJOYMENT – ensuring life is fun

Our rooms

We have five purpose built areas which enable us to deliver meaningful and age appropriate learning programmes.

Nursery One and Nursery Two Rooms

Our two lovely Nursery rooms cater for our children aged from 3 months to 14 months and 15 months to 2 years. They have a maximum of 25 children, cared for by seven teachers. We follow a Pikler-based approach, allowing children to discover as much as possible on their own, with the comfort of knowing that their teachers are close by. The teacher’s role is that of a keen observer, in tune with ‘their’ child, able to ‘read’ when they need assistance.

Toddler Room

The Toddlers Room is for our 2 to 3 years old, with five teachers and a maximum of 25 children. This is where children's independence is extended and built upon. Teachers encourage children to develop their self-help skills through a range of indoor and outdoor activities. Language and social skills are developed through daily activities built into our programme

Preschool One and Preschool Two Rooms

These vibrant spaces are home to our 3 to 5 year olds, with seven teachers and 50 children across both rooms. Here we embrace inquiry based learning, through a programme that supports independence, group and individual learning experiences. A range of indoor and outdoor activities are provided daily. We have a strong focus on assisting children in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and nurture their own ideas.

Why choose us?

There are a host of reasons why families choose Active Explorers Ellerslie. Here are just a few of them:

  • Healthy Heart Gold Award menu
  • Three meals plus late snack
  • Free nappies
  • Graduation photobook for children leaving for school  
  • Sports session with the toddlers
  • Weekly playball sessions for all preschoolers in terms one and four
  • Excellent transition to school programme for our 4 year olds 
  • Special excursions twice a year
  • Regular excursions to Paper Road, the local playground, local shops and parks for all children
  • Weekly excursions to Panmure Library for our preschoolers
  • Monthly visits to Edmund Hillary Retirement Village and the residents come to visit our preschool each month too. At Christmas, all preschoolers go to the village to sing carols
  • Informal yoga and bootcamp for the preschoolers
  • Cultural celebrations - Chinese New Year, St Patrick’s Day, Pasifika Festival, Easter, Matariki, Diwali, Halloween (family picnic at the centre), Christmas
  • Family celebrations - Mother’s Day Breakfast, Father’s Day Breakfast, Grandparents Week
  • Fundraising events twice a year, such as Healthy Heart Day, Daffodil Day, Red Nose Day and Crazy Hair Day
  • Bi-monthly Bike Day 

Licensed for

100 children

A picture of Ellerslie Playcentre

Ellerslie - Auckland

Ellerslie Playcentre

At Ellerslie Playcentre, our children are supported to become confident, competent self-directed learners through play based around their interests. Our children gain knowledge through play, participation and positive guidance.

Our Children’s curiosity and creativity is nurtured through the fun range of experiences provided. Exploration, messy play, imagination and creativity underpin each of our sessions.… no two days at Playcentre are the same.

Our children develop nurturing and social skills which have lifelong benefits. Siblings attend together, allowing older children to mentor younger children and practise empathy and caring.

Our parental relationships developed through Playcentre provide support from parents and help them develop new parenting and life skills. We also regularly hold social events for parents as well as our Whanau, often these are extended to our past members too. At Ellerslie Playcentre we also have a maternity policy to support our Mothers with the new editions to their families that sees us provide meals and other support. 

Our parents are actively involved in providing our children’s learning programmes. The high adult to child ratio allows a good balance for group and individual support during each session.

There is no other organisation for early childhood education and family development quite like it in the world. Thousands of kiwi children, and their parents too, have grown up with Playcentre.

We welcome children from birth up to 6 years of age/school. We are open Monday to Friday 9am – 12pm and have a big kids drop off session ‘Shooting Stars’ specifically designed for our tamariki aged three years and over on a Thursday 9am – 1pm

Licensed for

25 children

A picture of The Learning Corner Early Learning Centre

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Ellerslie - Auckland

The Learning Corner Early Learning Centre

Down a long driveway, just off the Main Highway, is a beautiful home and garden that has been converted to a boutique Childcare Centre. Large trees grace our playground, providing natural shade and plenty of places to rest. The Learning Corner is a home away from home for your child – our warm environment and special gardens foster curiosity and comfort. Choosing the right place for your child is an important decision so please come and see The Learning Corner for yourself, meet our teachers and spend some time with us.

For quality daycare, childcare and preschool in Ellerslie at affordable prices, please get in touch or book a visit. We look forward to welcoming you and your child in becoming part of The Learning Corner whanau

At the Learning Corner we truly value the importance of family. We encourage parents and whanau to share in their child’s development while in our care, working in partnership to create the best possible environment for their child to thrive within. Our caring and qualified teachers ensure that the children’s needs are a priority while maintaining a fun and interactive learning environment for all.

Licensed for

60 children

A picture of Shooting Stars Daycare

Ellerslie - Auckland

Shooting Stars Daycare

This is a unique Auckland childcare centre well established within the Ellerslie community. As we have a maximum of 17 children that attend at one time, this gives each child a fantastic opportunity to learn in a homely environment with excellent teacher to child ratios.

We have a close and well established team who are committed to providing a homely and engaging environment that is filled with opportunities to spark curiosity and learning for your child.

A child's early learning journey is a privilege, to be inclusive in the building of early learning experiences. Celebrations of success and challenges is a highlight at Shooting Stars as we nurture and support children to grow,  along with encouraging self discoveries through play. We encourage parents/whanau to be inclusive of each child's meaningful learning journey. 

We are passionate about supporting children to develop healthy self esteem, have the confidence to take risks and have a growth mindset while creating a true joy and curiosity for learning more each day. As a professional teaching team we understand the importance of observing, recognising and responding to each child's strengths and interests, often learning alongside children and enjoying the sure joy of discovering new learning together. This aligns to the concept of 'ako' which is embedded into our Shooting Stars values.

Licensed for

17 children

A picture of Kiddie Garden Learning Corner

Ellerslie - Auckland

Kiddie Garden Learning Corner

Vision Statement

Our vision is to provide comprehensive and advance curriculum, partnering the parents, Whanau and caregivers where we empower our children to thrive.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to nurture and educate children from 3 months to 5 year's old in a wide-range child care program. We are committed to providing a stable and secure learning environment where our teachers strive to provide the best professional care and services to our children.

Core Value

Quality – Our curriculum is professionally designed and regularly reviewed to ensure our children have a high standard service.

Diversity – Our team and services respect and reflect the differences in the communities we serve.

Education – We understand the developmental needs and interests of children throughout different ages and stages of their development. We ensure that our education programme is tailored to the needs to provide them opportunity to succeed.

Growth – We review our services and curriculum regularly and our team are on professional development programme to ensure we grow together!

Relationship Driven – People matter and relationships matter. Building strong relationships with our children, with families and among our teaching team to ensure we provide the best care to our children.

Licensed for

50 children

A picture of Little Wings Early Childhood Education & Care Centre

Ellerslie - Auckland

Little Wings Early Childhood Education & Care Centre

Providing quality care and education from our heart...

Little Wings is a boutique early childhood education centre at the heart of Ellerslie.

A team of kind, passionate, responsible and professional teachers are committed to creating a welcoming, respectful, dynamic and nurturing learning environment for your little one.

Little Wings offers a Freedom-within-Structure guided early learning environment where children are encouraged to explore, discover, learn and make meaning in a dynamic and organised environment. We advocate moral values education as an integral part of our learning environment where children are guided to learn through behavioural role modelling and clear expectations.

Our educational goals are to provide a well-balanced learning programme through participatory hands-on experiences, which encourage creativity and resilience. It is also our goal to participate in the learning journey with young children, to gain knowledge and moral values, to support children in appropriate decision making, and to motivate a love of lifelong learning.

Little Wings is thoughtfully designed in respect of the residential feel of the house, provides a comfortable, home-like environment for the children and families and educators.

The interior learning environment is divided into the under two’s area and over two’s area, which are separated by the central kitchen and bathroom.

The under two’s play area opens to the north for warmth, and is a quieter area away from the street. The over two's have an L shaped play area, which links to the art-room by a covered veranda with natural lighting. Children in both areas have their own access to the outdoor environment connected with a spacious decking area, where children are free to lead their own exploration through fluid learning opportunities. The mature Pohutukawa tree is a specially valued feature at Little Wings. It is particularly incorporated into the over two children’s outdoor space so the older children are encouraged to learn and reason through interactions with the natural world.

The values we uphold at Little Wings are inspired by the early childhood curriculum of Te Whāriki, and acknowledgement of te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Tina Liu  

Centre director and full-registered ECE teacher

Licensed for

30 children